Drum roll....
Weight: 23lbs. 1oz.(50%)
Height: 30 3/4 inches (75%)
Head: 18 inches (45%)
So, although my little bean still has his delicious chub, he has really thinned out, gaining only 1 pound in the last 3 months. It is all that moving and shaking he does!
I also realized that I forgot to add a few things to the 12 month post!
- Just since the last post, you have basically started running now. If I pretend like I am going to get you, you pick up your speed and pretty much run. And, you squeal while doing it! I knew it wouldn't take long for this, but I am amazed that this all happened in a month's time. You were even pulling me along by my hand yesterday at Ray and Grandma Debbie's! I am too slow already :).
- You say ba bye and wave along with it when people say bye, which is really too cute. I swear you say "ba bye mom" sometimes, but that is probably just my ears playing tricks on me.
- We taught you to fake sneeze awhile ago and it is hilarious. You think it's pretty funny too!
- You started doing this face plant thing on pillows and other soft (and not so soft!) objects. It is hysterical and the best part is no one has any idea where you learned it! It's very entertaining.
- Your top two lateral incisors came in sometime within the last week! The top left one had been halfway through for months, but they both finally popped through without me even knowing! Dr. Boe said some other top ones are on their way too.
- You are still sleeping 10-12 hours at night. We luckily missed the 11 month sleep regression that I heard about, so I hope it doesn't creep up on us now! I am scared to take the little heater out of your room though because you started STTN after we moved that in there!
- Naps are kind of hit or miss during the week I guess...I think you just want to stay up and play with your cousins! But, on weekends I guess your Dad and I bore you because you usually take 2 pretty solid naps and then a little cat nap before dinner depending on when you woke up from your 2nd nap.
- We also got the OK to move to whole milk for the majority of your fluid, so we will be adding that more and more to the mix. You have done really well with it thus far, so I think it'll be a smooth transition when the time comes!
First Wednesday with Mom at home! |
Being silly in the bath tub! |
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