Yep, it's official. I have started waddling. I guess I should be proud I made it to 35 weeks, but it was still a little hard to admit. It is also getting very difficult to get out of bed or off of the couch. Watching me attempt these small feats must be quite humorous...Darin seems to find it funny! I really am actually starting to get pretty uncomfortable though. My whole body is always sore, I find myself out of breath very easily, and the reflux is still terrible. However, I am most certainly considering every pain, ache, and jab to the rib/bladder/etc. an absolute blessing. I have really tried to be a pleasant
preggo and I think I have done a very good job. And, especially in light of the family's recent loss, I am taking none of this for granted. I am grateful beyond words and hope our little bean stays happy and healthy over these final few weeks.
Catching up on previous weeks:
33 weeks

34 weeks - yes, the belly ballooned.

35 weeks - looks like a beach ball under there!
I can't wait to see you next week! Bean's gettin' big!! :)