Thursday, February 28, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!!

We had quite the exciting Valentine's Day this year! We had been waiting to make a pretty big announcement and could not have been happier to finally spill the beans! Jameson was quite excited too :). Sarah Rogers did a great job with our announcement/V-day mini photos as always and I was so happy to be able to share them! Baby Weber will be joining us in August!!!!!

He doesn't exactly look too thrilled here! But, that's because
he wanted his heart candies we kept promising him!

We also had Lydia and Scott's wedding that evening, which was a fun way to spend the evening on a day of love! I was really excited for another reason too - I could not wait to see how Jameson would do at the reception. He had a BLAST! The kid did not stop from the second the ceremony was over until we put him in the car at 8:40ish! He was a rock star and seriously had so much fun. He actually did quite well at the ceremony - overall! I am sure on the audio you can hear, "hi mommy" about 10 times because he would say that and then smile at me. Adorable, but we kept telling him to use inside voices, which prompted another, "hi mommy". Too funny. But, once we got to the reception, the little dancing machine was able to run around like a mad man and dance the night away. He was actually quite upset when we told him it was time for dinner because he did NOT want to stop!  I had to take him out to the hallway because he was not real happy with me! But, I let him run around for a few more minutes and then he was ready for some grub. After dinner, he proceeded to run around and dance for another hour or so, as well as go see the Rhino, Alligator and Dolphin in the courtyard about a million times! He and another little friend also discovered a piano and kept wanting to play it!

He's got the moves like Jagger!

Overall, it was a great night with great friends. Watching him play/dance/run around for 3 straight hours made me want to stop time and keep him like that forever. I can't tell you how many times during the night that I looked at him and was just so overwhelmed with love, joy and appreciation that he is my son. I am so very blessed.

    Being such a good boy at the ceremony...and then visiting the Rhino!
    LOL! Dancing machine!!!!!

More V-day Shots from SRP!

My sweet little angel!
One of my favorites!


What's up, monkey?!


Another V-Day Mini Photo Session from Imaginate Photography - she always does so well with all the munchkins!


A little tough to get all the kiddos to cooperate!

Perfect capture of how much fun these guys all have together!!

Giving Baby Madison kisses!

There's a good one!

Silly boy!!

And, opening Valentine's Day gifts!

Gifts from Mom and Dad!

Gifts from Gma Debbie and Ray. He LOVED the Tweety Boyd pouch!

Monday, February 4, 2013

23 Months!!

No way. Only one more month and I will have a two year old! Yikes. It's been another fun month though! It is extremely hard to keep up with all of your new skills and whatnot! You continue to amaze me each and every day with your vocab, your cognitive abilities and your silly yet sweet personality.  It makes me smile inside and out to know that you are my son. Each time I look at you, I see my heart and I wonder how the world turned before you existed!

