Happy Birthday to my sweet boy!! It is extremely hard for me to comprehend this. But, since there is nothing I can do to make time slow down, I will just sit back and enjoy the ride! Three is shaping up to be...interesting! You are definitely too smart for your own good! But, everything you do is a sign of a healthy, intelligent child, so that's a good thing (I think!). Plus, as tough as some moments may seem, I know I will look back on these days when you are a teenager and miss them tremendously.
I don't have a ton to report on this post because I overloaded the last two posts with stuff! Plus, I will be writing another birthday post to talk about the fun day we had on your birthday AND another post on your Superhero birthday party :). But, you continue to just say and do things that are just awesome - I really wish I could record you 24 hours a day because you just make us smile!!
- You are doing this absolutely adorable thing right now where you shrug your shoulders and furrow your brows when telling us something serious!! Or if you don't know something, you shrug your shoulders and give us this adorable look. You seem so grown up when you do it; yet, so innocent. I just love it!! Still haven't really gotten good video of it, but these are kind of decent ones.
- I should mention that the shrugging your shoulders isn't always when it's something serious - you have started saying "actually" a lot when talking to us, so when you say that, you will sometimes shrug your shoulders as you say it! One that I remember hearing lately - "I'm just not having the lights on actually." It is really adorable when you say "actually" - you sound so much older than 3!
- You are still loving school. I love that when you come home, you talk about the kids in your class. You will talk about your teachers and the things you did that day. It is so neat to hear.
- At school one day, they had a bunny and a frog and when you were telling me about them, this is the conversation: "there were bunnies and a frog and they were alive! Not a skeleton - that'd hurt. But, we got to pet them and we had to be very gentle, just like this!" (as he pets my arm softly). Um, adorable!
- Due to your love of Superheroes, Daddy played the Ironman song for you and now we listen to that quite often. He also plays the Flash song sometimes, but you prefer Ironman!
- Daddy also found a video on YouTube that is basically just the intros to different Superhero cartoons and you love watching it on the iPad.
- You finally got to go outside and play in the snow a bit. It has been so cold and it finally warmed up enough to where you and Daddy could go out and play. You guys had a blast! You climbed the mountains and laid on top of them. I think Daddy had just as much fun as you did :).
- And, when the snow melted quite a bit, there will puddles everywhere, so you and Daddy had a blast playing in those, too!
- When you were outside splashing in the puddles, I guess you wanted to go see Norah down the street. She wasn't home, so you and Daddy decided you would write her a letter because you wanted to ask her if she liked Ariel :). We still need to write it!
- Some mornings are pretty awful when I have to leave - you get SO upset. It stops almost immediately after I leave, but it's so hard to leave you when you are screaming and crying for me to stay. However, what's funny (not really) is when you get upset with me you always tell me to "go back to work".
- You will also tell us to stop looking at you if you are mad for some reason. Or you will tell us that you don't want to play with us anymore and then get mopey. You typically snap out of that pretty quickly, too. But, sometimes, I have to turn away because your responses to things are so sassy and it makes me smile and I know I can't let you see me smile or laugh!
- I have forgotten to mention this in previous posts, but you love sleeping with your black dog stuffed animal at night. He is one that you have to have now. Still sleeping with your two blankets and the light on and the closet light on with the closet door open. We also have to leave your main door open still, but you are getting better about staying in your room in the mornings!
- You still always have to hold stuff in your hands. It cracks us all up - no matter if you are playing or sleeping, you always have stuff in your hands!
- You tried salmon and you actually really liked it! You also apparently love raw spinach - I eat it on my sandwiches and you always ask for some.
- We took both you and Gwendolyn to the doctor on Valentine's Day because you both seemed stuffy and had coughs. Turns out you had croup, so we got some steroids for you. Honestly, you seemed OK, but just had a somewhat nasty cough.
- We made Valentine's Day cookies and you wanted to bring some down to Lynne. You just love visiting her and running around her house! I think she kind of likes you, too :).
- You had a blast at Beckett's birthday party playing with all of his costumes and all the big kids! And, you had so much fun playing with Braden and his legos at Madison's party.
- Who is Harbor? Yeah, we aren't real sure who Harbor is. One night at dinner, you started telling us about Harbor. When we tried to probe a little more, you just shrugged your shoulders and said, "I don't know who he is." A few days later, you pointed to one of your silly faces that we made (a Melissa and Doug activity) and said that was Harbor. We, to this day, still have no idea where that came from or if Harbor is some creepy person who visits you (I am joking), but it was very strange and you now laugh when we mention it as if you were just yanking our chains!!
- You still love watching Phineas and Ferb - especially the Superhero one. And, after I wrote the last blog with the video of Izzy's got the Frizzies, Daddy was showing you the video and I got video of you watching the video...yeah, I am obsessed with getting you on camera....there could be worse things!
- You have rediscovered the fun that is running at warp speed toward me and knocking me down. We used to do this a lot when you were younger! We squeal and laugh...and then do it again. And, again. And, again. I would do it a million times if I got to hear your laughter :).
- You got another haircut with Kyle...and instead of getting ice cream afterwards, we went to IHOP with Gma Debbie and Ray just like old times! It was so fun, except you were a little disappointed that the silly guy wasn't working there.
- You love to tie up your toys with any type of "rope" you can find. My sweatshirt strings, my hair ties, string, etc. You're pretty good at it!
- Daddy took you to music last week because I was not feeling well - I think you loved having him there! You guys decided to say hello like Spider-Man! Seeing what you come up with to say hello is probably my favorite thing about music!
