Let's get right to it!
- You weigh 24ish pounds and are 32ish inches.
- You are still in size 4 diapers and can actually still squeeze into a handful of 12 month stuff, but I think I am mostly just doing it because it makes me less emotional when I don't have to put you in something that says 18 or 24 months!
- You are officially in your big boy car seat! But, you are still rear facing...your legs are pushed up against the back of the seat, but you don't seem bothered yet, so we are going to keep going as long as possible.
- You are officially off the mom milk. The transition was so easy, so thank you for that! You pretty much led the way! And, man do you love your whole milk. I swear you would drink a gallon a day.
- You LOVE fruit. I know we have talked about blue/raspberries, but you love just about any fruit. And, it's crazy, but you LOVE broccoli. It has to be steamed (and sometimes smothered in cheese), but you shovel that stuff in so fast. You also do really well with green beans and peas! And, you love your mac-n-cheese.
- You have started doing this squeaking laugh and squeal when you get really excited or happy. Eeeeeeehhhhh. It is so funny and so cute.
- It's been said before, but you LOVE being outside. I swear you are the happiest when you are out there. You make me a little nervous because sometimes you get going too fast, but overall, you do so well. You did fall and skin your nose a few weeks ago and then you fell in the bushes/rocks a few days ago, but no huge battle wounds. And, you will easily walk half a mile without skipping a beat. I love our family walks after dinner - we get the mail and then take our walks! You always hold the mail as we walk - it's hilarious!
- When you get told no, you sometimes lean in and give me a kiss. Most of the time you get mad, but it's so funny when you try to reel me in with kisses. Especially, when you continue to look up at the TV when you are leaning in to kiss me...hilarious.
- You think it's really funny to "bonk" heads. I made the mistake of making it a joke the first time you hit mine so you wouldn't cry and now it has become a game. Fun times :).
- You found the pillow that has my and Daddy's picture on it and you will carry it around and give Daddy kisses. You don't really acknowledge that it's me on there...guess I look different!
- You LOVE ice. It freaks me out because you usually stuff the entire ice cube in your mouth, but you get so excited when you see ice cubes.
- You also stuff food in your mouth in bunches. There is no such thing as "one at a time" with you. It's all or nothing sometimes! It FREAKS out Ray big time :).
- You had another ear infection...followed by two teeth popping through! You now have your two front teeth...kind of! They are still working their way all the way through, but you can see the pearly whites!
- Like I said before, you copy everything everyone does, which is so neat!
- Whenever you see the Chief, I yell Chiiieeeeffff and you pat at him! This started many months ago because you love looking at the U of I blanket with him in the middle. You even gave him a kiss the other day!
- You say hi/bye to every car that drives by/every person you see and then you blow kisses. It is so cute!!
- You love to give kisses and it's so stinking sweet!
- You learned how to use a kazoo...awesome :). In all honestly though, I was quite impressed that you figured out how to use it immediately!
- You make the "ahhh" refreshed noise after you take a big drink. Sometimes even when you point to your sippies, you say "ahhh". It makes us laugh every time!
- You just love playing with bubbles. Most of the bubbles end up getting dumped on our feet though!
- When you get sleepy, you get so delirious and it's so funny. You just go, go, go and talk non-stop!!
- You love playing leap frog. Well, it's not exactly leap frog, but you started walking in between our legs and I started saying leap frog and putting my hands on your head as you pass through. You giggle every time!
- You really like your tongue! We pretend we are lizards when we read Baby Einstein books because of the lizard in the book. You think that is the greatest thing! And, you just like to stick it out in general!
- We started doing the "what's on your shirt" because you really started noticing things that you or we wear. You usually growl if it's some type of animal!
- You have quite the temper...but I know part of it is because you are learning to do things and it is frustrating when you can't get it or communicate exactly how you want to. You also sometimes smack yourself on the head when you are mad...hopefully just a phase!!
- You have become connected to your little Sesame Street stuffed animals. You carry them around and have to sleep with two of them! Elmo and Big Bird are a pair and then your little blue men, Grover and Cookie Monster, are a pair. I love it - you hold them while we read books at night and when I lay you down, you hang onto them for dear life.
- I had a few of those moments while rocking you to sleep that were just perfectly serene. One night after we finished our books, you flipped over on me and put your hands around my neck and let out this precious little sigh and then feel asleep. I couldn't have been more content in that moment. I really thought hard about just sleeping with you in the recliner like old times. You truly make every day brighter my little bean.
Attemped 14 month pictures:
Seriously Mom? You are still doing this?! |
Ha! This was the only way I could get a picture with the sticker. |
Pictures from the last month:
I always say that there are no words to describe my love for my bean. I don't think words are needed when you look at this picture...you can just tell :). |
We were having fun with ice cube trays and "treats". Until we started flinging the ice cube tray! |
Silly face! Loving the curls! |
Can we PLEASE go outside?! |
Watching Daddy build a baby gate for the deck! |
First ride in the big boy car seat! |
Holding onto his little men...wasn't sure how to get him out of the chair without him letting go of Elmo! |
Kissing Daddy on the pillow! |
Started off with a fork....then just dug in! |
Clicking his tongue! |
Playing soccer....handball! |
Stopping to take a break on my legs! |
Love this picture. |
Giving kisses to the cute baby in the mirror! |
Sweet little cheeks! |
Not the intended use of this toy, but fun nonetheless! |
Success!! |
![]() |
Poor nose! |
Jameson: 0 Bushes: 1 |
Sweeping up the Mancave on Drake's birthday! |
I am pretty sure this is not how you play skee ball, but who am I to ruin their fun!! |
Playing with his bubbles! |
What? Do I have something on my face? |
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