Another crazy busy month!! We ended up having to take you to the doctor for bronchitis over the last month and you were 31 lbs and we didn't get your height. I would venture to guess you maybe grew a little, as I think you look longer! Your bottom 2 year molars have also poked through, which may explain that weird week we had with sleeping and excessive meltdowns! I have to say that this is the most challenging age, but also the most fun! I absolutely love watching you explore and use your imagination. I love that you can hold conversations with us and will come give me a hug out of the blue and tell me you love me. I love everything about it - even when you are in the midst of a fit :).
I think the other HUGE thing is you basically just potty trained yourself in about a week! I always said I wouldn't broadcast my child's potty escapades, but we are SO proud!! You have had half of the potty training down for months, but we were always wondering how we would get you trained on the other half. People would tell us that for some kids, it just "clicks" and boy did it ever click for you. One morning when you woke up, you just told Daddy you needed to go potty and he took you and you went! After that, you have woken up basically dry every morning and you go right when you wake up. You always tell me when you have to go and even on our trip to Chicago, you had zero accidents!! I can't get over how amazing it is - we are all so impressed! And, you just love wearing your big boy underwear - you had so much fun picking out all of them!! You are such a smart little boy - we should have known that it would just happen one day! Our "potty treats" are fruit snacks, but we realized that we probably shouldn't give you fruit snacks every single time, so we discovered that you absolutely love Tic Tacs. So, now you ask for "Tic Tocs" :).
Some other things to note:
- When you want to go get something or do something on your own, you will look at us and say, "be right back" while holding up your pointer finger. It's adorable!
- Gma Kim taught you all how to Conga, so you run around saying, "Conga, Conga, Conga". So cute!
- When you are mad or upset, you close your eyes really tight and put your face in your hands and pout. It is honestly quite cute and hard not to smile, which sometimes makes you even more mad!
- Whenever you fall or mildly hurt yourself, you immediately say, "I'm OK". I think it's because that has always been the first thing we ask when you fall/get hurt and you just now take it upon yourself to answer us before we even ask!
- You got your 4th haircut, but what I would consider your 2nd real haircut. You look like such a big boy now!!
- Daddy took you to Cub to get some groceries when I was on bed rest and they had their flower tent up. So now, you always want to go play in the tent and smell the flowers. It's so cute!
- Daddy has been impressed by this for months and I kept forgetting to put it in a post. But, when we tell you to turn something another direction, you know exactly what we mean and start turning it the other way. Such as the milk cap.
- You now love Star Wars - I think your cousin, Braden, may have something to do with that. We play Star Wars a lot...which is mostly just swinging a sword and making "whoosh" noises!
- When you play with your toy car downstairs in the basement, we have to stop and fill it up with gas. You thought of this all on your own and even fill it up. I love watching you do this! After every "ride", you always say, "need more gas" and we take you back to the "gas station".
- Daddy has started doing "this little piggy" with you in the bath tub and you think it's hilarious!
- Whenever you wrap yourself in blankets or put pillows over you, you will call yourself a hamburger! It cracks me up!
- You sometimes like to rub other people's ears when you are sleepy, along with yours. You were rubbing Daddy's ear when he took you to the potty one morning! And, you like to rub Ray's ear when he lays with you.
- Speaking of that, sometimes you are a stinker with nap time, so Gma Kim, Gma Debbie or Ray will have to lay with you on the bed until you fall asleep. When you are at Gma Debbie and Ray's house, you will lay with Ray and read the Grandma and Me book and you just love it!
- We changed up our Thursday night routine and started going to Garden of Paradise after gymnastics instead of IHOP. You were soooo excited the first time we walked in there!
- You love to pick out a cookie cutter shape to use for your grilled cheese. And, you also like to make shapes out of your food with your mouth. When you eat toast, you always make it look like a boot! The other day, you told me you made a cow!
- Whenever you eat something spicy or even something like a tic tac, you always say, "that's hot on my tongue". Very cute!
- Favorite books were Yummy Yucky again, the Potty Book, Birthday Monsters and Night Night Little Pookie. Along with your other usual faves mixed in. You also found "Where the Sidewalk Ends" again and got into that.
- One day before nap, Daddy and I were giving you a hug and a kiss and when we kissed you, it smelled like pickle, so we said, "pickle kiss!". Now, almost every time we kiss, we say pickle kiss or throw in another food that you have just eaten. It is so funny and adorable hearing you say it!
- I am so happy that it is warming up outside because you just love being able to play! You are always quite tuckered out at nap and bed time too, which is nice! You enjoy going down the street to visit Lynne! And, you like to play Tee Ball with Daddy. Taking long walks and finding Pumas and Alligators is also high on the list of fun (Aunt Penny got to go on an adventure with you!).
- Ray came over and watched you one morning so we could go check on baby sister at the doctor. You were asleep when we left, so when you woke up, Ray went and got you. When he walked in, you just smiled and said, "whatcha doing, Ray" like it was no big deal he was there and not us. Love how friendly and open you are with everyone!
