Someone learned to say uh-oh! And, now that's all we say! It is awesome and I am so happy he officially can say it. I have been saying it (as have others) for many, many months and I would always get the "oh" response, but never the full uh-oh. Well, there is no doubt now that he knows how to say it and enjoys saying it. I think that was 90% of his talk on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday this past weekend. And, my Mom and Dad said that he was saying it a ton on Monday as well. Dad even said that when Jameson was sitting in his high chair, he would look right at my Dad, drop something on the floor and then say uh-oh!! I love it.
Jameson says Uh-Oh! - Video of Jameson saying uh oh and variations of it, followed by some dancing! You will have to scroll to the bottom of this post and pause the music before watching the video!
Piggy backing on the uh-oh, he also said "up"! On Saturday morning, he crawled over to the recliner, pulled up and put his arms up at me. I asked him if he wanted up and he looked right at me and said "up". I thought maybe I misheard and he was just saying "uh" again. So, I asked again and he said it and it was clear as a bell! My Mom also swears that he said "boo" today while playing peek-a-boo with my Dad! I am so excited that he is starting to say "real" words and seems to somewhat understand what he is saying. We are working on teaching him how to say Hoyt, but that's a pretty tough one! He currently just says "oy", which is still pretty darn good. Or he just smiles really big when we say Hoyt's name, which is also pretty awesome. These two have started playing more together and Darin and I just know they are going to be best buddies soon enough!
Lastly, he started making the fishy face this past weekend. He has been doing funny things with his lips forever now, but he can now do a real fish face and it is WAY cute!
Cutest little fishy face!
Best buddies!