I completely forgot some of the cutest stuff that Jameson has been doing as of late - I said this would happen!
- The child loves to talk on the phone...or the remote, or the magnet on Aunt Lindsay's desk at work that is a mini iPhone, etc. He puts the phones (or whatever other gadget) up to his ear and says, "hiii" and smiles. It is so cute. However, when we actually try to have him talk to someone, he just kind of stares and looks confused! We usually get a wave out of him, but obviously the other person can't see or hear that!
- I know I reported a few months ago that Jameson can correctly identify some body parts. Well, the list has grown quite a bit and now he can identify these things on everyone...including his stuffed animals! He can point out: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, chin, hair, head, forehead, toes, feet, knees, shoulders, tummy, belly button, elbow, arm, hands, fingers and my new favorite...knuckles! We taught him how to give knuckles, but almost every time when we ask, he actually points to our knuckles...hilarious! But, he just giggles when we give "knucks" and make our hands explode!
- He is starting to cut down our night time routine, in that after we are done reading books, he points to his crib and says nigh nigh. We used to rock and sing and cuddle, but he is starting to want to go straight to his crib. I am both sad and thrilled. But, now I just have to say our prayer and get my cuddles and hugs in before I turn out the light.
- Naps are the same way. I ask him if he is ready for a nap and if he is, he will say nigh nigh (yeah, everything is nigh nigh when he is sleepy!) and then start walking upstairs. He will go straight to his room and then point to his crib or start climbing on it. He sometimes will let out a protest cry at night and at nap time, but it never lasts longer than a few seconds before he flops down. Most awesome kid ever! I honestly am not sure how we got so lucky with him, but I hope it continues and thank my lucky stars!!
- He is also a flopper when he sleeps. Best way to describe it. He flops around and kicks his legs and moves a lot. Darin thinks this is why he sleeps so long - maybe he isn't getting completely restful sleep the whole night. It is really cute to watch in the monitor though....but, I know it's not so cute when you are trying to sleep with him, so Gma Kim and Debbie say :).
- I need to just emphasize how amazing it is to hear him say Mama every time I walk into the room or when he needs something from me. It seriously melts my heart every single time and he has been doing it for months. He does the same for Dada, Ray, Grandma and Pawpaw too. And, the best is when I leave the room for some reason or after bath time with Daddy when he is looking for me...I hear his little voice yelling, "MA MA"! I love it. He definitely likes to have us all in the same room, otherwise, you hear him yelling for the person who is missing!
- He is very good about drinking out of regular cups with straws now. And, he is starting to move toward actually cups with the sippy lids now. Getting so grown up!
- We have created a monster with the signing. He signs "more" all of the time now. Hilarious because he only uses his pointer fingers, so we joke that maybe he just wants a little more. But, he will sign it, say "moh" and then run to the snack drawer! Sometimes he hasn't even had anything yet and he starts doing it. It is SUPER cute, but a little exhausting!
- He has also a pro at the milk sign. He will walk to the fridge and just start signing it. So awesome!
- We are working on the signs for water, mama, dada, grandma, grandpa, please and thank you, but he tends to just laugh when I do some of these! He is getting better at thank you though!
- He gets very excited when he sees planes and will point and squeal "pane".
- We were also laying in the grass one day and I was pointing out the clouds and the sky, so he's been saying "sye" a lot lately.
- That is all for now - just wanted to add a few things that I had forgotten last week!
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Can't handle all that cuteness. |
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