We had our follow-up ultrasound and 12 week appointment on September 2 to check on the hematoma. As scary and upsetting as it was to find out I had one, it was also kind of a blessing in disguise because we got an extra chance to see Bean!! I was so nervous going into this appointment. Luckily, I didn't have any bleeding or cramping episodes, so I was hoping for the best. And of course Darin, Mr. Optimistic, knew everything would be fine! We had the ultrasound and when we first saw the screen, we were amazed at how big he had gotten!! His little legs were already so long! However, Bean did not want to move AT ALL during the ultrasound. The tech was trying everything to get him to move and all he would do is stretch out a leg or flip over. He mooned us at one point...already a stinker!! It was so interesting though because you could see his little spine, his heart beating and his little bladder, which was full when we started...not so much at the end! Again, I was just in awe and so amazed that this little miracle that we created was growing inside of me. Of course, I cried again...but that will be a common theme during this pregnancy =).
The good news was the hematoma was gone!! The bad news was I now had Complete Placenta Previa. This is when the placenta is completely covering the cervix. It does not affect the baby's development in any way, but when the baby is ready to come into this world, the exit is blocked and we therefore would have to do a c-section. Not a huge deal, but there are also a lot of other complications that come with previa, so again, I was extremely terrified. Dr. Santiago said with as "complete" as my previa was, he only gave me about a 20% chance of it moving up by the time I would be ready to deliver. I was kind of amazed by this since it was still so early in the pregnancy, but stuck to the doctor's orders and rested and moved as little as possible over the next few weeks. Another scary moment in our pregnancy, but again, we just tried to hope for the best and pray that little bean would be just fine and stay nice and cozy in there!!
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