I decided to do a separate post on this since it was Jameson's first time watching fireworks. Figured it was a momentous event that warranted its own post! He did amazing. He is at that age where you just never know how these types of things will go - could go wonderfully or could flop horribly. It was nine thousand degrees outside, so that had me a little worried too (OK, it was only 89, but still). Luckily, he is awesome, so it was a great night!
We packed up at Mom and Dad's and headed to Miller Park a little after 8. It wasn't too crowded yet, so we picked a great spot and put our blankets down and waited. Jameson and Braden entertained each other for awhile and then Jameson made his rounds. He started with my Dad for awhile and then got very intrigued by Jeremy's phone and camped out in his lap for quite some time. He then went to my Mom and played in her purse for awhile. Back to Jeremy, said hi to me, played with Dad's hat, etc. Fireworks didn't even start until about 9:20, so I was very impressed that he did so well for that hour we waited.
You could tell he was getting tired and once he put that plug in his mouth, his wobbly sleep walk started. But, he was just go-go-go and when the fireworks started he sat down with Jeremy and was entranced. After a few minutes, he came and sat with me (actually I think Jeremy knew that I probably wanted to share that moment with him, so he kind of handed him to me...so intuitive!!). Jameson stared intently at the fireworks for awhile and then I think realized he was getting sleepy, so he jumped up and moved to the next person, my Mom. Stayed there for a few minutes and then traveled to each one of our laps over and over in an effort not to fall asleep!! It was adorable, but he seemed to enjoy the fireworks saying a few "ooohs" and "ahhhs" and "booms"...or at least didn't get scared of them at all, so I count that as SUCCESS!! He was a hot, sweaty mess and tired to boot, but didn't get fussy in the least bit. He was sooo good and I was sooo happy and proud of my little bean.
After they were over, we made the long, hot walk back to the cars. Jameson stole Darin's hat (as he usually does) as he was putting him in the car seat and put it on his head. As we pulled out of the parking lot, I couldn't see the hat on his head, but figured he threw it on the floor. I think he was honestly asleep before we even pulled into the street! We got to my Mom and Dad's and when we went to get him, he had pulled the hat over his face and was sound asleep. Too cute. Brought him inside and he woke up when we put his jammies on. Mom took him into their bedroom and they watched TV for awhile and he eventually fell asleep again around 11! We decided to let him stay at my Mom and Dad's so he'd be able to sleep in....and that he did! Little monkey slept until 11:45am!!
Overall, it was a great night and I am glad he wasn't terrified of the fireworks. Hopefully, it stays that way in the years to come!!
Red, (kind of) white, and blue breakfast! |
Playing in the pool to stay cool! |
Guess he was thirsty! |
Just resting. |
Playing over at Gma Debbie and Ray's! |
Ha! |
Playing at Miller Park before the fireworks.
Adorable picture! |
I love this picture! Uncle Jeremy is definitely Jameson's buddy! |
Another adorable shot! |
Time for the fireworks!! |
So captivated! |
We were hot, sweaty messes, but I loved sharing this experience with my bean! |
Sleepy bean didn't even make it out of the parking lot.
I cracked up when we went to get him out of his seat and found
him like this! Successful night! |
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