First Appointment!!! 8 weeks!
We had our first appointment on August 5, 2010. We got a sneak peek at Bean. I was amazed that he actually already looked like a baby...he had a head and little nubs for arms and legs. He also had a little tail, but for the most part, looked like a mini baby! Hearing the heartbeat for the first time was something that still gives me goosebumps! It definitely made me teary and made this whole experience that much more real. Unfortunately, we did find out that I had a small subchorionic hematoma, which is essentially a small tear or blood clot. I, of course, rushed home and started researching it (not smart!!) and read some scary stories. However, my voice of reason (Darin) calmed me down as usual and assured me all would be just fine. Easier said than done, but we were scheduled for another ultrasound at 12 weeks to see if it had disappeared or grew. Hoping for the former!! I was just told to rest as much as possible, which really was not too difficult since nausea was a 24 hour symptom of mine! The 4 week wait seemed like an eternity though! I didn't really have any physical morning sickness during the 1st trimester, but as previously mentioned, I was nauseous ALL day EVERY day, which in my opinion is just as bad. Cereal was about all that ever sounded good to me. I am pretty sure I boosted Cheerios' sales exponentially during the first trimester...banana nut, fruity, and Honey Nut were my saviors! Oh, and my only craving was (and still is) York Peppermint patties and/or Junior Mints. Not real sure what that is all about, but I HAVE to have one every single day!!
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