Anyway.... on to the good stuff.
  • You weigh 30 3/4 lbs. according to the doctor's scale. You also are not quite 35 clearly our measurements last month were a bit off!
  • You learned to climb out of Gma Debbie and Ray's pack-n-play. They went and bought a crib since you sleep so well in yours at home. Well, that didn't last long because you learned how to climb out of that too! But, you are getting better now about staying put!!
  • You do so well with counting now. You can get to 20 with a few missing or repeats in there, but when someone counts with you, you can easily do it!
  • You are OBSESSED with the Lion King. Or the "Tiger King moomie" as you call it! We are talking at least 3-4 times a week that we watch it!
  • You love to play in the dining room with the chairs. You like to crawl on them, under them, over them, move them, etc. You also think it's funny when Daddy lays down and puts one over his tummy and you crawl on top. Silly.
  • We play in your kitchen a lot and I love watching you "cook" and be creative. You fill our glasses with water and then make these awesome "mmm mmm mmm" noises.
  • You love to let Hoyt outside when he needs to potty. You have to open the door and then shut it when he is ready to come inside!
  • You are getting SO good with identifying shapes. I think our iPad apps help with that!
  • Gma Kim mentioned how even though you favor your right hand to eat, you occasionally will use your left - maybe you'll be ambidextrous?!
  • You love to eat ice. Specifically "baby ice" as you call the little pieces.
  • You have learned to work the system. If I say no, you go ask Daddy. If Ray says no, you will go ask Gma. You are bound and determined to get those M&Ms (or whatever it is you want!).
  • We got to play outside a few different weekends in January! It was so nice to let you run free for a bit!
  • Oh my word, do you love Tweety Bird, or Tweedy Boyd as you call him. You watched it at Gma Debbie and Ray's and that's all you have talked about! You seriously get so excited - we are talking squeals and jumping up and down excitement! You about dove out of Uncle Jeremy's arms on Super Bowl Sunday when you guys went to get the DVD out of his car! It's crazy how a cartoon from 1949 can make you so happy!
  • You have been sitting in a big boy chair with Gma Kim for awhile and she always comments about how well you and Drake do with little messes! We finally got you a booster seat for home and you love it!
  • You got a little cold/cough right after Christmas and after a few weeks, I finally decided to take you into the doc. Start of bronchitis and some sinus ickyness! You always seem to have such a good time playing with all the toys at the doc's office and you impressed Dr. Emm with how well you cooperated and with your vocab!
  • You like to help Gma Debbie with the dishes, which makes me happy (although it's quite messy!). You helped her bake some cakes and then helped her clean! Such a good boy!
  • You and Ray have a new thing where he will say, "Jameson's the Man" and you always respond with, "No, Ray's the man!". He didn't even teach you to do that, so I guess you really think Ray is the Man!!
  • You really like to play in Daddy's "awwwfice". You think you are a big boy when you sit in his chair!
  • You still love Diego and Dora. We have also added Bubble Guppies as a night-time favorite. Kung Fu Panda was a short-lived favorite. You are constantly singing the Dora or Diego intros though!
  • You also love your Leap Pad and love to watch The Letter Factory or "the B says Bah" as you call it! You have loved this and been calling it that since you were about 19 months...just now remembering to put it in writing!
  • Your favorite books for the month were: The Farmyard tales that Gma Debbie got you forever ago, Baby Angels, and Santa Bear (Christmas Berenstain Bears book). We would also throw Yummy Yucky in there just because it's one of our favorites. And, I love it when we say the yummy stuff because you always say, "I like a ____.  Like when we say, "blueberries are yummy", you will reply with, "mommy, I like a blueberries". So freaking cute.
  • You got what I would call your first real haircut. I will dedicate an entire blog post on it, but wanted to document that it happened and that I didn't have a heart attack!
  • On the weekends, you like to come into our bathroom and sit on the scale and brush your teeth while we get ready. It's so funny!
  • Ray took you to the Gingerbread House and you were in heaven! I think we need to go there for to pick out a big birthday present!!
  • You are so creative and it is so amazing! You always make up stories about how there's a bear coming or how Swiper is coming and we need to go hide. When we are outside, you will pretend like there are tigers (which I think is actually the Lion King!) in the trees. Or you will tell us stories about Dora and what she did in an episode days after we watched that episode. I love seeing what you come up with and it's always amazing!  
  • You are such an easy child to put to bed. You do have to be the one to say we are done reading (to a certain extent!). But, once we pick our "last" book, you are a complete dream! We say our prayer, which you can almost say with me (amazing!). And then we "Superman" into your bed and I lean down on my knees and you give me a huge hug and then say, "bye bye Mommy. Dreams (Sweet dreams!)". Insanely cute and insanely easy.
Vocab updates! We call you a parrot because you seriously repeat anything and everything! It's both amazing and terrifying...because we really have to be careful with our words!!
  • Probably one of the funniest things I have ever seen happened last month. After gymnastics, you, Dad, Gma Debbie and Ray went to IHOP like we always do after class. After dinner, you asked the waiter if you could have a pickle. And, then proceeded to ask if you could have a daddy pickle, a mommy pickle and a baby pickle. You could clearly tell this waiter was a Dad because he didn't even skip a beat while the four of us were laughing so hard we had tears streaming down our face. You are a such a little nut and I love it!!!
  • Sumpin' else = something else. This is one of my new favorites! We will ask if you want something for breakfast or whatever and you will say, "no, sumpin else". Too funny!
  • Another new favorite: "please, I want to". Yeah, this is fun! You will get told no and then respond with, "please, I want to". It's so cute and it's really hard not to smile or say yes!!!
  • Wuttt = what. Awesome. So glad that you already answer us with, "wuuttt". Hahaha! It really is quite adorable though and I know you aren't being snappy, but it's a nice glimpse into what it will be like when you're a teenager!
  • My do it = I'll do it! You always want to do your own stuff now, so I am always hearing, "no mommy, my do it!".
  • You just love singing/saying the ABCs. It's a multiple time a day thing, which is adorable. You also tend to think most words are spelled ABCDEFG - too cute! However, you are pretty good at identifying letters. The other day, you kept pointing to Gma Kim's zipper and saying, "emmm". Finally, she realized that there was in fact a big M on her zipper! Smart kiddo
  • When you give something a hug or do something "good", you'll say, "oh so nice" because we have been saying "oh that's so nice" to you when you do something sweet! Your stuffed animal fell down and you picked him up and said, "need hug". And then, "oh so nice". Love it.
  • Great Aunt Kathy got you a bug towel for Christmas and it's hilarious because Daddy will say, "eww a bug" and you will not miss a beat and respond with, "no, bug towel". Like, duh Daddy, it's not a real bug. Cracks. Me. Up.
  • We have definitely entered the, "what's thaaaaat??" phase! Half the time you know exactly what "that" is, but you still ask!
  • I wrote your name in cursive and when you asked me what it was, I told you it was cursive. You now point to things written in cursive and will say it!
  • You know what either and again mean! I was super impressed by this! "No, don't want that either"...we hear that a lot!
  • You have also mastered the concept "a lot". So, now you always want a lot of M&Ms. Apparently, 5 is a lot though!
  • And, the last concept that impresses me is "one more". If a cartoon is over or if your M&Ms are gone, it's always, "please, one more".
  • Hooray! - you say this whenever you get excited. Like when Daddy comes home from work, it's always, "Daddy's home, hooooraaaayy!".
  • Oh my goodness! - you say this every once in awhile. Probably one of the most adorable things.
  • Kuna Tata = Hakuna Matata. Obviously, this is one of our favorite phrases right now!
  • Maica = Jamaica. We got you a shirt in Jamaica and whenever you see it or pick that one to wear, it's always, "Maica shirt!".
  • Dat's tilly = that's silly. You say this all of the time and it's so cute!
  • Dat's funny = this is another cute one that you say often! Especially when watching Looney Toons!
  • Top, top! = stop, stop! When someone is chasing you or tickling you or doing something  you don't like it, you always say, "top, Daddy, top!".
  • I hab that = I have that = I want that! - You say this when you want something. Or if someone has something you want, it's, "no, I hab that!".
  • Good day = have a good day! You say this after you say "bye bye". Love it!!
  • One of the cutest things that you do when I come into your room in the morning is look at me and squeal, "I'm awake!". This is usually after you say, "hiiii mommy". AHHH, I just love it!!!

