I started this post a week and a half ago and got sidetracked...!
I have to tell you little man, this birthday was one for the books! Your party took a lot of planning and coordinating, but I LOVED every minute of it. You are so very blessed to have so many people who care about you because you had a HUGE celebration. There were about 55 people in our house just for you!! We had over 15 pounds of Italian Beef and Italian Chicken, 10 gondolas, a lot of cocktail weenies, some pizza, a monstrous cake made by Tonja, and a bunch of other munchies! There was a lot of food, but we warned everyone to come hungry!
You woke up around 7:30 AM, which was absolutely perfect because I was able to spend the exact time you were born (7:38) with you in my arms. Your Dad and I came busting through the doors shouting Happy Birthday and then breaking out into song. You were all smiles!! After you ate, we played hard for about 2 1/2 hours and then Daddy gave you a bath and I put you down for a nap around 10:10. You slept clear until a little after Noon, which really couldn't have worked out any better since your party was at 12:30! Guests started to arrive and you were happy as can be greeting them and showing off your walking skills. Everyone mingled while all of the kiddos played and then it was time to dig into the food. We watched the video I made of your first year of life while everyone ate (your Dad and Ray worked very hard to make sure that video was going to work after all the hard work I put into it!).
After that, we sang Happy Birthday and let you dig into your little smash cake! You were pretty tame, but still had a good time with it! We cut the big cake and let people eat for a bit before we opened presents. You were a complete doll while opening presents. You sat with me the entire time, which was quite a long time because you had A LOT of gifts! Once we were done, it was time to mingle and play some more and guests started to trickle out. Both sets of grandparents stayed to clean up, but I think the last guest left a little before 4, so I take that to mean it was a good party :). You finally went down for a nap about 4:15, but only slept for about 20 minutes and you were ready to get back up and play!
You were a complete rockstar! You didn't once get fussy or upset and entertained everyone with your fake sneezes, jabbering and walking! The day really could not have gone any better and I am so thankful to everyone who helped make your day so very special! Now, I will have to figure out how to top it next year :).
Love you my little Toddler (eek!)!
Monthly Birthday Banner! |
Balloon Wreath |
Guestbook - thank you to everyone who signed it! We read them all before bed on his birthday! |
Greeting guests with Ray! |
Babies galore! |
Little smash cake and giant (delicious!) birthday cake made by Tonja! |
Being silly with Emmy! |
Family shot before cake smashing! |
Get this thing OFF of me! |
This was actually the THIRD smash cake you had, so you were a pro. |
Loving the icing. |
Notice the little fingers coming in for more! |
Time for presents! |
Showing off the mad walking skills. |
Birthday dinner! |
Followed by Birthday Ice Cream! |
Of course it snowed on your birthday and then was 65 degrees the next weekend! |
Best 1st Birthday EVER! |
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