We had a fun day planned for you for your birthday! I felt terrible that you had an ear infection on your birthday, but hopefully the antibiotic had kicked in enough at that point. When you woke up, you were in fairly good spirits! We had a few presents for you to open right away - a dinosaur book from Mommy, an Otis book from Daddy and then a Ponies book from Gwendolyn. You were pretty excited about them! Then when you walked out of your room, we had a lots of balloons leading downstairs and more in the living room. You thought this was great! We also had another present on the table...but you had to eat a good breakfast before you got to unwrap those :).
For breakfast, I made birthday cake pancakes...but you were not too impressed. You just snacked on your bacon and yogurt and didn't touch any of the pancakes...except for the sprinkles! Gma Kim and Grandpa came over to give you your gifts and to say hi before going to the dentist. You were excited to see them and got some fun Spider-Man stuff! After you finished eating, you opened the other gift from us - it was a big Spider-Man figurine. Then we had to get you ready for school. We weren't bringing treats because it was Connor's last day and his mom wanted to bring treats for the class. So, we were going to bring them on Thursday...which meant you got more birthday celebrations!
After school, we went out to lunch at Monical's with Gma Debbie and Ray. You got a cool sports Lego set that you wanted to play with right away. After lunch, we went to the Gingerbread House to let you pick out another gift. You picked a Knight costume and a light saber...quite the combo! You had a great time at the GB House as always and we can thank Ray and Gma for treating you to the gifts.
Once we got home, it was basically time for a nap. We watched a few cartoons and then headed up to nap. After you woke up, we had a few more gifts to open and then we played (
http://youtu.be/-DYLYFy_qYg). We had hamburgers for dinner since that has been a favorite thing of yours lately! After dinner, we sang, "Happy Birthday" and you blew out the candles on your cake. We all enjoyed some cake and ice cream and then played some more before bed time. We FaceTimed with the Gibson's and you got to open the presents they sent you while talking to them. I have to say I think their present was the most exciting for you...a Spider-Man and Hulk costume!! You were so very excited and we of course had to open it right then. After awhile of you running around in it, we went upstairs to wind down. Winding down first entailed a dance party in your costume with me -
http://youtu.be/mu4SsvoSyPg. It was a blast! Then, we snuggled for a bit before bed while watching some Phineas and Ferb! It was definitely getting late, so we went into your room and read your new books. It was a great day overall and even though you weren't feeling 100%, you seemed to really enjoy yourself! I hope that you felt extra special - you deserve a day being just about you!
Happy Birthday sweet boy!!
Hugging you for the last time as a 2 year old! |
Sweet dreams! |
Happy Birthday...to the minute! |
Special bday pancakes. |
Phineas and Ferb card! |
Gingerbread House time! |
Giddy-up! |
Aww! |
Sir Jameson |
Annual picture holding the picture from the year before. |
More presents! |
Handsome little man. |
Yoda card from the Gibsons! |
And, from the best State Farm Agent, Joe Edmondson :). |
Make a wish! |
Costumes from the Gibsons! |
Best Picture Ever. |
Spider-Man dance party! |
Snuggles! |
Kissing my 3 year old goodnight! |
He has his little hands crossed. |
You got to take treats to school on the 6th (someone else was taking them on your actual birthday). You wanted to bring cupcakes and superheroes, so this is what we came up with!
Dropping you off at school! |
Birthday #2 lunch after school! |
We have so much fun :). |
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