Pics from our brief 23 month shoot:


I am SO cute!

Look, I am 23 months old!!

Pictures from the last month!!

Just laying on Mom watching, "B says Bah".

Mickey Mouse pancakes! Breakfast at CJs with Gma Kim and Pawpaw.

Someone wanted some animal crackers!

Just pushing my some babies around!

Being Tarzan!

This is what my parents get to deal with each week!

Watching some Dora after a busy day of playing!

Aww, they are too cute!

Bug Towel!

Came in to wake him up and he was reading in his crib. Decided
to take it over to the chair!

Having a picnic in the living room wearing summer sandals and a hat...because we can!

Playing outside in January!

Ray took Jameson to the Gingerbread house...he had a blast!

Jump Spot with Daddy!

His Daddy, Mommy and Baby pickle at IHOP! Ha!

Playing outside in January again! This time in Fall clothes!

My Loves!

Because dinner is so much more fun in Froggy boots!

Brushing those beautiful curls!

My favorite thing to do in the whole wide world!

He LOVES playing with his bears.  So good with colors now!

My little Ironman!

My sweet!

First REAL haircut! Adorable.


Mommy got Simba and Nala when she went to Woodfield.
Someone was happy!

Our new ritual. Brushing our teeth while sitting on the scale.

Picked out a "Tiger King" book at Barnes and Nobles after the grocery store -
Darin and I were shocked he picked the Lion King :).

Helping Daddy make dinner.

Reading his "Tiger King" book to his "Tiger King" friends.

Having a blast at the doctor - who would have thought he was
not feeling 100%?!

Snuggling after the doctor with a DQ smoothie!

Bet you can't guess what movie is on.

Corn dog!! He had so much fun!

Play date with Jonah, Reagan, Cameron and Lucy!

These two were "coo coo nanas".

Jammies and dog toys = very happy little boys!

Having a little popcorn at Target after some successful shopping.

I always say how I love J to the moon and back. So, we had to have a star and moon
grilled cheese for lunch!

This is how HAPPY he gets with olives!!

Jameson's first Illini game was a success (for the most part!).

His favorite part was the food - hot dogs, pretzels, M&Ms and some popcorn. Healthy.

Happy boy!

Playing with Gma! And, then running around like a mad man!!

Haha - his "Cat in the Hat Comes Back" impersonation with the cake in the tub! Hilarious!

Aww, Mommy got a boo boo, so he was helping
with the boo bunny!

Changing Ming Ming's diaper.

Being a goofball at Gma Debbie and Ray's house!

Standard sleeping pictures. Only creeped twice this month :).

This was how we spent most of the Superbowl - watching Tweety Boyd and eating "ahh-blehs".

I think someone had a bit of a crush on Avery!

Chap stick thief! And, I have to admit, he can get away with the duck face - it's adorable!

My favorite place is right here!