Well, I wasn't with J Man on his 17 month bday, but I made sure my parents and Kim took lots of pictures over the weekend! It was definitely tough being away from him for 2 days/nights. That is the longest I have been away from him - and will probably be for a long time! I am just not quite ready to be gone for longer than a night!
The theme of my monthly updates has pretty much been CHANGE. Jameson changes, grows and learns at such a fast pace and I feel like I say that every single time. But, it's true, so I need to memorialize it in writing!
- You are definitely growing - I swear you change every few days and you are really starting to look like a little boy! You weigh not quite 26 pounds and are roughly 33.5 inches long. You are in mostly 18 month stuff and you are still in size 4 diapers, but size 5 overnight diapers.
- I absolutely LOVE how excited you get about things. I wish I could bottle that up and keep it that way forever!!
- Scrapes and bruises are common accessories for you now.
- I swear you learn at least one new word a day and actually probably more than that. You really try to repeat EVERYTHING we say...like when I said, "oh crap" the other day, you smiled and said, "oh bap". Oops, going to have to REALLY monitor my words now!
- You are also putting stuff together. Like you will say Mama AND Dada. Ray and Mamaw. Mamaw and Pawpaw. Bubble bath. Go upstairs. Etc. Fragment sentences, but sentences nonetheless!
- Here is a list of a few of the additions in the last month:
- Heeeeyyyyy. This is Hoyt. It is absolutely adorable to hear you call Hoyt. You have been calling him Hiiii for a long time, but it has morphed into Heeeeyyyy! You have also started actually saying Height - which is soooo close! And, you just love kisses from Hey.
- MaDa = apparently this is when you want both my and your Dad's attention. Funny as heck.
- You went to watch Daddy play softball with Gma Debbie, Ray and me and you were yelling, "Go Dada!".
- Oh no - this is not new, but you say it ALL of the time! And, you say it quite funny - Dad says you say it like Phoebe from friends...I know you don't get that, but we will show you!
- You say "Oh dear" a lot too thanks to Ray and Tom and Jerry!
- You try to say "stinky bottom". It's comical!
- When someone asks, "where'd something/someone go?", you will put your hands up like I don't know and say "where'd go?".
- OK = say this one clear as a bell!
- How about? - This one is pretty cute too!
- Buh = Bug. Almost every little black spec you see, you point and say "buh". You usually giggle too.
- Tank ooh = Thank you. I swear sometimes you say it clear as day! You also sign it and I love that! You have really started saying it more without us even prompting you.
- Peeeez! = please
- Dakey = Drakey. You have been saying this for awhile I guess, but it's really cute!
- Uh-uh = no! It cracks me up that you say this now and shake your head no when we ask you something! I try not to laugh, but it makes me smile when I ask you something and you just immediately say uh-uh. We are really trying to teach you to say "yes"!
- Blech - you say this when we talk about something icky (i.e., garbage). It is hilarious. You also say PU and hold your nose (thanks to me teaching you that!). So adorable.
- Tick tock. You sing this when our grandfather clock chimes and dance all the while!
- You sing EIEIO - priceless! And, Row Row Row Your Boat - but just that part! You also love when I sing Barbara Ann and you try to sing along!
- You actually can sing the Hot Diggity Dog part of the hot dog song. But, Mickey's name is still hot dog in your world! Gma Kim said that Rowan thought you saying hot dog was hilarious, so you kept doing it to make her laugh!
- You sing Rah Rah Rah for Rocket at the end of the Little Einsteins shows.
- Moohs = moose. You point to the moose in the Pajama Time book and smile and say it!
- Ahh-bive = olive. We are working on this one, but it's a hard one!
- Pee-sa = you LOVE your pizza!
- Nake = snake
- Bape = grape
- Peacock. Yep, you say peacock and it is awesome. Cracks me up!
- You say bock bock when we eat chicken!
- You say milk and apple clear as day now.
- Bible = oddly, this sounded a lot like bubble :).
- Neck. You really have the "k" sound down!