- You really like to pretend to be other people and we will be you! So, if you are Mommy, I am Jameson. You first really started playing this with Ray. You and Daddy played this one morning for quite some time. It is so cute to hear what comes out of your mouth when you are being someone else. It's actually kind of scary because you will say things verbatim to what we have said - you absorb things like a sponge!
- You love to play "Medieval", in that you are the prince or the knight and I am the princess. Daddy is sometimes the King, but he is also sometimes the dragon :). So, is Hoyt. He is one big scary dragon.
- You think it's so great that you can get Gwendolyn to laugh so easily! I have to say I think it's the greatest thing, too!
- "Are you serious??" - you said this after Daddy told you that girls don't like to stomp in the slush! He was being silly and clearly you thought so, too!
- "Mommy, I love you the best!" - Melt. You say the best things at the best times!
- "I don't want you to be Daddy's person. I want to keep you forever!" - Oh my goodness, seriously can't handle the cuteness!!
- "Mommy, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen. I love you." - you have seen a lot of pretty girls in your short life, but I will take this as long as I can get it!!
- "I didn't get to see you guys on Thursday. But, it's OK, because I see you now." - this cracked me up! You use the days of the weeks in your sentences, but a lot of time, you just say Thursday. It's really cute! I don't think you quite understand what the days mean or how it all works, but we are working on it and I am sure you will have it down in no time!
- "Mommy, I'm going to college when I'm big. Where it's safe. You can go to college with me if you want." .....yeah, so, because you said this and it's now in writing, you can never take it back and I will be coming with you to college :).
- Yourself/himself/herself - I think I have said this before, but you have such a good grasp of how to use these correctly. Maybe that's not impressive, but it seems like it is pretty cool that you understand it.
- "I don't know! I say that a lot." - this was hilarious! Daddy was asking you something and you said you didn't know and then immediately looked up at him and said, "I say that a lot". Haha, love it!
- "I snorted like a piggy!" - and then you proceeded to giggle like crazy! We were having a good time and you snorted as you were laughing...you thought it was hilarious!!
- "Mommy, I won't let her get scared!" - we were playing volcano in the basement and you wanted to be buried with Gwendolyn. I mentioned that she is probably too little to enjoy this game and you told me that you would protect her so she wouldn't get scared. Aww, it was the cutest thing ever!
- Mom: "Are you kidding me?" (as I was driving and kindly said this to another car who pulled out in front of us).
Jameson (in a tough guy voice from the back seat): "Yeah, are you kidding my mom?!"
- "Connor has squishy cheeks like Gwendolyn!" - you will say this a lot about people, haha! I guess maybe I shouldn't have ever said that I loved Gwendolyn's squishy cheeks...oops.
- "He's awfully sick." - you were referring to Spider-Man. I guess Spider-Man caught what you and I had last week. The "awfully" is what just cracks me up!
- When you opened Cora's Valentine, you squealed with glee, "Cora's telling me she likes mermaids! Happy Birthday!!" - it was hilarious! Your excitement was so awesome and I love that you came up with that.
- "You did a good job rescuing Thor, Mommy!" - you told me this when I picked Thor up off the floor. Thanks for the encouragement, Buddy!
- "Thank you for doing that politely, Mommy." - I was pulling up your PJ pants over your leg where it was sore from your shot. You were so happy that I did it "politely". And, then a few minutes later when you were getting dressed, you said, "Daddy is doing it politely!" when he put on your pants! I love that you are getting the hang of "politely" - always good when you have a baby around :).
- "You don't get undies, you're a superhero." - you were telling Spider-Man this.
- "Daddy wake up. Beds don't sleep!" - You like to lay on Daddy's back while he is laying down. I also think Daddy loves when you lay on him, too! He has mentioned how he could do that forever. I totally get that - there is not a lot more comforting than you hugging and hanging onto us!
Being silly after I took G's monthly laundry basket pic! |
More silliness! |
He was being a monster. |
Cool Valentine's Day straw from Gma and Ray. |
Went to go pick out Valentine's for school...as Batman! |
Ironman Valentine's! |
A little Valentine's Day fun! |
I just adore this picture - the look he is giving her makes my heart melt! |
Time to wipe off these kisses! |
I'll help you, too, sister! |
So sweet! |
Pile on Mommy! |
Haircut time!! Shaggy boy. |
Cutie pie. |
TA-DA!!! |
He looks so much older! |
Celebratory dinner at IHOP! |
At the Dr's office on Valentine's Day. |
Valentine's Day dinner - steak! You didn't eat much... |
Our tradition of making Valentine's Day cookies was a success! |
Finished product to take to Lynne! |
Hehehe! |
Love that face! |
Beckett's birthday party - Hulk Spider-Man! |
Ready to go play in the snow! |
But, first they had to do some work! |
Showing Gwendolyn Cora's Valentine! |
"She's saying she loves mermaids. Happy Birthday!" LOL. |
So sweet. |
Snuggling in the basement! |
Bath time in the big bath tub! |
He is just so sweet with her! |
AHHH, bubbles!!! |
Being silly on a Saturday morning! |
Saturday morning giggles are good for the soul! |
Playing with Braden's legos! |
Breaking from the legos to jump on the bed! |
Watching the Superhero intros on the iPad! |
Watching Despicable Me! |
I just love watching him. |
Snuggles. |
Everyone woke up early from their naps, so we went downstairs to snuggle on the couch.
And, by snuggle, I mean steal each other's plugs and giggle! |
I don't think he has enough animals! |
Less animals, but always the doggie and Ming Ming. |
Now, we are getting there. No more Ming Ming...just the doggie and a few others! |
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