I decided this year to do a slighly lower key birthday party in comparison to Jameson's first birthday bash. However, somehow the money and time I put into it didn't seem so low key when all was said and done! But, I would by lying if I said I didn't love every minute! We all know how much I love planning and hosting parties, so it is even better when it's for my sweet little boy!!
We decided to go with a Lion King theme this year since, well, this was his favorite movie for many, many weeks! In the months leading up to planning his party, we would typically watch this movie or at least pieces of it every other day, if not every day. And, he would typically sit and watch the whole movie. He sings the songs, knows some of the lines and definitely knows when the funny/scary parts are coming! So, King of the Jungle was a perfect theme!
Party started at 4:30, which is typically when Jameson is waking up from his nap. But, we made sure he went to sleep early enough that he would be ready to party when his guests arrived! He had a bit of a rough morning after waking up on the wrong side of the crib, so I am not going to lie, I was a bit nervous how the day would go. But, he quickly snapped out of it! And, he was in the BEST mood when he woke up from his nap later that afternoon. He was most certainly ready to party! Especially, after he got to put on his Lion King birthday shirt made especially for him!
We had LOTS of food, LOTS of guests, and LOTS of presents! It was perfect and Jameson had a complete blast. He was an angel the whole party - ran around like a mad man and entertained per his usual style! He did awesome with opening presents and great with the blowing of the candles on the cake! The only somewhat snafu we had was when he was licking the icing off the candles and he may or may not have accidentally taken a big bite out of one. The expression on his face after that was priceless! But, we quickly washed it down with some delicious cake and ice cream and he didn't seem fazed in the least bit!
He partied hard until about 7:45 when the last of the guests were trickling out. He and Drake took a fun birthday bath and after Nicole and Drake left, Darin, Jameson and I crawled into our bed and watched some Tweety Bird. After a few episodes, I took him to his room and we read a few of his new birthday books and cuddled for a bit. He was exhausted and more than ready to crawl into his bed! We said our prayer and then exchanged our usual 200 hugs and kisses after he was in his bed. Yet again another night where I just did not want to let go of him! I wanted to stay and squeeze him and cuddle him and pretend that time would just stop for awhile!
Hope you enjoyed your party my sweet boy - you deserve everything and then some!!
Decided to personally make the invitations this year
(blank spot is address blurred out...I didn't just forget to put something there!). |
Morning of the party! Checking out the supplies! |
Goofy boy!! |
Someone thought this was sooo funny! |
Party decor including Jameson M&Ms!! |
More decor including the Birthday Tribute! |
Lion King food! |
Favor boxes for the big kids and favor bags for the Littles! |
Favors for the adults! Yummy cookies from Grove St. Bakery. |
The guest book for everyone to leave a birthday message! |
Up from his nap and ready to party like a King!! |
Hakuna Matata! Loved his shirt from Hootie's House! |
The chaos begins! |
Jameson loves his Baby Madison! |
Opening all of his presents...spoiled much?! |
Time for some grub! |
Now, time for some crafts!! |
Back for some more grub! |
Being silly with Aunt Nicole! |
Madison, Cameron and Lucy playing with all the toys! |
Now you wear it, Ray! |
Cake time!! Look at Jameson eyeing that cake! |
Simba cake from Janet's! |
Time to sing Happy Birthday (he was singing along!). |
Yay!! Great job singing everyone! |
Time to make a wish! |
This is when he may or may not have taken a bite of the candle! |
Dig in!!! |
Flirting with Avery! |
Saying bye and thank you to his guests! |
He LOVED his chicken from Kristy and Jonah! |
Can I open this now?
He was pretty excited for his water table from Gma Debbie and Ray! |
These are MY balloons, Drake! |
Hmm, I want to watch Tweety Boyd! |
The aftermath!! |
Jameson's awesome gift from my Dad...a personal story written just for him! |
Best 2nd Birthday EVER!!! |
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