We decided to do our annual Cubs trip a little earlier this season since Labor Day weekend would just not work so well this year! So, we went on May 18 to a Noon game. But, it was perfect - the weather was perfect, the game was perfect and we all had a wonderful time! I was a little nervous again this year just since Mr. Jameson is so active and whatnot, but he did an amazing job and seemed to have a great time. We talked about the Cubs game leading up to it for weeks and so by the time it was game day, he was ready to "go at the Cubby game!". He loves wearing his Cubs gear, so that made it even more exciting...and the fact that Grandma Debbie and Ray were coming certainly helped! When he woke up the morning of the game, all he wanted to do was go to the Cubby game...or the park! He was a champ on the drive up - kept himself entertained, but of course did not nap!
Once we got there, I realized that I left my memory card for my camera at home, ugh!! I was so upset, but luckily the quality of iPhone pictures are pretty good, so I just had to deal with it! Once we got to our seats, Jameson seemed very taken by all of the stuff going on around him. He was looking around at all of the commotion, the people and of course the game! He REALLY wanted to go down on the field and play baseball, so it was a little hard to tell him that he had to sit and watch. But, we got some hot dogs for him and some popcorn and that kept him occupied for quite some time! He actually sat for a lot of the game, but had to transfer laps a few times and we all had to take turns walking around with him. Overall, he was so well behaved. We stayed long enough to sing the stretch, which he thought was fun, and then we headed to the United Club to use the restrooms and grab a drink. We could all tell that he was exhausted by this point - we actually all were! It was about 2:30, so long past his usual nap time.
We walked back to the car and started the journey home. He told us he needed to potty, so we stopped at a Super Target on the way home. This was when things went a little South. He was just beyond tired at this point and didn't want to actually go when we got in the store. We got him back in the car and it was game over. He was so upset and was just crying for no reason other than he was tired. I am writing this not to embarrass him or because we were upset about it - I totally understood that he was most likely going to be off kilter. I write this because the most hilarious and amazing thing happened during this mini meltdown - never has this happened before with Jameson. Literally mid-cry, he passed out. And, I don't mean, he took a break from crying and fell asleep. He was literally in the middle of a cry and it was like his breath just stopped, so we all turned to look at him and he was passed out with mouth wide open. It was adorable, heart warming and absolutely hilarious all at once. Poor bean was just so very tired! I couldn't stop looking back at him - he looked so sweet and I just wanted to go back there and scoop him up and snuggle him the rest of the way home!
He slept until we dropped off my parents and was a bit upset when they were getting out of the car. He was super groggy and still pretty tired. We managed to get him home and ended up having a picnic on the floor for dinner in the living room while we watched some Tom and Jerry! We then decided after such a long, fun day that we should finally let him go to the park since he had asked a few (hundred) times throughout the day! It was so cute watching him run around and find friends to play with! I could just watch this kid for hours and smile happily. He played hard at the park until about 8:15 and we corralled him and headed home. Of course as we were leaving, he slipped on the gravel and skinned his knee pretty badly. But, considering how exhausted he was, he handled it like a champ! We got home and cleaned it off and got ready for bed. Ended the night with some Bubble Guppies and stories as usual. Gave our hugs, said our prayer, gave some more hugs and kisses and said good night. He crashed hard once we left the room and slept like an angel until about 9:00 the next morning.
Overall, the 3rd annual Cubs game outing was a huge success! I hope we can continue - it just may be a little more exhausting with two! But, it's a fun tradition and I love that we are exposing our kids to the joy of Wrigley at such a young age (I know many are rolling their eyes at that statement!). I remember going with my family when I was growing up and have so many wonderful memories - I hope to do the same for my kiddos! Go Cubs Go!!
Some funny videos:
Someone is excited to get on the road! |
They are SO excited! |
All four of us in front of the Marquee :). |
Love! |
Waiting patiently to get inside the ball park! |
Taking a minute to enjoy Wrigley with Ray! |
Future Wrigley rat :). |
One of my favorite places!! |
Mom and Bean! |
Enjoying hot dog #1 of the day! |
Yay! Go Cubbies!!! Cheering while eating a hot dog! |
Daddy - Old Style. Jameson - Milk. |
People watching and greeting! |
This Mr Affectionate giving me hugs and kisses the whole time! |
And, giving Ray kisses too! Awww!!! |
Tickle Monster time! These two always have fun! |
Time to run around for a bit! |
Taking a stroll! |
Time to relax on Daddy with some popcorn! |
Jameson sure loves his Gma Debbie! |
Awww! |
Daddy, I want to wear your hat. |
Cutie. |
He makes me smile! |
Another Mom and Jameson pic. |
Family shot - attempted anyway. |
Someone wanted a piece of Wrigley apparently. The sticker
may or may not have come home with us. |
My little love bug. He was getting sleepy! |
More kisses from him. |
Cubs win! |
Sleepy bean just wanted to have Mommy carry him the whole way
back to the car! |
And, this was 2 seconds after he passed out mid-cry.
Still has his little grumpy face :). |
Picnic dinner on the floor! |
Blowing off more steam at the park after dinner! |
His boo boo :(. |
some Comparison shots from the past 3 years!
Wow, talk about change! |
Sleepy bean! |
Haha - some things never change! |
Will have to make room for one more Weber next game! |
Last year's post!
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