Monday, January 7, 2013

Snow Day!!

Jameson and I were both kind of sickly when it first really snowed last week, so we just kind of watched the snow from inside and didn't get to go play in it. Now, for anyone who knows me, you know that is not something that would upset me. Buuuut, I felt bad that my little boy couldn't go outside and be a little kid and play in the snow! So, on the 3rd, I felt like we were both finally feeling well enough to venture out for a bit. My Mom had gotten Jameson some fun snow ink for Christmas, so Darin brought that out with us and helped him color the snow! Jameson had a blast. He loved making footprints - he would just giggle when we were stomping around. We started to get pretty cold, so I asked if he wanted to go back inside, to which he replied, "burr cold" and shivered. I took that as a yes and we headed back inside the warm house.

Should have known that it wouldn't be that easy to get him inside. After about 3 minutes, he wanted to go back outside! So, I volunteered to go back out and we played for a bit longer. He really loved dumping water on the snow and watching it melt...hmmm, the inquiring mind was trying to figure out how it worked! I still wasn't feeling 100%, so we didn't stay out for as long as he would have liked, but his little nose was getting rosy and I was freezing! He had a great time playing and I can't wait until the next snow when maybe we can build a snowman!!


Snow bunny!

Sooo exciting!

Daddy showing Jameson how to squirt the colored dye!

Admiring Daddy's beautiful masterpiece - 'Jameson' written in the snow!

Daddy showing him how it's done!

J's turn!

Squeezing out the last bit!

He had so much fun!

Little rosy nose!

Back outside for Round 2 with the cup of water!

Waving hello to whoever!

Watching the snow melt!

Oooooh, so cooool!

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