We had Jameson's 15 month appointment on June 18. He was a ham in the waiting room and was talking up a storm to Dr. Boe...poor thing had no idea what was coming :(. J Man came in at 25lbs. 3oz. (60%); 32 inches (75%) and his head is 18.5 inches (50%). He was moving all over when we tried to measure, so I think he may even be longer than that! We also had to get 2 shots - Dtap and Hib. This was probably the worst set of shots to date (and I had to go alone yet again!). He usually stops crying as soon as I pick him up, but he cried all the way to the car and then all the way home. He has been a little more irritable this past week as well, which is strange. And, he has had a few weird outbursts like he is in pain - sometimes flopping around like a fish out of water (bringing tears to his Mother and Gma Debbie's eyes!). I am hoping there is no correlation and we can attribute that to gas or something, but we are keeping a close eye on it!!
I realized I forgot a few things (shocking!). And, a couple new things that happened within a few days of hitting 15 months.
- I mentioned that Jameson says no all of the time. Well, now we get "oh no" a lot. It's so cute, but he sounds so pitiful sometimes when he says it, so it always pulls at my heart even if he isn't upset! He is also really stuck on uh-oh again and he fully understands what it means now. My reply to him is always, "uh-oh what?" because I sometimes do not know what he is uh-ohing about and it can be a bit scary with an adventurous little toddler!
- His hand-eye coordination is pretty impressive. He is pretty good at throwing a ball. Sometimes he releases it a bit too soon and it goes behind him instead of forward, but he is pretty good at hitting his mark when he wants to. You have to be careful with his rocket arm sometimes! He can also put things together that you would think he would need help with at this age.
- I hope I have said this before because he has been doing this since well before he turned one, but he loves to put stuff in stuff. That sounds intelligent, I know. But, it's the best way to describe it. He likes to put shapes in the corresponding hole in his bucket/Pooh Bear car. He likes to put rocks in his huggie (yes, we give him huggies because he goes crazy if Darin or I have one). He likes to put things in his hats when we take walks. He is really good about putting puzzle pieces close to where they belong...he usually needs a little help with which way the shape goes, but he knows where they go.
- Ray taught Jameson to "walk silly". This was something he did when Braden was little and it is way too cute. Ray also taught him to make funny faces...especially when he is in his high chair. So, if you ask him to do either of these things, he will gladly do it and giggle all the while! Video of making silly faces: http://youtu.be/hCE7sIvoAIQ
- He is so good at kicking a ball. He has been doing it for a couple of months, but now if you ask him to kick it, he will walk right up to it and kick it and then follow it and keep kicking. Soccer in the near future?!
- He likes to fall backwards for fun. He also thinks it is hilarious to walk backwards into things. Strange, but humorous!
- He also loves to throw pillows down in random spots and flop down on them. It's real fun when he does that on the hard wood...my heart stops every time, but he usually just laughs!
- Darin started saying and gesturing "come on" and Jameson will do it now. It is so funny.
- Jameson dances all of the time now. He dances to commercials, music, my singing, anything. I adore the toddler dancing skills. The best is when he dances to our grandfather clock...he will stop whatever he is doing when it chimes each hour.
- He is obsessed with our neighbor's boat. Whenever we take walks, he has to run up to it or walk by it 100 times and point, saying BOOOOAT.
- All 4 molars are coming through and it's been a blast. Poor baby.
- Poor kid also got a viral infection that set up camp mostly in his throat. He had a few days of 100-high 102 fever. But, he was a champ and was back to himself after a few days.
- Jameson will now lay down and say "nigh-nigh". Adorable.
- He likes to do "squats" with me. Hilarious.
- When I (or anyone now) am sitting on the floor and he wants me to stand up, he will come over to me and grab my shirt and pull it up like a big bully. It cracks me up.
- He tried ketchup and olives for the 1st time. The reaction was about the same to both - hilarious. But, he actually really seemed to like both! He would just dip his fry in the ketchup and lick the ketchup but not eat the fy.
- I said it before, but Jameson devours corn on the cob - he can eat an entire piece and then begs for more from us!
- Jameson can now can say "all better" and "ahh beep beep" - haha. He was talking his language one night and Darin thought it sounded like he said ahh beep beep, so he said it and Jameson started repeating it. Darin also taught him to say "how now brown cow" and it brings a smile to all of our faces when Jameson says it because he has such a big smile when he says it!
- He also says Moo, Neigh and Baaa when he sees one of those animals anywhere now - books, on TV, stuffed animals. It's so neat to see that. He also says Ahhhhlllll when he sees an Alligator or hears the Alligator song at Gma Debbie and Ray's (actually he says it before the alligator song even comes on because he knows it's next on the CD). And now, every time he sees Roshi, he squeals KEEE TEEEE in excitement.
- Scary, but Jameson knows how to hit the home button on my iPhone and he knows how to scroll and find the pictures. Scary stuff.
- I will stop now, so I have stuff to report in 2 weeks :).
I had to do 15 month pics with the bear. Now, Jameson is big
enough to show the bear who is boss. |
C'mon bear, let's go! |
Awww, melts my heart. |
Tried to get him to lay down with the bear,
but he wouldn't let go of Scout! |
Loves to throw a pillow and plop down wherever he sees fit. |
Walk silly!!
Make a funny face! |
Chowing down on some corn! |
Excuse me, I am trying to eat! |
Not too shabby! |
Olives, ha! |
Trying ketchup...took a minute or two, but
he loved it! |
Poor sicky bean at the doctor :(. Sweet little face. |
At least I got in lots of good snuggles! |
Jameson's boo boo as he was saying. |
Figured the boy deserved a cookie (or 2) after those shots! |
This toy's intended use was to hold sippy cups, no?! |
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