- You have all of a sudden turned into super close talker. It's so funny - it's like you get so excited to tell us a story! It's mostly if we haven't seen you all day and when we walk in the door - you are just too excited and want to tell us about your day! So funny!
- Whenever we ask you what you want to listen to in the car, you always answer with "Justin". Makes Mommy very happy! Move over Johnny Cash, JT has taken over for the time being :).
Some fun vocab updates:
- You clearly listen to me a lot about how much I miss you during the day when I am at work because the other day, you picked up your big stuffed panda and the baby panda and said, "aww, mommy missed you today". I about melted into a puddle on the floor!
- Speaking of adorable, you also looked at me on the way to gymnastics one night and said, "Mommy, your hair is looking pretty". Melts. My. Heart!
- Way, way, way up there! - when something is high up or if you see something in the sky, it's always way, way, way up there!
- Cinderelly - whenever you see Cinderella on TV or in a book, you will say/sing this!
- We joked one morning about having Hoyt get you dressed and you laughed and said, "Hoytie can't, he doesn't have hands". Touche'!
- Oh dear - you have been saying this forever, but kind of stopped. It's back in full force and when you say it, you kind of giggle - cracks me up!!!
- Be Gone Foreber = be gone forever! I said this to you once when you were trying to put something through the fence, so now you say it a lot! It is so freaking cute!
- Nuh uh - instead of just saying no, you will sometimes say this!
- What's up, Daddy" - guess you are turning into a teenager already.
- Hiiiiii and Byeeeeee - you exaggerate these two and it's really cute. You also say hi and bye to anyone and everyone you come into contact with. I love that you are so friendly!!
- What was that? - you pretty much say this with every single little noise you hear. You are so curious!
- Lub you = love you! I love that you have started saying this!
- Yahoooo! - no clue where you heard this, but it's hilarious!
- Hm? - you answer things with a quick hm now. Or if we say something to you, you will say this.
- I dunno - this is also the top answer to most every question right now, even though you know exactly what the answer is!
- Kinda - you will use this word now to describe things. The other day you told me your socks were kinda slippery on the floor.
- Ray and Daddy sometimes tell you they have a secret when they want to tell you something, so now you will say this. It's so cute because you will say, "Mommy, I have a secret" and then come over and whisper in my ear your secret!
- I have started saying "otay" just because I am so used to saying it that way and apparently, you want us to be proper because you will say, "no say otay". Guess I need to start talking like an adult around you :).
- What's your name? - I think because we have asked you this a lot to help you learn your name, you now ask this to everyone...and everything, including stuffed animals, etc.
- Last week at gymnastics, I asked you what color ball you had in your hand and you said, "blue, just like your eyes, Mommy". Could you be any cuter?!
I know I am forgetting a lot, but you never cease to amaze me with what you do and say, so it's really hard to keep up with everything! You are an amazing little boy, that's for sure!
More cute videos:
Eating like a big boy in a regular chair! |
Bubbles! |
Wanted to be like Mommy :). |
Cutest Cat in the Hat! |
Conga Conga Conga! |
Rigatoni fingers! |
Making brownies with Gma Debbie! |
Playing with Baby Madison. |
Aww! |
Pickle Monster! Nothing like ordering a plate of pickles at IHOP! |
This is the "pout" face. |
Haircut! Before, during and after! |
Chuck E Cheese |
Cotton candy face |
Funny faces! |
Snuggling with Gma Debbie!
Play date with Cameron, Lucy and Reagan! |
Just eating with some dinosaur buddies! |
Star Wars...and a ball! |
Love this picture! |
Reading with Daddy. |
Coloring Mommy a picture! |
Reading Baby Angels. |
Sleepy bean. |
Playing in the tent at Cub! |
Filling up his car with gas!!
Asking the lion what his name is, lol! |
He is going to be such a good big brother! |
Having some Monical's with Braden, Gma and Ray. The window
was decorated courtesy of Jameson! |
He wanted to sit on my lap and eat and hold my hand.
Never would have guessed he had a huge tantrum 20 minutes before this!!
Enjoying some DQ on the patio after Kindermusik. Love our Wednesdays! |
Enjoying some corn on the cob for the first time this season!
When playing outside, one must wear 3 hats! |
Enjoying his new bike from Gma Kim! |
Playing some ball with Daddy! |
New undies and fruit snacks for being such a good boy! |
Swinging with Bennett! |
My little happy shopping buddy - all you need is Target popcorn and a
juice box! And, getting to pick out new undies! |
Enjoying our lunch outside! |
Loving the Jump Spot as usual! |
His army of raccoons had to watch while he ate his ice cream!
This makes me laugh - he was resting in Hoyt's bed with Hoyt's blanket! |
I will never have enough of these moments. Ever!!! |
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