There has been a lot going on over the past week, so I am a little late getting this updated. Plus, this was another packed month full of learning and growing, so I had a plethora of information and pictures to condense! And...maybe I am still slightly in denial that you are already two!!!
Stats and 2 Year Doctor Visit (March 6, 2013): You weigh 31 1/4 actually gained some weight! And, you are about 35 inches tall. The nurse got 34 3/4, but you were looking down at your feet and I measured you and got 35. You also had a complete meltdown in the room because the nurse told you that you couldn't play with the scale/ruler. You were NOT happy and gave a great preview of the terrible twos :). But, as soon as I got you calmed down, you were on your A-Game and did wonderful during the exam and of course you showed off your talking abilities.
Our "homework" from Dr. Emm was to make sure you know your ABCs, can count to 10, and can identify shapes and colors. I told him you have been singing your ABCs since about 18-19 months, you can count to 20 (with a few errors every once in awhile!) and know most of the shapes, including some odd ones and know your colors. I also mentioned that you can identify letters now - not all, but a good majority of them. So, he said our new homework was to teach upper and lower case letters and to help you recognize the numbers 1-10. Sounds like a plan!! He also said that with you being "advanced" (his words, not mine), we would have a very opinionated and stubborn little man. Yeah, we know that. But, you are also a VERY sweet and kind little man, so quite a nice mix if I don't say so myself! After your appointment, we went to Target to get some popcorn and I let you pick out a movie for eventually doing very well at the appointment! Tom and Jerry was the CLEAR winner!
More fun stuff:
- You're very well mannered. You are so good with saying "thank you". We sometimes have to remind you of "please", but "thank you" is a no brainer for you!
- You're so creative - you can find shapes or animals in your popcorn, in the clouds, on the dining room wall (lol): octopus, spider, fishy, ball, wolf, cow. Your favorite shape to find is a triangle. It's pretty cool!
- Along the same lines, your imagination is amazing to me. I know I commented about this last time, but you've added a few things. First, there are Pumas in our basement that you and Daddy discovered! We have to jump on the couch to hide from them! Apparently, there are also wolves in our house! Also, there is a monster in the corner of our living room. We always go see it and then run into the dining room! I might need to get our house inspected :).
- I have said it a MILLION times, but your memory is insane. You can remember things from 6 months ago just out of nowhere! It's nuts. And, you pick up on things so quickly. We learned a new song in Kindermusik and you started singing it on the way home.
- We have kind of gotten in a bad habit of watching cartoons before nap time and then a few in our bed before we read books at night. But, I would be lying horribly if I said I didn't love getting the extra snuggles with you! Some of our favorites, I mean your favorites, are Bubble Guppies and Tweety Bird at night and Franklin and Tom and Jerry (your favorite right now!) before nap time.
- Your favorite books this month were the Little People books and the Farmyard Tales again. It's hilarious because in the morning when you wake up, you will read the Farmyard Tales to yourself in bed and all I hear is, "oh no. Ted's tractor in the water. Oh no!". So cute
- You order for yourself when we go out to dinner at IHOP (eggs, bacon...and a miiilllkshake)! It's so funny.
- You can jump really well now- you get both feet off of the ground! And, you have learned to flip over on the bar at the Jump Spot!
- You know places. Like when we are going to Nicole's in the morning or to Gma Debbie and Ray's, you know the route. You also know the grocery store...but, I think that is partly due to the fact that Chuck E Cheese is right by it!
- Daddy and I were super impressed by this one - you were sitting by me and looking in my eyes and said, "I see me!". You saw your reflection in my eye! Crazy!
- When you see pictures of us, you will say that's you mommy/daddy/me/Hoyt/etc. You obviously have recognized people forever, but it's cool to hear you say, "that's you!".
- You have started eating pizza like your cousin Braden used to - cheese first and then maybe the dough, maybe not!
- One of the funniest things you do every once in awhile is talk about how you have a hangnail and we need to bite it! You get on these kicks some days and it's every 10 minutes, "mommy, I got another hangnail. You bite it". Ray and Gma about fell over laughing when you first said it to them at the museum!
- You LOVE peppers. You have for awhile now, but I think I forgot to put it in writing. You love green, red, yellow and orange peppers! You think it is great that both "you and me hab (have) peppers" sometimes with our dinner!
- Gma Kim also discovered that you like Cinnamon toast! And, you have started eating French toast. And, of course you love eating bacon with Braden at Gma Debbie and Ray's. Glad we have some more breakfast ideas!
- You also love to help us all bake! You are also a big fan of picking out a cookie cutter for your grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. I am glad I discovered how much you like doing that because you usually devour the whole sandwich!
- You also love to play in the water. As in the kitchen and bathroom sinks! It's a messy activity, but you have so much fun!
- You had a lot of cousin birthdays to celebrate! Rowan's, then Beckett's and then Madison's! You are a pro at singing Happy Birthday!
- You LOVE playing in the snow. I am sad that we only got a few good days of playing in it, but you definitely have fun. I think you mostly just like to eat the snow and throw snowballs at us...snowball fight!!!!!!!
- You are soooo good at nap time. We typically watch a few cartoons and then you will say, "time to take a nap!". Effortless. Much like night time. And, at night, after our routine, I fly you into your crib and you always say, "I give you a hug, Mommy". I love it and it melts my heart. Then we proceed to give each other Baby, Mommy, Daddy and Jameson hugs, which just means I get at least four different types of hugs each and every night!
- You are Superman when it comes to throwing a ball. We are still working on catching!
- More video of chasing Hoyt...just because it's cute!
Vocabulary and concepts:
- By myself - you like to do things by yourself now, so we hear this a lot!
- Wait mommy - if I go upstairs or leave the room, I hear this right away!
- Thanks to Dora, you can say azul!
