This child has more clothes than I do! Probably more clothes than I have had collectively over the years. It took us all weekend to separate, wash and organize everything. Eight loads of baby laundry...and that was just 0-6 month clothing and a load of towels/wash cloths! I would like to note that my amazing sister donated Braden's clothes and accessories since they are having a girl. This turned out to be 11 garbage bags stocked full and a few other bags of random stuff. All of this ranging from 0-3T (thanks to my wonderful Mom for sorting and labeling everything!). Plus, we are lucky to have so many wonderful friends and family members who cannot seem to resist buying adorable baby clothes for him (I cannot resist either!). The washing/organizing process was a bit overwhelming at first, but Darin's OCD came in VERY handy and we had quite a bit of fun together!
I had my 32 week appointment today and all is looking good! He is definitely going through another growth spurt, but I expect to have quite a few of these moments over the final weeks. I am still fairly comfortable, even though the pregnancy insomnia has reared its ugly head again. I am not sure how I am supposed to heed the advice of others regarding getting all the sleep I can now when I wake up 12 times to go to the bathroom and then cannot fall back asleep. But, I guess my body is just starting to prepare for the MANY sleepless nights ahead! Even with all of the "fun" that comes with the final months of pregnancy, I am still loving every minute of being pregnant. It is crazy to think that this will all be over in less than two months and a new journey will begin!!

Starting to fill out a little in the face :).
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