Yay, you are officially a Big Brother!! As I have mentioned in some of the previous posts, I was extremely worried about how everything would go once Baby Sister was here. But, the second she entered this world, I realized that my heart has more than enough love for two. And, I have to say I should never have worried about you knowing how well you adjust to things and this was no different. You loved her from the second you met her and have been an amazing big brother these last two weeks. I knew you would be amazing, so that part was no surprise!
The morning that we left for the hospital, it was very tough me to leave without giving you a huge hug and kiss. When I found out my surgery was going to be delayed, you were the first person I thought of because we had told you as soon as you woke up, you would be able to come meet your sister and see Mommy and Daddy. I felt so bad knowing that you would have to wait to see us all, however, you seemed to be just fine with Gpa and Gma Weber while you waited at our house. You then got to come to the hospital and hang out with both sets of grandparents while you waited. After Gwen was born, we were waiting in recovery and one of the nurses asked if we wanted her to go get you. I instantly started crying just at the sound of your name because I couldn't wait to see you and for you to meet your sister. When you came in the room, I cried some more and was so very happy to see you that I almost tried to pick you up all by myself! You crawled in my arms and we all held each other as a family of four. Very precious moments that I will forever cherish. You then wanted to go get the presents you had picked out for Baby G earlier that morning. When you came back in, you were so excited to give them to her, you could hardly get them out of the bag. It was so sweet and I knew at that moment, Gwen was a very lucky little girl. She has the best big brother.
Overall, we all have adjusted extremely well to being a family of four. You have your moments where I don't know if you are upset at the changes or if you are just being a normal two year old. Either way, it is understandable and we address it and move on. But, as far as how you act around Gwendolyn and interact with her, you are incredible. You always try to make her laugh with silly faces and dances. You constantly check on her when she is sleeping in the pack-n-play. You always want to kiss her nose or pat her little head. You love to lay by her when she is playing on her gym mat. You like to sing to her. You always have to kiss her goodnight. I absolutely love watching you interact with her - talk about heart warming. I cannot wait to watch you two grow up together - she is going to love having you as her big brother!
My love certainly has grown to lengths I never could have imagined because of you and your sister. And, I know it will only continue to grow. So very blessed.
Hanging out with Grandpa before coming to the hospital! |
He is ready to come meet his Baby Sister!! |
Still waiting to meet her! |
This is the first time I saw Jameson and the first time he met Gwendolyn.
I was sobbing like a baby!! |
Smiling through the tears of joy! |
First photo as a family of four! |
I love this - he makes this face whenever she cries! |
He was sooo excited to give Baby Sister the toys he bought her! |
And, this is what Baby Sister bought Jameson for his Big Brother gift...
she sure knows him well :). |
Opening his gifts! |
Making friends with everyone! |
Already trying to entertain her! |
So sweet. |
Melts my heart. |
He looks so cute!!! |
I love this picture!! |
I love this picture - makes me laugh! |
So sweet! |
Pictures before we left the hospital! |
We were all so happy to be able to go home together!! |
Silly boy! |
Holding Baby G like a pro! |
Ahh, my heart is melting again!! |
This is probably one of my absolute favorite pictures. Ever. |
Since he sleeps with 500 things, I figured why not just add Gwen to the mix ;). |
She loves him so much already! |
This was probably one of my favorite moments from the hospital. Both my babies in my arms.
I never realized how much I could love until I held my babies. |
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