Tuesday, June 28, 2011

3 Years of Wedded Bliss!

Well Bean, your parents are celebrating their 3rd wedding anniversary today.  We have actually been together for 8+ years, but your Daddy waited to propose until right before our 5th dating anniversary, which also happened to be his 24th birthday. But, I honestly couldn't be happier with his timing, as it gave us plenty of time to experience living in a big city together and make it back home to where we belong before we got hitched! One day, we will tell you all about how we met and the proposal...both priceless stories! And, we'll also tell you about the wedding. Hands down, one of the best days of my life...not counting the day we had you of course! 

Anyway, I hope that we can set an example for you of how a marriage should be...full of love, understanding, compromise, and especially laughter. There is not a day that goes by where your Daddy doesn't make me smile. It's not always rainbows and butterflies, but at the end of the day when you go to bed, you should want to lay down next to no one else. And, when you're together, that feeling of excitement, safety, comfort and unconditional love should never ever go away! It just keeps getting better for us, so cheers to many, many more years to come!

1 comment:

  1. Our sons are only 1 day apart and our wedding anniversary is only a few days apart. Such similarities. I am enjoying reading your blog!
