Thursday, August 2, 2012

Crash: Jameson's New Nickname

I know I have said it before, but I feel like I get a reminder daily of just how much Jameson means to me and just how full of love my heart is for him. And, consequently, just how much my heart hurts when he is sick or in pain. In a matter of 24 hours, we had a sprain and pulled muscle and near heart failure for me! Sunday morning, Jameson was going up the stairs and landed on his ankle wrong and rolled it. He was unable to put pressure on it right after and kept falling down and crying. Darin and I figured we needed to head to the ER in case it was broken since he couldn't stand on it. However, in the time it took for us to pack up some snacks, water and entertainment, Jameson stopped crying and seemed better. We headed back inside and decided we would hang out for a bit to see if we actually did need to go to the ER. He yelped a few times when he walked, but for the most part, looked like it was probably just a sprain or twist. Darin called the nurse line and the nurse basically said to keep an eye on it and give him some Advil and try to ice it if possible (ha, good luck doing that with a very mobile 17 month old!). We decided to head to the grocery store since that would keep him off his feet for awhile. By the time we got home, he was basically ready for a little snack, some Little Einsteins and a nap!

When he woke up, he yelped a little when he walked, but quickly got over that. After lunch, he was running and walking around like nothing had happened. We even went to the pool that night with my parents and the Hahns! He was a bit clingy with my Mom when we first got there, but ended up running around and having a blast. He was a rockstar, even with an injured ankle! Darin gave him a bath, we read a few books and then he went to bed with no issues.

Until...4AM when we were awoken with a terrifying scream. I looked at the monitor and he was sitting up and crying. I figured maybe it was because he lost his plug. Darin went it and quickly realized that it was something else because he wouldn't stop crying. Darin picked him up and I could hear Jameson slowly start to calm down and then I heard the familiar creak of the recliner and then silence. I think I got a few more minutes of sleep, but was awoken again by painful screaming, followed by the most pitiful cries for his "mamamamamamama". I ran in there and he was just hysterical. I am sure an x-ray would have shown my heart breaking just a little! I rocked with him and he was just squeezing me. I examined his ankle and pushed on it, but that didn't seem to be the source of the pain. After a bit, I brought him into our bed and turned on some Sesame Street and Little Einsteins. He seemed a little better, even laughing and talking a little. But, every time he moved, he would scream and then after awhile, he was back to screaming non-stop.

While Darin called the nurse line again, I brought him downstairs to get some milk and possibly some breakfast, as we figured he was probably starving at this time. He really didn't want much to do with it, but managed to get in a few sips. And, then we were back to the non-stop crying. He couldn't even open his poor little eyes because he was so tired, but I was worried he wasn't getting enough air with as heavy as he was crying. I was about 2 seconds away from jumping in a cold shower with him when he stopped and hugged me tightly and laid his head on my shoulder. At that point, I walked upstairs, rocked him a bit and then laid him down. He fussed a little, but feel asleep.

About 2 1/2 hours later, I got a call from Kim, who was in tears, and I could hear him screaming in the background. I called the nurse and she said to take him to Prompt Care because they can do some x-rays and we won't have to wait as long as the ER. I flew out of work faster than I could blink and rushed home. When I got home, we watched him a little more, and realized that it was not his ankle, but looked like it could be his hip or something. After a little bit more observation, we realized that he could not turn his neck to the left. At all. Ugh. He was screaming at the doc's office and Kim and I were in tears a few different times. They were able to do a full check on him and pretty much diagnosed him with a pulled muscle/pinched nerve. Nothing we can do but give him Advil. Awesome. My poor child is screaming and wincing in pain every time he moves and we can't do anything for him. And, I have had pinched nerves in my neck and I would rank that up there with some of the worst pain.

By the time we got home, the Advil from earlier must have kicked in because he was MUCH happier. He even started climbing on stuff and ate some snacks. He could still not really turn his neck, but he seemed slightly more comfortable. I stayed and played for 45 minutes or so and then headed off to work. He saw me off with a wave and a kiss and I felt better. Kim texted me at lunch saying that he ate a good lunch, but then texted me a little later that he was super uncomfortable and wouldn't nap. We thought maybe we would see what a chiropractor has to say, so I called Dr. Griesbaum, but by the time I got off the phone, Darin had called letting me know that Kim was able to get him to nap. That night when I got home from work, you would never know that he was in pain. Granted, he couldn't turn his head to the left and had figured out how to maneuver without moving it too much. But, he was running all over the place, giggling, chasing Hoyt and just all around his normal self. (I didn't catch the good part of him chasing Hoyt, but this gives you an idea!
I figured that night/morning would be a bit rough, but he slept for 12 straight hours with no issues!

As of today, his range of motion is still not 100%. Sometimes, he still turns his whole body when looking to the left instead of his neck or he will look out of the corner of his eyes. But, he doesn't seem to be in any pain at all. We even went to gymnastics last night and he did great. I would say in a few days, he will be completely back to normal. And, I will just hold my breath for the next accident since clearly I am going to go through a lot of these moments in my lifetime!!

Can't really tell it's swollen because he has such wide feet!
Big and little Cookie Monster comforting baby J!
Hoyt likes them too!!
Calling Grandma on the phone to tell her about his ankle!
Feeling good enough to act silly!
On our way to the pool! Hanging onto that sunscreen for dear life!
Braden and Jameson with their cute towels!

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