I know all parents think their child is brilliant...and I am no different! I must say I am amazed at how quickly Jameson picks up on things. He has always been a smart cookie, but I swear in the last month or two, he has really accelerated in his learning new things. So, in an effort to not forget by next week's 14 month post, I am jotting it down now!
He has learned quite a few new tricks. He is such a studier and seriously tries to copy everything we do and is usually successful.
- He can sign "milk" and "all done". We have to do it first for the most part, but he knows what it means.
- He blows on his food when it's hot! And, says ha!
- This was over a month ago, but he figured out where his "treats" are at Gma Debbie and Ray's house. So, he will get them out and then take them to my Mom! Learned where they are at home too, but he can't get to them (muahahaha!).
- He will feed himself with a spoon or fork. Granted, most of the food doesn't make it into his mouth, but it's good practice!
- He learned to jump. Well, not exactly an off the ground jump, but he bends his knees and bursts up and we clap! He gets so proud of himself and loves to "jump" now. But, usually only when others do it with him! Especially Braden :).
- I swear he knows his name when he sees it. He will go over to the chair he got for Christmas and point to his name, smile and then look at me because I usually then go over there and spell it out with him. He will point to the letters as we go and then smile when done. He also does this with the Jameson puzzle stool from Aunt Kelly and Uncle Derek.
- He can now show us his nose, eyes, mouth, tummy, toes, head and hair! He can also point out these things on us too. However, we do have to watch him, as I thought today he was going to poke out poor Baby Madison's eyes!
- He has really started clicking his tongue a lot. He always smiles really big when we do it too.
- He learned to blow kisses! He does it every morning when I leave and even when Darin or I go up the stairs!
- He learned to brush his teeth pretty well. He actually moves the toothbrush around now instead of just chewing on it. He still chews on it, but at least we are heading in the right direction!
- Um yeah, he went potty in the big potty!!!!!!!!! Probably a total fluke, but when he was taking a bath on Tuesday night, all the signs were there, so I picked him up and plopped him on the potty. He sat there and went and then was seriously so proud. Maybe because I squealed in delight, but he was awfully happy too!
The kid is a jabberbox. He talks constantly and learns what seems like a new word every day. As I commented before, he has his own language. He has this awesome German sounding accent (Darin says it's more like Hebrew). Hard to describe, so I will have to post a video. I just love watching him connect things and then communicate. He mimics all sounds that we make. It is still a bit hard to understand everything he is trying to say, so unfortunately, we may be slowly entering the phase where he gets frustrated because we don't understand him. However, our saving grace for now is his ability to point to things and our ability to piece things together!
Jameson's Current Vocabulary:
- No = He finally learned to say it along with the head shake! I asked if he wanted to get out of the bath and he very matter of factly looked at me and said no.
- Ball = been in his vocab for many months.
- Wa = water. And, he will point to the cup of water when he wants some and get REALLY excited.
- Mck = milk. The accent is real heavy on this one :). Also gets super excited when he sees his milk.
- Whoa & Uh-oh = probably two of my favorites!
- Ah = eye. I say that he sounds Southern when he says eye...it's so cute.
- Mou = mouth
- Ba = bath. And, the second we say bath, he darts for the stairs. He is a fish.
- Boh = book. Loves his books!
- Dog = still more like "doh", but sometimes he gets that "g" sound at the end.
- Booooo = blueberries
- Sssppp = raspberries
- Djuh = jump. That's a hard one to phonetically spell!
- Hah = Hat. Sounds just like hat without the "t" and sometimes he even gets the "t". He will point to his hat and then start walking to the door! He loves wearing hats, which is crazy for a 1 year old!
- Cah = car. Boston accent on this one. We were taking a walk the other day and he kept pointing at the cars and saying "cah" and then waving. When he tried to walk up to one and touch it, I said it may be hot and he started blowing on it...so adorable! He loves watching the cars with Ray too!
- Duck duck = obviously duck! He also says Duuhhhduccccckkk when we say AFLAC like the duck on the commercial or when he sees the actual commercial. HILARIOUS!
- Grrrrr = he growls whenever he sees a picture of a lion or a Chicago Bear logo!
- Coook = cookie. Eyes light up when we say that word.
- Baaa = does this when he sees a sheep.
- Ro Ro = Rowan
- Becckkk = Beckett
- Buh = Braden
- Buhmah = Grandma?? Every time he sees my Mom and my dad says, "there's Grandma", he says buhmah. He will also repeat if we say Grandma Kim. We are still working on "Ray" :).
- Pa-pa = Grandpa
- Hoy = Hoyt. And, if we yell Hoyt or if Hoyt is outside, J will go to the baby gate and yell, "HOY".
- Dad = he is really stuck on Dada again.
- Mama = yes, I have to throw this one in too because it still continues to melt my heart every single time he says it.
Eating with a fork! |
Spelling his name! |
Jameson's "wa" and my "wa"! |
Blowing kisses!! |
Waving to "cahs" with Ray! |
Brushing his teeth! |
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