Thursday, February 24, 2011

37 weeks

Went to the doc on Monday for one of my two weekly visits. We got another ultrasound and the (not so) little man is weighing in at 6lbs 14oz and is super long...and chunky! He is looking healthy and has dropped, so I am hoping he decides to come earlier than next week! Yeah, I know, wishful thinking.

But, the bets are on! My family decided to have a little fun this past weekend and make bets on when Jr. is going to make his arrival. So, if you want in on the game, I would love to hear your comments below! My original estimated due date is March 14.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bean's Nursery

As promised many weeks ago, here are some snapshots of Jr.'s nursery. I know I am biased, but I think my fabulous husband did an amazing job with the painting and I think we did a pretty good job picking out the bedding, furniture and decor! It has pretty much been done for awhile now...we just had a few odds and ends to finish. And, to be totally honest, I had a bit of a hard time going in there after Lauren and needed some time. However, I am starting to find comfort in it again and cannot seem to keep myself out of there. Hoyt and I spend quite a bit of time sitting in the recliner. Now all it needs is initials on the wall over the crib and chair (if we ever choose a name for the poor child)...and a precious baby boy!

And the child's walk-in closet packed with 0-6 month clothing! Not to mention all of the drawers in both dressers are stocked with clothes too.

Monday, February 14, 2011

1 month to go!!

I cannot believe I only have a month left (hopefully a little sooner!). It's crazy. We have officially completed the nursery (minus putting up the wooden letters of his initials since we still have no clue what they will be!), washed the clothes, packed the bags, and assembled all baby products! So when everyone asks if we are ready, we can say yes. However, I am not so sure that includes the mental aspect of it. I would like to think we are ready mentally, but I don't know if you can ever be fully ready for this. But, we are excited and nervous and I think that is what is to be expected. And more than anything, we all want him to be here safe and sound in our arms. He is definitely going to bring some much needed joy to my family.

Here is bean @ 35 weeks. Those cheeks kill me!

And here is the belly at 36 weeks...pretty obvious I only slept 4 hours the night before!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Waddle This Way...

Yep, it's official. I have started waddling. I guess I should be proud I made it to 35 weeks, but it was still a little hard to admit. It is also getting very difficult to get out of bed or off of the couch. Watching me attempt these small feats must be quite humorous...Darin seems to find it funny! I really am actually starting to get pretty uncomfortable though. My whole body is always sore, I find myself out of breath very easily, and the reflux is still terrible. However, I am most certainly considering every pain, ache, and jab to the rib/bladder/etc. an absolute blessing. I have really tried to be a pleasant preggo and I think I have done a very good job. And, especially in light of the family's recent loss, I am taking none of this for granted. I am grateful beyond words and hope our little bean stays happy and healthy over these final few weeks.

Catching up on previous weeks:

33 weeks

34 weeks - yes, the belly ballooned.

35 weeks - looks like a beach ball under there!