Friday, September 24, 2010

Is this normal?? Our first trip to the ER.

September 22 is definitely a night I will never forget. I had kind of felt funny all day at work, but just chalked it up to another lovely pregnancy side effect. As I was getting up to leave work at 5, something wasn't right. I will not go into details, as I am sure many of you would not care to know, but I did call the on-call doc and she advised that we go straight to the ER to get checked out. Of course, I am thinking the absolute worst and of course, Darin is thinking it's all going to be just fine. We were there for over 5 hours and they did blood work and some other tests. BUT, one of the scariest moments of my life turned into one of the BEST nights of our lives. They ordered an ultrasound to make sure everything was OK. I was over 15 weeks at the time, so in the back of my head, I thought just maybe we would be able to find out what Bean actually blue or team pink.

The poor ultrasound tech got called in at about 8:00, which actually was to our benefit because she said she might as well make it worth her while and ended up spending almost an hour on us. It was so amazing to see him again. This time he was moving ALL over the place. Looked like he was doing laps in there! And we got to see all of his little bones and fingers and it was just the most incredible thing! She had done all the measurements and let us know that I was actually measuring at 16 weeks, so almost a week ahead. As she was winding down, I realized we still didn't know what Baby Weber was! I asked again and she giggled and said she had actually known for quite some time and just forgot to tell us. So, she turned the screen away, found a good shot, and turned it back around. Darin and I stared intently at the screen, but it was pretty darn obvious what we were looking at! At that point, we knew our little Bean was a boy. I started crying, which of course was very out of character =). Another indescribable feeling that I will forever remember.

They finally released me at about 11:00 that night, not really knowing what was wrong. But, everything looked perfect with the baby, so that is all they really cared about at that time. I was just told to take it easy and follow-up with Dr. Santiago. As I said before, what started as a terrifying night turned into an unforgettable one!

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