- Monkey stinky, I need to clean him! - you were talking about your stuffed animal! It certainly made me smile!
- You definitely have no issues with using "you" and "me" correctly.
- You also understand her/him and he/she now!
- Bad boy - you will say this if someone is misbehaving...including yourself!
- I follow him - you understand following and leading.
- Remember/ member? - your Daddy and I were amazed when you first said this (right after you hit 23 months). You will tell us something from weeks before and then say, "remember?".
- Go back there - I was shocked you said this, let alone knew what this meant! But, there was one day (or multiple days) you did NOT want to leave Gma Debbie and Ray's house and when we got home, you just kept saying, "I want to go back there".
- What haaaapened? - this is one of my favorites!
- What're you doing? - you ask this a lot!
- What did you do? - you also ask this a lot too!
- You OOOOkkkaayyy? - I LOVE this. Whenever someone gets hurt or something, you always immediately ask if we are OK. Sometimes, you will walk over and pat my back and ask, "are you ooookkayyy Mommy?". Swoon.
- Oh shoot - this cracks me up!
- Oh my gosh - this is equally as hilarious. You have been saying it for months after we will say it, but sometimes you just say it on your own!
- Gramom - this is what I sometimes get referred to as after a day with one of the Gmas! It's hilarious because it's like you catch yourself and then fix it! Too cute.
- Finally got video of your and Ray's Miiilllllkkkshaaaake!
- Aww baby Hoytie - probably the cutest thing ever! You have started calling Hoyt, Baby Hoyt!
- You can use the following in sentences and use them correctly. It blows my mind:
- because
- either
- before
- after
- Choke - when you get food caught, you will always say, "I choke on that". Usually it's followed with a smile, so I think a lot of the time, it just went down funny! But, I am glad that you understand that you can choke on food and know what it means and feels like, so you have to be careful!
- Moofie - this is what movie sounds like at the moment!
- Cabinet - you like to play inside the cabinets and can say this clear as day. Kind of a weird word, so I thought it was worth documenting!
- When we ask you who you are, you will say, "I'm Jameson!".
- Oh no, it's ruined - you said this when something gets broken or ripped. It is always so dramatic and you sound so distraught!
- What happened to my ball? - you will ask this in a complete sentence if you can't find something.
- You order everyone, but always end with please. "Stop. That. Puuuuhlease." I really wish I could get this on video because you always seem mad at us when you are saying it, but then throw in the "pllleeease" and I can't help but smile!
- One more time - oh yes, you have mastered this. Except one more time usually means about 20 more times. But, it does really work sometimes - most days after lunch when we will watch cartoons and one of the shorter ones is over, you will look at me and say, "one more time and then go take a naaaap" in a really happy voice. So cute and you usually get your way with all of us!!
- Why? - oh let the fun begin! You have started answering us with "why" now. Oh boy!
I definitely spent a little less time updating your milestones on my "list" and more time absorbing the time with you. So, I did not fully capture your awesomeness in this post. I do know that it is simply amazing to me that you are "only" two with as much as you know, as much as you talk and as much as you love life! I have said this NUMEROUS times, but it's worth saying again - the joy you exude when something makes you excited or happy is so incredibly endearing and melts my heart. I cannot say it enough, but I wish I could bottle it up and keep that joy in you forever. You are constantly teaching me about love and patience, but you also teach me to feel joy in the little things. We should never forget to feel the joy in the little things! I love you, my little opinionated, stubborn and insanely sweet boy!!
Pictures from our very brief 24 month session. Luckily, no more stickers!!
Magic wand, get this off!! |
Being goofy! |
You wear it, Mommy. |
Oh Mommy, that's silly!! |
Pictures from the last month!!
He told me his ear hurt. Went to the doctor and he was perfectly healthy.
I think he just wanted to play with the toys and get some ice cream :). |
Because it's so much more fun watching Tweety Bird with jammie shorts over your pants! |
Ordering his eggs and bacon at IHOP after the Jump Spot! |
Helping Grandma bake! |
Aww. Sleeping with his new Tweety from Ray! |
Being silly with his buddy, Jonah! |
I just had to get a pic of the legs crossed! And, the blonde curls :). |
Celebrating Rowan's birthday. And, winding down with Grandma and Drake! |
I love how he is laying! Hand on ear :). |
Oh how he loves Chuck E Cheese! |
LOL! |
Discovering how fun bagels are! |
Beckett's Superhero party was a success! |
Giving his piggy a bath! |
Singing the ABCs with Grover. |
Playing with ice! |
Looking dapper in his new robe! |
So proud of their tower! |
Taking a rest! |
Playing in the snow with Daddy! |
Looking good, man! |
Coloring with a Superman hat is totally normal! |
Haha! Having a blast at McDonald's! |
Goof ball. This is a new thing we do at dinner. |
Sorry for the tummy picture, but I thought this was hilarious!
He was looking for the baby in mommy's tummy! |
Only took one sleeping picture this month and realized it looked very familiar! Found
J's 20 week ultrasound and it's amazing how some things never change! |
Love how he lays like this now. Elbows up! |
Playing at the Mall with Gma Debbie and Ray! |
Loving the Jump Spot! |
No better medicine for a sick mom than to cuddle with her little boy! |
We had a few rough days leading up to the big birthday! At least the one on the right was after pictures! |
Taking a break from hunting Pumas to watch some videos of
Pumas on YouTube! |
Picking out a movie after the doctor visit! |
Had to play in the snow afterwards too! I promised him! You can see how deep it is - he kind of got swallowed! |
Playing in the snow turned mostly into just eating the snow! |
Reading this the day before his 2nd birthday! Luckily, he was reading it to me,
as I am not sure I could have handled reading it!
"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
as long as I'm living
my baby you'll be." |
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