Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chin Update

We had another Children's Hospital visit yesterday. Only because it had been 3 months and the doctor wanted to see him after he turned a year. Everything looks great (which we already knew) and she said we should see the hemangioma start to "die" off completely from here on out. She said we can come back when he is 3 if we want to consider cosmetic treatment, which means we will most likely not see her again! I think his chin looks awesome - definitely has faded tons over the last few months. Some days it's definitely more noticeable than others, but it's become so a part of him that I hardly notice it at all anymore. And, he has such pretty skin coloring that it sometimes blends in well.

Anyhow, the thing I thought was most exciting was his height measurement. I had a feeling the nurses were off at his 1 year appointment! Yesterday they measured him at 31.5 inches. That definitely seems a bit more accurate. And, he weighed in at 23 lbs. 6.5 oz. The other great thing about yesterday was we got to stop for lunch at a little golf course that Darin sometimes goes to when on the road. Jameson was a complete doll - waving at everyone. Talking to the waitresses. He did so well - I was so proud! He munched on some Goldfish crackers and fruit until his grilled cheese came and then he devoured half the sandwich within no time. He has become such a great eater and I love that! Overall, it was a lovely day spent with my boys!

Playing in the waiting room!
And, taking some time to stop and wave and say hi to every single person that walked in.

The kid is like a walking advertisement for Nike!

Hmm, scoping out the joint to see what kind of trouble he can cause!

Light sockets = trouble!

Climbing on things = trouble!

There ya go - play with the toys in the room!

My sweet bean.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Birthday Extravaganza!!!!

I started this post a week and a half ago and got sidetracked...!

I have to tell you little man, this birthday was one for the books! Your party took a lot of planning and coordinating, but I LOVED every minute of it. You are so very blessed to have so many people who care about you because you had a HUGE celebration. There were about 55 people in our house just for you!! We had over 15 pounds of Italian Beef and Italian Chicken, 10 gondolas, a lot of cocktail weenies, some pizza, a monstrous cake made by Tonja, and a bunch of other munchies! There was a lot of food, but we warned everyone to come hungry!

You woke up around 7:30 AM, which was absolutely perfect because I was able to spend the exact time you were born (7:38) with you in my arms. Your Dad and I came busting through the doors shouting Happy Birthday and then breaking out into song. You were all smiles!! After you ate, we played hard for about 2 1/2 hours and then Daddy gave you a bath and I put you down for a nap around 10:10. You slept clear until a little after Noon, which really couldn't have worked out any better since your party was at 12:30! Guests started to arrive and you were happy as can be greeting them and showing off your walking skills. Everyone mingled while all of the kiddos played and then it was time to dig into the food. We watched the video I made of your first year of life while everyone ate (your Dad and Ray worked very hard to make sure that video was going to work after all the hard work I put into it!).

After that, we sang Happy Birthday and let you dig into your little smash cake! You were pretty tame, but still had a good time with it! We cut the big cake and let people eat for a bit before we opened presents. You were a complete doll while opening presents. You sat with me the entire time, which was quite a long time because you had A LOT of gifts! Once we were done, it was time to mingle and play some more and guests started to trickle out. Both sets of grandparents stayed to clean up, but I think the last guest left a little before 4, so I take that to mean it was a good party :). You finally went down for a nap about 4:15, but only slept for about 20 minutes and you were ready to get back up and play!

You were a complete rockstar! You didn't once get fussy or upset and entertained everyone with your fake sneezes, jabbering and walking! The day really could not have gone any better and I am so thankful to everyone who helped make your day so very special! Now, I will have to figure out how to top it next year :).

Love you my little Toddler (eek!)!

Monthly Birthday Banner!

Balloon Wreath

Guestbook - thank you to everyone who signed it! We read them all before bed on his birthday!

Greeting guests with Ray!
Babies galore!

Little smash cake and giant (delicious!) birthday cake made by Tonja!

Being silly with Emmy!
Family shot before cake smashing!

Get this thing OFF of me!

This was actually the THIRD smash cake you had, so you were a pro.

Loving the icing.

Notice the little fingers coming in for more!

Time for presents!
Showing off the mad walking skills.

Birthday dinner!

Followed by Birthday Ice Cream!

Of course it snowed on your birthday and then was 65 degrees the next weekend!

Best 1st Birthday EVER!

Friday, March 9, 2012

1 Year Stats!!!

Jameson had his 12 month check up today. I was dreading it because it seemed like there was a lot of poking and pricking to be done and I had to go alone since Darin is out of town for work (which I think he conveniently planned, so I could be the bad guy!). But, it wasn't near as bad as I anticipated. There were four shots - Chicken pox vaccine, MMR, Hep A and Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. He took the shots with just a short crying session and was quite the ham with the nurses and Dr. Boe.  I still cannot believe that he had his 1 year appointment already. I feel like we were just there for his 1 week appointment! Sorry, got sidetracked.

Drum roll....
Weight: 23lbs. 1oz.(50%)
Height: 30 3/4 inches (75%)
Head: 18 inches (45%)

So, although my little bean still has his delicious chub, he has really thinned out, gaining only 1 pound in the last 3 months. It is all that moving and shaking he does!

