I swear I blinked and December was over. Our sweet little bean is growing and changing faster than I can catch my breath, so I do believe my posts for awhile are going to be filled with exciting changes and developmental leaps. He is constantly amazing me and I swear he gets cuter by the day.
We had an amazing month with 9 month pictures, Christmas celebrations, ringing in the new year and much more. I am doing things a little differently this time, so here we go!
- You weigh a little over 23 lbs. and seemed to be over 30 inches tall when I attempted to measure you this morning...that was fun! You have honestly really thinned out in the past few months from all the moving, but still have your delightful rolls.
- You are still in 12 month clothing, but we throw in an 18 month outfit/pjs here and there and will probably have to retire a lot of your 12 month stuff soon enough (sniffle).
- It was seriously overnight that you went from army crawling/rolling everywhere to crawling on all 4s across rooms at lightening speed. I guess you wanted to prove me wrong again when I said that you were maybe going to skip crawling and go straight to walking. And, I honestly think your crawling is absolutely adorable. You sometimes stick out your tongue and sound like you are panting...too funny.
- We had to lower the crib not once, but twice in a matter of a week. You learned to sit up from laying down, which required lowering #1 and then a few days later, you were able to pull yourself up. This mama was afraid someone was going to try a daredevil move and plunge over the side; hence, lowering #2. It is now on the lowest setting (sheds tear) and it's just perfect height for you to pull up and peek your adorable head over the side!
- You pull up on EVERYTHING now...our legs, the couch, the kitchen chairs (awesome), the glass end table (yeah, time to get rid of that!). And then proceed to cruise along these things. You will always do it with such pride too, which is just too sweet.
- You love to walk across the room with your walker. But you do get a little upset when you get to the end of the room because you can't quite turn around on your own yet. You also love it when people walk with you...but they have to be ready to run because you move fast! You have tried to take a step here and there, but nothing that I would call an actual "first step". I really do think by next month, you will have taken your first real steps (gulp) and possibly be walking, albeit unsteadily.
- When I squeeze you and ask for a hug, you wrap your hands around my neck and tense up like you are squeezing me back! Then when I say, "give Mommy kisses", you will turn with a wide open mouth and plant one on my face. I have witnesses, so I am not making this up! My Mom (Gma Debbie) always used to tell my sister and me that one of the things she missed as we got older was the feeling of our little hands wrapped around her neck and I totally understand what she means now...it's a wonderful feeling.
- You make these hilarious noises that are too hard to describe. However, you must like Star Wars like cousin Braden because one noise sounds like Darth Vader. And, then you do this adorable gurgling noise that sounds like Chewbacca. You have been doing that one for awhile, but now it is almost every time we change your diaper and when you get kind of sleepy.
- Speaking of sleepy, you still make these adorable noises when you sleep. Not all of the time, but it makes my heart melt every time you do it.
- And, speaking of diaper changes, holy cow you sometimes act like we are doing some type of medieval torture act on you! Then other times you are happy as a clam...it's a phase I hope we quickly outgrow!
- You are still stuck on babababa. Grandma Debbie and Ray have started calling you Bob since you say it all of the time! And, you sound like you are saying "ow" sometimes. You will throw in Mama when you are tired or mad or upset! It gets me every single time :). And, you say it when you crawl toward me...love!
- You are still kind of in the clingy phase and sometimes get a bit upset when Daddy or I try to hand you to someone who you may not know too well. You really freak out sometimes when I leave the room, but you are starting to understand that I will always come back! It kills me though...another phase I hope we outgrow soon or I am going to start attaching you to me 24/7!!
- You dance almost every time you hear a tune now and you smile all the while!
- You are still sleeping like a champ (go Jameson!). You usually sleep a solid 10-12 hours at night and then usually 3 naps a day ranging from 45 min to 2+ hours. You tire yourself out now with the non-stop action, so naps and bedtime are pretty painless...most of the time! I absolutely love the weekends when we can snooze together on the recliner or laying in bed. I know Gma Kim, Gma Debbie and Ray also like to snuggle with you - you are just so cuddly!
- Still going strong with nursing and we have pretty much tried all stage 2 foods now. You seem to be partial to turkey tetrazzini...turkey in a jar...yum. We have tried to introduce more table foods, but they mostly end up on the floor or in Hoyt's mouth! I know you'll get there eventually, but I joke that you may eat purees and milk forever!
- You also like the "let's throw things on the floor and watch everyone pick them up and hand them back to me just so I can throw them right back down" game! Daddy is really trying to teach you that it's really not a very fun game!
- Daddy taught you how to play catch and now you love throwing everything!
- You have a million different facial expressions that are priceless. And, you are just bursting with personality.
- You do this funny thing with your lip and tongue...Ray always says, "show me your lip" and you do it. It cracks us up!
- You also still like to happily squeal and yell...loudly!
- A lot of the time, you will laugh if I (or anyone) laugh. It's so fun. And, you repeat sounds...your favorite is still AHHHH!
- You have been doing it since you were a few months old, but you have totally perfected the fake cough! You always end it with the most pathetic little groan, which makes me laugh every single time.
- You are a goof and like to be startled! You LOVE when people say. "BOO" at you or jump out from behind something!
- You got to celebrate Weber Christmas in the beginning of the month. Santa came to visit Gma Debbie and Ray's house mid month...you were not so happy at first, but you warmed up. You also got to meet him at the mall and then Santa came to visit Gma and Gpa Weber's on the night before Christmas Eve. Again, not too fond of the jolly fat man!
- You went to Kobe for the first time on NYE with my family. You did great and seemed to enjoy watching the guy cook!
- You just plain rock! You get told that often from a lot of us...and I think you get a thousand kisses a day from everyone! You are most definitely loved. I know my love grows by the second for you...you have definitely stolen my heart!!
A whole bunch of pictures (shocker, I know!)...
Sweet, sweet boy. |
Sums it up pretty well!
Love |
Hoyt doesn't look so happy!
How can you not like waffles?! |
Stealing Drake's plug at Weber Christmas...a game they play often! |
All of the cousins and 2nd cousins at Weber Christmas
So cute. |
So happy at Kobe on New Year's Eve. |
I think he was a little confused about the loud noises and fire from the grill! |
The boys playing at our house on NYE! |
I am loving the curls! |
Helping Daddy with the laundry! |
One of the many Jameson expressions. |
Not too happy about laying down...so off you go!! Look how tiny that bear is! |
Show me your lip!! |
Taking a break from the 10 month photo session this morning! Love that little face!! |
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