- Foods:
- You LOVE the veggie and/or fruit pouches.
- I finally gave in and gave you a hotdog...kind of. It was a nitrate free turkey dog, but you loved it, so I now have a new lunch item, thank God!
- We tried lasagna - didn't seem too fond of it.
- Tried chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce and ketchup - didn't seem too interested!
- You love your popcorn. Actually, you just love snacks in general! I think you get too many snacks and that's why you've become a pickier eater!
- You love to sleep with a blanket now and call it your "bankie". It's one of the thin, breathable Aden and Anais ones because I am still paranoid for you to have one at night! But, you love it and usually ask for it now. And, get VERY giddy when we give it to you!
- You know how to work the remote, kind of. You pick it up and point to the TV and can turn the volume up. When you change the channel, you always say, "uh oh" and then try to figure out how to change it back. It's funny, but I wonder if we let you watch too much TV!
- Along with singing a lot, you try to snap too.
- You will just give random hugs and kisses and it absolutely melts my heart!!
- You started a class at the Jump Spot with Miss Laura and your buddies Jeron and Jackson. The 3 of you do so well together and are just too cute. You seem to really enjoy it, so we will continue through the Fall!
- You also made a new friend, Rachel, who comes and watches you every other Wednesday morning while I go into work for my meeting. I was worried how you would react and you instantly loved her and actually wave me out of the door when she is over!
- You purse your lips every now and then and it cracks me up.
- You are connected to me when I try to cook dinner. It makes it tough to do anything with the stove or oven!
- You have figured out how to go up on your tippy toes to be able to reach things on the counter that you are not supposed to be able to reach! You actually started doing this at about 15 months, but I forgot to document it and you have been doing it a lot more lately. You also sometimes just walk on your tippy toes for fun.
- You think it's hilarious to tickle Daddy - you just giggle away!
- Your top canines (fangs) are coming in - have broken through finally. Your bottom two are swollen and I can see a little white on both sides. Hope those bad boys come through soon you poor thing! You have been a champ though - just drooling and chewing on your fingers a lot more! We have had a few screaming fests, but overall, you are a trooper.
- I know I already talked about the Baby Einsteins Da Vinci video. But, sometimes when we get to Gma Debbie and Ray's, you will run over to the stairs and start singing and motioning Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes to let them know that you want to watch it. Between you and Braden, my poor parents have seen that video 5000 times!
- You will pant like Hoyt. Daddy taught you that one!
I am not sure what I did to deserve you as my child. But, I will thank God every day of my life that I was blessed with such an amazing, wonderful little boy!!!!!!!!!!
17 Month Photo shoot!
Oh Em Gee, that lip kills me!!! |
Way. Too. Cute!!!! |
More of that lip! |
Peek-a-boo! |
This kid is way too tall already! |
Mom, put the camera down!! |
My sunshine! |
Lol, that face kills me!! His sticker ripped and he was MOST unhappy!
Resulted in a kicking fest on the stairs. |
Pictures from the last month!
Signing "more" or as we like to say "little more" since it's just his two pointer fingers!
Love it! |
Just eating a snack in my swim diaper, on a pillow. No big deal. |
What?! You mean I am not supposed to go into a corner and dump
my crayons everywhere?! |
Adventures with coloring! Love his little face. |
That's one way to do it! |
Trying chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce for the first time. Hmm... |
Reading with Daddy! |
Water thief!! |
Snack time with Jonah! |
Impromptu pool party...in our clothes! |
Jump Spot! He was obsessed with his owl stamp! |
Cutie in bibs. |
Grandma and Pawpaw at CJs with their "babies". |
This child LOVES to brush his teeth! |
Playing before we watched Darin play softball! J made some friends! |
Little cutie! |
Ha!! He got a new shopping cart and wanted to push Cookie around.
And, apparently yell at him (happily of course)! |
Little angel turned devil in a matter of an hour! Toddler tantrums are no joke! |
There is my sweet pea! |
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