Well, we have officially entered the Toddler Tantrum phase. Holy cow. I mean, we are talking full on kicking and screaming tantrums. There is even some banging of the head against the floor action. I thought it was WAY too early for this, but after consulting with my fellow March Mommy friends, apparently it is completely normal (fun!). It's just amazing to see it because Jameson has been such a great baby and is so much fun when he is happy. But, when he doesn't get his way or we do something he doesn't like, it is game over. Darin and I have a hard time not laughing sometimes - something I know we are going to have to manage, as that will just add fuel to the fire. I have tried the whole distraction thing and it works
maybe 50% of the time. But, we usually just let the tantrum run its course and happy Bean eventually comes back to us. I remember a friend telling me that if I wanted to have children close in age to make sure I got pregnant before Jameson hit about 11 months because this phase will quickly change my tune...I totally understand now and will be passing on this advice to others :).
He is doing albuterol nebulizer treatments, so I would like to blame the moodiness solely on that. However, deep down, I know that my child has fallen prey to the terrible toddler phase. I feel slightly duped since it's typically called the Terrible Twos and I will be the first to admit that I am not prepared for this. In my head, I always thought there is no way my sweet little bean would turn into a tantrum throwing toddler. Oops. But, I obviously love the child with all of my heart, so I just have to take a step back and remember that this is just a phase and it too shall pass. As well as remind myself that I cannot be embarassed by his behavior, as this is actually a developmental stage and is not a reflection of my parenting skills (right now anyway!). And, like I told him this morning...he is lucky he is so darn cute!
I am sure taking a picture helped the situation :). |
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