I cannot tell you how PROUD I am right now! We have been planting this seed for awhile now and sometimes you would get so excited about the idea, but when bedtime rolled around, you quickly dismissed the idea! You and Daddy started discussing it again last Friday and you got the most excited I have seen, so I really thought maybe this would be it (
http://youtu.be/xPcFYGpuPmI). We had a bit of a hard time once bed time came around again - it's just such a drastic change for you, so I understand why you were sad. Overall though, you did so well. I laid on the floor with you for a bit and explained to you how you were such a big and brave boy and that you would be able to do this! It felt a little bit like the show Intervention, but I was willing to do whatever to make sure you would get through this as easily as possible.
After awhile, I had to go feed Gwendolyn, so Daddy took over. He did a great job with getting you excited again about the lollipop plug fairy and your big boy bed. It was after 10:00 before you finally fell asleep, but once you were asleep, you slept the whole night!! You did such a great job! And, when we went to get you in the morning, you were so very proud of yourself, as were we! We immediately started talking about how we were first going to go get donuts and then go get your big boy bed. And, how we were going to plant your plugs in the backyard. You were so excited and it was such a great sight!
You and I went to get the donuts while Daddy stayed home with Gwendolyn. You think it's pretty cool to see the donuts at Krispy Kreme, so we had a good time watching them get made! We came home and enjoyed them and then hopped in the car to go out to Cooksville (your bed was being stored at Gma and Gpa's house!). You were beyond excited when you saw your bed! Cheering and dancing around (
http://youtu.be/hBv3YX2K-k0). We played for awhile and then came home and set up the bed. We ate lunch and then headed outside to bury your plugs for the Lollipop Plug Fairy. It was a little bittersweet for you - you were excited, but once they were buried, you were a little concerned! But, the excitement of the new bed and the fairy coming made it fairly easy to get you down for a nap (
http://youtu.be/zXrjryYHGbo). You were a little sad about not having a plug, but again, overall you did wonderfully!
When you woke up, the first thing we did was run downstairs because Mommy and Daddy got you some gifts for being such a big boy. You got a stuffed Spider-Man, a Spider-Man cartoon series and a Captain America figurine. And, you got an awesome note from the Fairy! You were so excited to go outside and check out the lollipops! There were 4 lollipops and one huge Peep pop! You thought it was pretty cool; however, you kept telling me that they were suckers and not lollipops, haha! But, that didn't stop you from digging into them!
We then decided to get online and let you pick out your new sheets and comforter. You, of course, picked out a Spider-Man comforter and then wanted sheets with a lot of Superheroes, so we ordered some Marvel ones. You said you also wanted Wonder Woman and Catgirl, so I ordered a pillow case for your little pillow with the "girls" on it. Once it came, you wanted nothing to do with it, but we put it under your blue striped one :). You LOVED your bedspread when it came, but you were a little unsure of the sheets, which I was afraid of! The Hulk made you a little nervous, so we had to make sure you knew he was there to protect you. After a few nights, you were good! We are so very proud of you - you are such a good, brave little man!!!!
Update (4/20) : You had a few nights after a few weeks had passed where out of nowhere you asked for your plug. You would then get a little sad, but it was never a meltdown or anything that you didn't quickly get over. Once night when we were snuggling watching Phineas and Ferb, you said, "Mommy, I want my pluuuuuuuuuu" and then started laughing because you caught yourself. We all had a good giggle and you haven't asked for it since then. You also tolerate Gwendolyn having a plug very well. I wasn't sure how that would work, but you understand that she "needs" one.
First night without a plug; last night in your toddler bed. When did you grow up?! |
So proud of that new bed! |
Captured the excitement! |
Getting ready to bury the plugs! |
Pretty exciting! |
Where'd they go?! |
Hmm, not so sure about this. |
Bye bye plugs! |
Getting the bed put together! |
Nap time success! |
The gifts from Mommy and Daddy! |
Fairy's note |
Lollipops!!! |
Bed time was also a success! |
New sheets and bedspread came in the mail!
And, a second Spider-Man! |
LOL - he didn't want to sleep on the Hulk! |
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