I just posted an update a few weeks ago, but I wanted to get this one done before baby sister gets here! Because even though it's only been a few weeks, much like every post I do about you, you continue to amaze us all with your vocab and ability to pick up on things. We always all comment about how we just need to record you 24 hours a day or write down everything you say because you just constantly amaze and constantly make us laugh and smile! I can't help but get so proud when I look at you!!
- I will wait to update weight and height until after your 2.5 year doc appointment!
- I think you have allergies. With the weather being so beautiful, we opened the windows and I felt so bad because it seemed like your allergies immediately flared. You are constantly itching your eyes and you sound congested, yet have the runny nose. I am going to set up an appointment to help with this too - I feel so bad for you because I know how awful it is to deal with!
- A biggie in my book - I signed you up for preschool, ahhhh!!! You will start the day before you turn 2.5. I am so excited for you because I think you will love being around other kids and will hopefully love the learning part. But, I can't help but freak out a little knowing that you are old enough to be in preschool!! But, we went and visited the other day and you loved it...and I think it's so cool because you will be in the same classroom that I was in when I went to preschool at 2PC!
- We have a little routine now after we go to the grocery store - you love to go to Barnes and Noble and pick out a book for you and one for baby sister. It's so cute! You always ask if you can go pick one out for her and of course we say yes! You are just so thoughtful and you always pick good ones for her!! I can't wait until she's here so you can read them to her!
- Speaking of books, you just love to read and be read to. I love that so much! Some of the favorites over the past few weeks were: Otis and the Puppy (one of the new ones you picked out!) and the Disney Book of bedtime stories (we read a few each night, but we always have to read the Monsters, Inc. one!).
- We went to the movie theater a few more times! We went to go see Despicable Me 2, but when we got to the theater, Braden and Aunt Lindsay were there...they were going to see Monsters U, so we had, I mean we got, to see it again! Then the next weekend, the three of us went to Despicable Me with Jeremy, Braden and Lindsay. You do sooo well, but that shouldn't be too much of a surprise! But, it's definitely an expensive habit, especially since you love to play the games in the lobby before and after!
- We went to Grandpa Dan's 60th birthday party and you had a great time rocking out to your Great Uncle Jim's band! You were also flirting with a little girl that was also dancing. Tried to kiss her a few times and her brother then told us that you guys had to get married! So cute.
- We have been doing this for a few months now, but we will walk down to the end of the street because there is a pile of rocks. We all like to look through them and talk about the different colors, shapes, etc. It's pretty fun for Daddy and me too! Then we always walk on the balance beams (curbs).
- You are a jokester. The other day you kept telling us that you saw a hand in Daddy's car and we could not figure out what you were talking about. After awhile, you started laughing and said, "I am just kidding, guys. There is no hand!". Hahaha...too funny!
- You love to play "puppy". You like for us to be the puppy too, which only gets more difficult as my belly gets bigger. But, pretty soon, I will be able to give 100% to being your puppy!
- You are just too sweet. I know I say it every month, but you will just randomly walk up to me and give me a huge squeeze or kiss my hand or something. It's just amazing and I am so lucky to have such a sweetheart!
Some funny videos:
Vocab Funnies: I didn't even come close to capturing the breadth of your vocab or your hilariousness!! But, here are a few that make me laugh!
- You have developed what I can only describe as a British accent and it is hilarious!! So funny and you crack me up!
- We have learned the ever so fun, "2 more minutes, Mom". Let the good times roll!
- You have also started saying, "not now, but soon." or "not now, maybe later." Too funny.
- Dora and Diego have taught you well - you will randomly say a word in Spanish sometimes. Not too often, but every once in awhile.
- The other day, you told Grandma Debbie, "you're killing me!". I think we all say that to you a million times a week because you constantly crack us up. Guess it caught on!!!
- "I can't get it right now, I am busy". You have started telling us you are busy when we ask you something...too funny.
- "It's bee-you-ti-ful outside". You always comment on the weather and it's so cute when you tell us it's beautiful!
- "Mommy, you didn't tuck me in right". Haha, tell it how it is kid!
- This may embarrass you later in life, but it was too cute. When Michelle and Cass came over to hang out, I was upstairs giving you a bath. When they came up to look at Baby Sister's room, you asked Michelle what she was doing. She told you and then asked you what you were doing...your response, "just being naked". HA!
- You were telling Gma Kim that you love your Mommy and when she asked if you loved her, you were being a stinker and said no. When she pretended to be sad, you said, "it's OK Grandma, Grandpa loves you!". Aww.
- "Wait your turn, Mommy. I will go first and then you will get a turn". OK, little boss man!
Well, the next post I do will most likely be about you adjusting to being a big brother. I am so ready for your sister to get here, but I have had such a hard time this week knowing that we only have a few more hours to relish in you being our only baby! I know we will all love having baby girl here and I have no doubt that you will be an incredible big brother!! You've been so incredible with her during this pregnancy, so I am sure once you fully understand what is going on, you will have no problem adjusting.
Cool new sword from Gma Debbie and Ray! |
He was pretending to be a sad puppy after bath time! |
Fun at the Library with Gma and Ray! |
Feeding the fishies at Gma and Ray's pond! |
Loving the Target popcorn. |
Gangsta. |
This just makes me laugh for some reason! |
"C'mon Daddy, I will catch you!" |
Dancing to Jim's band! And, kissing on the little girl, which I did not capture on film! |
We were both tired from the party, so we snuggled in bed the next morning! |
Love his little face! |
Best Buddies! |
Another one of his best buddies! |
Gma Debbie and Jameson's cookie date at the mall! |
Star Wars - still obsessed! |
Looks like Ming Ming won the wrestling match! |
Laying on baby sister! |
Playing in the rocks!! |
Wearing Gma Debbie's shoes! |
Peek-a-boo! |
Loving the hammock at Gma and Ray's! |
Having a blast at the Gingerbread House's Grand Re-Opening Party! |
Donut Sprinkles!! |
Jameson (and Mommy's!) first time picking sweet corn! |
Had to get another sleeping picture! |
He LOVES his new Darth Vader towel! |
Playing some mini golf at State Farm park with Braden and Ray! |
They have so much fun together! |
Playing in the puddles at Daddy's softball game. Then he decided it would be fun to take off his shoes and sit on the ground
and eat fruit snacks with Mr. Dino. |
Just watching some Dora on Gma and Ray's porch! |
Haircut time! Before! |
Handsome boy - after! And, of course we had to get some Dairy Queen! |
Finally kind of got a picture of the finger/head tilt Jamesonism! |
Walking on the "balance beam"! |
Went to the movie to see Despicable Me 2 and saw Braden...so Monsters U it was (again!). |
Having fun at the museum!! |
Snuggles! |
Having a blast in the rain! |
One last night at the pool before baby sister gets here! |
Watching the airplanes in Cooksville with Gma Kim!! |
Love this picture!! |
He has quite the fashion sense! |
Despicable Me 2 this time!! And, we had to go to Toys R Us after to get some minions. Yet, somehow we walked out with a Boo stuffed animal (Monsters, Inc.). But, he said he would share her with Baby Sister...aww. |
Our last Sunday with you as our only child. I was taking it all in!!! |
Playing some golf, Happy Gilmore style! |
Hitting the piƱata at Bennett's bday party! |
Being silly! |
Having fun with Ray and Gma! Too cute! |
Playing animal games with Gma! |
I only wish I could keep him this close forever!! My little love. |
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