I also realized that I forgot to add a few things to the 12 month post!
  • Just since the last post, you have basically started running now. If I pretend like I am going to get you, you pick up your speed and pretty much run. And, you squeal while doing it!  I knew it wouldn't take long for this, but I am amazed that this all happened in a month's time. You were even pulling me along by my hand yesterday at Ray and Grandma Debbie's! I am too slow already :).
  • You say ba bye and wave along with it when people say bye, which is really too cute. I swear you say "ba bye mom" sometimes, but that is probably just my ears playing tricks on me.
  • We taught you to fake sneeze awhile ago and it is hilarious. You think it's pretty funny too!
  • You started doing this face plant thing on pillows and other soft (and not so soft!) objects. It is hysterical and the best part is no one has any idea where you learned it! It's very entertaining.
  • Your top two lateral incisors came in sometime within the last week! The top left one had been halfway through for months, but they both finally popped through without me even knowing! Dr. Boe said some other top ones are on their way too.
  • You are still sleeping 10-12 hours at night. We luckily missed the 11 month sleep regression that I heard about, so I hope it doesn't creep up on us now! I am scared to take the little heater out of your room though because you started STTN after we moved that in there!
  • Naps are kind of hit or miss during the week I guess...I think you just want to stay up and play with your cousins! But, on weekends I guess your Dad and I bore you because you usually take 2 pretty solid naps and then a little cat nap before dinner depending on when you woke up from your 2nd nap.
  • We also got the OK to move to whole milk for the majority of your fluid, so we will be adding that more and more to the mix. You have done really well with it thus far, so I think it'll be a smooth transition when the time comes! 
And, of course some more pictures from the last few days!

First Wednesday with Mom at home!
Being silly in the bath tub!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

12 Months - Happy Birthday Jameson!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to the best little 1 year old on the planet!! I cannot believe you are one year old already. Where did the time go?? To say this past year was amazing would be an understatement. Seeing you grow up before my eyes has been incredible and you have made my already bright world so much brighter. We all know I am a sap, so to say that I have a 1 year old is bit hard to swallow. But, I am beyond excited for what's to come because I think it's only going to get better!

On to the milestones because there were SO many. You amaze me every day and this past month was extra special - you are definitely a little person now!!

  • You are a full fledged walker! It's hard not to smile when you walk because you always have a huge grin on your face. You can turn corners and actually turn in circles. You still plop down pretty hard on your rump every now and then and you still look a bit like Frankenstein, but you are very stable and can start and stop. Ray coined you Jamestein and it kind of stuck with your Dad and me! I call you Frankenbaby too.
  • The absolute best is when you walk over to me, wrap your little arms around my legs and look up at me with a huge smile on your face.
  • You LOVE to crawl up the stairs. You are super fast too!
  • You have started climbing on things too. You like to use toys or boxes as step stools to make yourself taller - very resourceful little bean! And, you like to try to climb in the bathtub at Gma Debbie and Ray's so you can play with the drain!
  • You are really talking now. I think it'll be a matter of time before you are saying sentences. And, I am not being that exaggerated Mom. You really try to carry on conversations and you understand a lot of what we say. So, I think once you can put it all together, we are going to have a chatterbox on our hands!
  • Some new words: book (and you always look in the direction of your books when you say it!). One of my favorites is Whoaaa. It is entirely too cute when you say that because your little face looks genuinely excited. You have actually had that one in your repertoire for a few months, but I think you really understand what it means now. You still say ball and Mama a lot. Definitely OK with that!  And, you say Ba Bye and wave!!
  • You are so curious about how things work, which is a characteristic you've had since you were just a wee little one!
  • At Grandma Debbie and Ray's, you have this "little man" that you carry around in your mouth for hours. It is hilarious. Maybe we are transitioning away from your pacifier?!
  • I devoted a whole blog post to your epic tantrums, but I have to add it here too. When you are happy, you are just so very happy. So, it's only fitting that when you are mad, you are so very mad!!
  • You are getting much better at eating table food. It's still kind of hit or miss because some nights you won't eat as much, but I am still thrilled and proud of you! You love Italian beef and your dad's new Italian chicken recipe. You devoured that chicken in minutes! You ate broccoli and cauliflower too, which was awesome! And, you love apples - you will gnaw on apples forever! You also love the Gerber freeze dried fruit pieces. We call them your "treats"!
  • Neither one of us seems quite ready to start the weaning process, so we are going to continue for a bit longer!
  • You also got not one, not two, but three little smash cakes because you just didn't want to cooperate during your 1 year pictures the first go-round. So, we tried again and you did great and then you did great at your bday party too!
  • No more bottles!! You will be using your sippy cup 100% of the time. And, we will start whole milk tomorrow. I didn't want to start you on it the day of your big party in case it didn't mesh well!
  • You are a little troublemaker :). You love to sneak through the baby gates at any chance and you love to go to the one cabinet that has a broken baby lock! Daddy fixed it over the weekend though, so I bet you'll find something else to get into!
  • You got to celebrate your cousin Beckett's 4th birthday - I snuck you some ice cream :).
  • I had my first overnight business trip - on Valentine's Day nonetheless. You got to have a sleep over with Gma Debbie and Ray though, so I am sure it was much harder on me than you.
  • You welcomed your new baby cousin Madison - you and Braden will be so good with watching out for her!
  • You had an AMAZING birthday party with a lot of wonderful people, but there will be a follow up blog post on that :).
  • One of the best things ever - I will now be spending every Wednesday at home with you!!  It will be Mom and Bean day and I am so extremely excited.
Mmm, apple!

Taking a stroll with Miss Rowan, Drake and Gma Kim!

My sweet sleepy bean!

Being silly with food!

Happy boy!

I love my Valentine's day gorilla from Gma Debbie and Ray!

Going shopping with Mom for birthday supplies!
Reading books with Daddy!
So cool in my shades!
J and his "little man".
Meeting Baby Madison for the first time!

Yep, we are in for some trouble - little man figured out how to make a "stool" out of a box!

Rooting around for his "treats".
My goof ball!

So deep in thought!
Walking like a pro!
Seriously, how sweet is that face?!

"Jameson, how old are you?" ONE!!!!
Last picture with the bear (sigh). Maybe I will do 18 months too :).

HAPPY BEAN DAY!!! We love you to the moon and back little man!!!!!!!