I'm SO big!! |
Wow, has it really been 3 months since my little man turned 1?! Yikes. What an amazingly fun age. I know I have said that before, but he really is so much fun right now. Onto the details!
- I will report your height and weight after your 15 month appt. on the 18th (little late!). I am pretty sure you had a growth spurt...you had a few nights of 14 hours of sleep and I swear you looked longer after that!!
- You get so concerned when someone is not in the room. For example, if Dad is gone or upstairs, you will yell DaDa over and over. Or when Dad gives you a bath, you call for me sometimes! Same with Rowan...you are always asking for Ro Ro.
- And, when you want someone, you usually don't quietly ask, you usually yell their names! RAY, DADA, MAMA, BAHBOH/MAAMAW (Grandma)., HOYYY (Hoyt). It's hilarious.
- You are getting pretty good at eating with a fork/spoon. You do really well with ice cream and spoons and mac-n-cheese and forks!
- But, you also have decided that your bowls make better hats than dishes, so you usually need a good bath after dinner!! It's especially awesome when the bowl is filled with ice cream.
- We can now add pizza to the list of foods you love! You devour it - you ate like 5 whole pieces of Stolfa's last night! Still a huge fruit hound. You love corn too and tried corn on the cob and did great!
- Some new words were added to the list:
- baby (you loved face-timing with Liz and Will and now every time you see my phone, you say "baybee?!"),
- Cake - you have this one down pat!
- Bubbles
- Rock...this one is more like "wock"
- Let's go!
- Corn
- Hot dog! This is what you call Mickey Mouse :).
- Elmo - it's more like Melmo
- Bird - you love Angry Birds! You have never played the game, but love the AB paraphernalia.
- Tree - sounds more like Tee.
- Babple - apple. Not sure where the B comes from!
- Referencing from above. You were on a kick where Grandma was Bahbo and now it is more like MaaMaw.
- And, oh my have you learned what No means! You say no all of the time now - I try not to laugh, but it is so darn cute. You say no no to Hoyt a lot! You also shake your head when saying it.
- You communicate extremely well even without a huge vocabulary. I have said it before, but I will say it again. I am so impressed with how well you understand things. We can ask you to do something and you do it (i.e., can you hand Mommy your water). You definitely understand...but that certainly doesn't mean you listen :). You also repeat words very well.
- You signed "more" the other day and said "moh"! I was so proud! And, you sign "all done" quite a bit now.
- You grab books and then will walk backwards into our laps and sit down, waiting for us to read to you or for you to turn the pages as we read. It's so adorable. You also do this will my phone when you want to play "mals" (animals) and other Fisher Price apps that I have for you. You already know how to scroll on my phone...yikes!
- You LOVE your Boom Pa Pa Kindermusik book and get so excited when you see it. You say Boom pa and it's awesome! You also say "head" when you pick up the Head Shoulder Knees and Toes book! You also love Brown Bear, Panda Bear, Yummy Yucky, and the Baby Einsteins First Words book....mostly because you think it's funny when you point to the lizard on the back and Daddy and I make a lizard face and then when you point to the Einstein logo and we make our Einstein face (you'll have to ask when you get older!!). And, (I know, this is a lot of info!) you get so excited when you see 10 Little Monkeys and you say "No Mo Mummo", which I take to mean No More Monkeys (jumping on the bed!).
- Gma Kim has been doing this with you, Drake and Rowan for awhile, but when we do snack time, we ask you to go sit on your blanket and you do! We fill your cup with "treats" and you will sit and watch cartoons and eat your snack. It's way too cute.
- You can run now and you sometimes squeal when you do it!
- You love to shoot hoops with Daddy!
- You found your shadow quite awhile ago, but you really study it now, as well as other people's and things' shadows. It is so funny because you will push your mower and instead of paying attention to what's ahead, you stare down at the shadows!
- You got over your fear of grass and now you walk all over it like it's nothing!
- You really like to draw with sidewalk chalk. You make some mean masterpieces! You also get SOOOO excited when we give you the bathtub markers.
- You are still an AWESOME sleeper. You may not have slept through the night consistently until you were 8 1/2 months, but it was so worth it now that you sleep 12+ hours at night and take 2-3 hour naps! The best is when you wake up in the morning, you usually just hang out in your crib without making a peep. You read your book or just sit there and sometimes talk.
- On days when you can sleep in, you typically take one 3+ hour nap. Otherwise, you still take 2 naps a day. Except, sometimes when you are having too much fun with your cousins, you decide that sleeping is for the birds!!
- Your bottom tooth to the right of your middle teeth came through and the left one is kind of stuck halfway! I see some specs of white here and there, but really nothing popping all the way through.
- You have had a little trouble with your new teeth (besides the frenectomy incident!). You have bitten your lip a few times eating and then get mad (rightfully so!).
- You do this stomping thing that looks like you are excited and/or dancing. And, sometimes you make this eeeek noise while doing it. So funny.
- You got to go to the pool for the first time this spring/summer - didn't seem to impressed at first, but then really started to love it. I think I may sign us up for a Parent and Me swim class.
- You had another ear infection. Poor babe got my ears :(.
- You got to have a sleepover with both sets of grandparents - a few times!
- You got to finally meet Jacob and flirted with Elsie at Gma Debbie's! You are going to have play dates with these two a lot this summer!
- You had your first Moe's experience! You did great, but were not too interested in the food. You were doing back bends trying to see the little girl behind us. If you want to hang with Mommy and Daddy, you are going to have to learn to love it :).
- You celebrated Jonah's first birthday party! You loved running around and watching everyone.
- I trimmed your bangs. I realized one night at dinner that when your hair was combed straight down, it reached your eyelashes!! I think this is the 3rd bang trim, but you still have not had what I would consider your first haircut. I just cannot touch those precious curls!!
**I know I say this often, but better that than not at all I guess. But, you truly are my world. Even during your fussy fits and moody moments, I cannot seem to get enough of you! My heart is so full of love for you. You, my dear, are simply wonderful.**
This is about as good as it is going to get with the sticker! |
We had to pause to feed Hoyt! |
Curls <3 |
Pictures from the last month!
Playing with the water table! |
My babies! |
Giving some love to Will! |
Digging into some DQ ice cream! |
Using a fork like a big boy! |
Teeth!! |
Sweet, sweet little face! |
Reading and hanging out with Gma Debbie! |
Eating some pizza and enjoying every minute! |
My boy sent me a sweet message while I was on the train to Chicago! |
Trying to flirt with the little girl at Moe's! |
Just reading a book in the morning after waking up! |
Flirting with Miss Elsie. |
Playing in the rocks with Jacob!
Curly haired boys!! |
Running around the doctor's office like he owned the place! |
Snuggling with my sicky Bean! |
Mowing the lawn with Daddy! |
Summer time fun! |
Wearing his bowl like a hat! |
Ahhh, that pouty lip face is too much! So. Adorable. |
Eating some corn on the cob and loving it! |
Aww. Snuggle time before bed! |
More awws! Kisses from Ray! |
Enjoying Mommy's birthday cake! |
The "trim". And, a good shot of Jameson exploring our shower. He looks
like he is trying to give me a model look in the 'after" pic! |