Talk about a funny feeling! I thought maybe I had felt him hiccuping before, but could not be certain since he literally moves non-stop ALL of the time! However, I was certain on December 26. Must have been all the Christmas cookies I devoured! We were visiting Darin's grandma and it felt almost like repetitive pokes or a heart beat, but it was definitely the hiccups. Kim and Darin both got to feel them! And, Mom was able to feel them again on New Year's Eve at dinner! Now, he gets them quite a bit...poor thing! But, it is kind of fun to feel something different...you know, besides his feet in my ribs! And, I read something that said getting the hiccups is actually a really good sign because it means his lungs are maturing and developing!
I had my 3o week appointment today. I am on the every two weeks schedule now, which is kind of crazy! Time is really flying now. Everything looked great! My belly is measuring spot on, which is quite the surprise! It appears that the rapid belly growth/weight gain has tapered off some in the last month...whew!
Lastly, I know I promised pictures of the nursery, but we have a lot more decorations/furniture coming over the next few weeks, so I am going to hold off on the reveal. However, I will give you a sneak peek because Darin did such a fabulous job!!

Laura, you look gorgeous! I'm so glad you're blogging about your experience! xoxo