Another month in the books! Time to celebrate the adventures and milestones of the past month:
- I weigh 18 lbs. 9 oz. (with a full belly!) and am about 26.5 inches tall!
- I am officially in size 3 diapers and wear anything from 3-9 month clothes.
- I am about too long for my swing and bouncer, which Mommy is a bit upset about because it means I am growing up.
- I am quite possibly the most content, happiest baby during the day and early evening! No one ever believes Mommy and Daddy when they say I get fussy at night! But overall, I really am just so happy. I smile ALL of the time.
- I am starting to respond to my mom thinks it is the greatest thing ever.
- I squeal and make these hilarious noises when I am talking. It sounds like a baby velociraptor according to my Mom.
- I started blowing raspberries with my mouth - it's really cute!
- I think some teeth are trying to break through. I have been drooling like a faucet and want to chew on your fingers...or chin, nose, cheek, etc.! I love my Sophie though, so thank you Erin for getting me her to chew on!
- I tried oatmeal and am a big fan. I still have a bit of a tongue thrusting reflex, so a lot of it ends up on my bib or on my hands...sometimes I even spit a little out at whoever is feeding me!
- I decided that sleeping on my tummy is awesome, even though my Mommy gets super nervous about it.
- I sleep in my crib now much to my Mommy's dismay.
- I can almost sit by myself, but still need a bit more balance. I prefer to stand though.
- I really, really want to crawl, but I cannot quite get my belly off the ground. I kick my little legs like crazy though and if I can push off something, I can scoot!
- I love watching Hoyt move around...and I like to pet him (or grab his fur, whatever!).
- I can move the seat around in my jumperoo almost 360 degrees and I have discovered how to play with and move things on it....Ray can't get over how smart I am!
- I love to snuggle and give hugs, especially when I am sleepy or right after I wake up.
- I got to play with squirt guns with Grandma Debbie, Ray and Braden and I thought it was the greatest thing...I cannot wait until I get to go to the pool.
- Everyone is always kissing me...I now open my mouth when they come at me because I am trying to give them big kisses back!
- Mommy and Daddy got to hear a real belly laugh from me for the first time. My silly cousin Braden was making faces and doing tricks and I thought it was just so funny.
- I am so blessed to have so many people who love me so much. Mommy always tells me she loves me so much she could explode...I really hope she doesn't!
OK, now it's time to go learn more stuff so I have more to report next month!
"When your child looks into your eyes, you know what it means to be alive." ~ Anonymous
Sitting in my big boy chair, reading my book.
My cousin Braden can make me giggle!
So can my cousin Beckett! I want to be one of the big boys.
I love to watch Baby Einstein with Daddy!
Mmm, oatmeal!
Ooooh, shiney!
Nom nom nom, I love chewing on Sophie!
I love my Jumperoo! |
I am such a happy little boy!! |
Growing like a weed! |
Love my bear!
Had to get capture all that glorious chub at 5 months! |