Well, yesterday was not exactly the lazy Sunday we had planned. You didn't go to sleep until about 9:20 Saturday night because your Daddy and I went out to dinner with friends and so Rachel and then Gma Debbie and Ray were here with you. So, when 9:30 AM rolled around yesterday morning and you were still asleep, it wasn't too abnormal. But, we wanted to wake you up so that you wouldn't be extremely off schedule the rest of the day. Well, when we went to wake you up, you were so out of it. You wanted me to pick you up and I just rocked with you for a bit. Daddy carried you downstairs and you laid your head on his shoulder the whole way. At breakfast, you were just zoning out and not really talking like you normally do. At one point, I actually asked you if you were mad at us for leaving you Saturday night because you were giving me these blank stares and odd looks.
When you were done with breakfast, we played for awhile and then went to go take our monthly picture with my belly! You always want to take off your shirt, but we noticed that your lips were kind of blue. I just figured it was because it was freezing in the room and you were shirtless. We went back downstairs to play and your lips were dark blue. Freaked us both out and I felt your hands and feet and they were like ice. I ran to get the thermometer and your temp was 97 and the place that we took your temp usually gives a higher temp than you actually are, so we were really concerned at this point. I called the on call doc and he said just to watch because it could just be a matter of low blood sugar. Rewind a little - you had a stomach thing going on since Thursday night. But, you never had a temp and you were acting completely normal, so we just thought it was either a mild bug or just something you ate. But, you had not eaten much over the previous few days, so the whole low blood sugar thing was a very simple answer.
But, your lips remained dark blue and I was snuggling with you with a blanket and you were freezing. We were supposed to be getting inches, possibly feet, of snow later in the day, so your Daddy and I didn't want to mess around. We decided to take you to the ER. We got there and got checked into a room pretty quickly. The doc talked to us and decided we were going to do some blood work. Well, after she left, we sat in the room for about 2 hours. During those two hours, you ate a bag of Goldfish, a bag of fruit snacks, a cup of Pedialyte, a cup of water and a bag of Teddy Grahams. After that snack fest, you were a completely different little boy. You were up moving around and talking like normal. The nurses finally came back and said they wanted to do an IV. We really didn't think it was necessary, but she said she could do the blood draw and IV with one poke, so we decided we would in case your blood showed you were dehydrated.
I was so not looking forward to that needle going in your arm, but you were SUCH a champ! You didn't even flinch when she put the needle in your arm. It's the few minutes that followed that still make my stomach hurt and honestly bring tears to my eyes when I think about it. She couldn't find a vein, so she had to dig for a bit. Your little face looked so sad when she was doing it and you just looked at me like, "mommy, please make her stop". You were so very brave, but after what felt like hours, I finally told her enough was enough and made her stop. I think you were tougher than I was, but I knew it could not have felt very good, so I did not want you to have to endure it any longer. Daddy and I picked you up and told you how brave you were and you were instantly better!
At that point, it was approaching nap time and since you seemed to be back to your normal self, we made the executive decision to leave (OK, your Dad made the decision!). We got you dressed and once discharged, got the heck out there. Before we got to the hospital, we had promised you a milkshake if you were a good boy. You seemed so tired on the way home, so we decided not to stop...but, when we go to the stoplight on Oakland and Veterans, you saw the yellow arches and immediately asked for french fries and a milkshake. Who were we to say no after what you just went through?! You sucked down half the milkshake by the time we got home and we watched some Tom and Jerry at home while you finished your fries. After that, you were more than ready for a nap.
I rocked with you for a bit before nap and teared up quite a bit during our cuddle session. The thought of anything being seriously wrong with you is just the most terrifying thing I could ever imagine. And, seeing you pain for just those few minutes with the IV was almost too much for me to bear. I know that being a mother, I am going to have to toughen up because there is no way to keep you from getting hurt or sick. But, I am not sure it will get any easier as time goes on. You are my world and when you hurt, I hurt. When you are sad, I am sad. When life gets down on you, it will affect me to my core. But, you know that I will always be the one you can run to for hugs, kisses and snuggles. Even when you are a grown boy, I hope that you are never too old for a hug from your mom when you need one. I love you my sweet bean and hope that you get to feeling 100% quickly!!
*Update* We took you to the Pediatrician today and you were a trip the whole time! You were talking the whole time to him and were a completely different little boy from the one the day before. He examined you and determined that it was probably all just from the stomach bug. His own kid had the same thing and even had the blue lips/cold limbs and everything! So, we felt instantly better about everything and he commended our decision to not mess around and take you to be looked at. I was just so happy to know that it didn't seem to be anything horrible and was just a nasty little stomach bug.
Poor little bean when he woke up! |
Hanging out in the waiting room! |
Sipping on some Pedialyte! |
Cool astronaut robe! He loved it! |
Wait, maybe I don't want this thing on! |
OK, I am ready to leave now. |
Watching some Bubble Guppies and resting with Daddy. |
Love. |
Snuggles. Can never have too many snuggles. |