Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Before you...

In your short little life, Jameson Reed, you have taught me oh so much and I can never put into words how much I thank you and love you. But, I am going to try :-).

Before you:
  • I thought I knew how much my parents loved me. Now that I have you, I realize I had no clue the love a parent can have for their child.
  • I thought I knew what life, love and happiness were all about. You have shown me all three in a whole new light.
  • I thought I knew how much I loved and needed your Dad. I did not know the half of it.
  • I thought myself being sad, sick and/or uncomfortable was bad, but you being one of those breaks my heart.
  • I thought I had so much to worry about, but now everything seems trivial in comparison to worrying about something happening to you.
  • I never knew the best conversation could be one without words.
  • I never knew that one little smile could instantly take away any amount of sadness I was feeling.
  • I never understood how my body would just adjust to the erratic sleeping patterns, but it did.
  • I never understood when people said your instincts will kick in nor did I believe them.
  • I never knew how terrifying it would be to know that I am responsible for another life.
  • I never knew that being someone else's sole form of nourishment could be so incredibly rewarding and empowering.
  • I never considered picking someone else's boogers :).
  • I never knew how many things could be done one-handed.
  • I was unable to truly appreciate the embarrassed faces of the Moms with screaming children in the grocery store or the full cart of groceries that had to be left behind (oh Mom, I am so sorry for doing that to you!). You haven't done that yet, but karma will get me I am sure!
  • I would get slightly annoyed when people would say, "just wait until you have kids". I so get that now! 
  • I never knew how incredibly amazing it would feel to have you fall asleep in my arms or look up at me with such innocent eyes.
  • I never could fully appreciate that there is no greater bond than that between a mother and her child.
I have learned that:
  • I can cry instantly when I think about how fast you are growing up.
  • I can experience frustration and pure joy at the same time.
  • I am going to miss your little baby noises, baby hugs and baby kisses immensely.
  • I will make silly faces, talk in annoying voices and make myself look like a complete idiot just to make you smile and laugh.
  • You will never be too old to be my baby.
  • I will never be too old to need my Mom and Dad.
  • Your Aunt Lindsay is the strongest woman on the planet.
  • A baby's laugh can lighten up an entire house.
  • There is no such thing as giving a baby too many kisses.
  • It is not nice to buy toys for other people's children that play music non-stop (even though I am very grateful for all of the gifts we receive!)...this is mostly an apology to all my friends and family for buying some pretty obnoxious toys!   
  • You can be dead set on parenting a certain way, but you just do what you can in the moment and the world won't end if you do things differently than planned.
  • We did not need to spend so much time worrying about creating the perfect nursery because the only detail in that whole room that matters is you.
  • I am a sucker when it comes to a pouty lip. 
  • Sleeping in a recliner all night really isn't that bad...especially when you have a baby to cuddle.
  • A messy house doesn't make you a bad mom...I think it makes me a better one because I would rather spend all of my time with you.
  • I will literally do whatever it takes to protect you and make you feel loved every day of your life.
  • You really can love something so much it hurts.
  • Being a Mom, especially being your Mom, is hands down the most incredible and rewarding job in the world and I cannot imagine life without you.
I am sure I could continue for days and I may just add more as you get older. But, this is a good start - I love you little bean.

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