One more month closer to 3!!! We had another fun and busy month - starting to get the hang of being a family of four!
- You have gotten so tall and thin over the last few months. Still solid as a rock, but you look so grown up! You are basically in all 3T clothes now. You still fit into some 2T pants and shorts because your little waist sometimes can't keep up some of the 3T stuff.
- You like to put people in their cars now when they leave our house! Or you like to have them put you in our car when we leave somewhere. It helps soften the blow of having to leave!
- A few weekends ago, you got to tell ghost stories in the back of Daddy's truck at Ray and Gma Debbie's with Ray, Braden and Madison. This was one of the funniest and cutest things I have ever seen! You will still tell us your scary story every now and then and it is so cute!!
- You flew the Darth Vader kite that you got from Aunt Kelly with Daddy and you had a blast! It was so fun to watch you!
- You love to play hide and seek...but you typically tell us where to hide or let us know where you are hiding! It's too cute!
- You really like to do things all by yourself now. We hear "I will do it all by myself" or "I wanna do it" a lot these days!
- You and Ray like to share Starbucks coffee cakes - you scarf them down!
- Daddy will turn into the Tickle Monster before naps and you think that is the best thing in the world!
- You and Daddy have had a lot of quality time together over the past 8 weeks. It's cute to watch you two. You love to play basketball with him and just be outside in general. We try to take family walks if baby Gwendolyn is up for it! Otherwise, you two will do your thing outside! On one of your walks, you two found Daddy a "working rock" so that he can take it with him to work and think of you! You also like to walk down the street and look at the spider Halloween decoration on one of the houses..."he's a biiiig scary spider"! We got to touch him the other day!
- You also really like to go with Daddy to pick up Hoyt from "school" (doggy daycare). You tell me all about the dogs when you get home!
- You are so friendly with people - I just love it. We took a walk the other night and you stopped to talk to a neighbor whom we had never met. We actually still had our pajamas on and when he asked you if it was Buzz Lightyear on your shirt, you responded with, "these aren't real clothes" and started laughing hysterically! It was so funny.
- You have recently rediscovered your buddy, Scout. You carry him around and sing the songs. You will hug him and tell him you love him. Way too cute! We told you we were going to get a Violet for Gwendolyn for Christmas and for some reason, you keep calling it Pirate Island. It is so funny! You will say, "when Gwendolyn gets Pirate Island, we will share and she can have Scout and I can play with Pirate Island". I am hoping you won't be too disappointed when you see that "Pirate Island" is just a purple version of Scout :).
- I have said it a few times, but you are such a good big brother. You always help me when I change her diaper. You will entertain and talk to her and you are always giving her kisses!
- You like to help when we feed Hoyt. Daddy made up a song and I can never seem to get it right! "Smash smash smash it up, smash it up for Hoyt. Smash smash smash it up so it's good to eat". Yeah, probably got that wrong, so I will have to make Daddy write it out for me!!
- You think it's really funny to call people by different names...this all started with the "little Grandpa Ray" thing and has now extended to all of us! You will call Daddy, "Mommy". You will call me "little Daddy" or some other form. You also call me Aunt Laura and think it's funny! When we face timed with the Gibsons, you were calling Drake, Braden and Bennett and you thought it was so funny! We all think it's pretty funny because of your reaction!
- Speaking of that, one day when we were leaving Gma Debbie and Ray's house, you said your usual, "bye little grandpa Ray" and started laughing. He responded with a "what" like he always does (with an "I am going to spank your bumbershoot!") to which you quickly responded with "goodbye just Ray". Hilarious!
- You do this gasping thing every single time you see something that excites you...which is a lot. Sometimes, it scares me because I think something happened to you! I wish I could get it on camera!
- You have decided to start the fun phase of boycotting of foods. You will eat something one day and tell us you don't like the exact same thing the very next day. It's a bit frustrating, but I am sure it's just phase. And, you still eat fruits and veggies really well, so it's not affecting you too much. "I don't like it". "Try it, please". "No". - that's how meals go sometimes!
- The foods of the month seem to be apples freshly picked from Gma Kim's and Aunt Lindsay's house. Peppers of any color! And, you have started loving Gogurt again.
- Your favorite books: The Disney Bedtime collection of stories (Monsters and Woody seem to be your favorite lately). I bought you a new Halloween book that we read at least 2-5 times a day called Room on the Broom. It's a great book, so I don't mind reading it 20 times! And, you basically have it memorized and read it to us! There is a movie too that Daddy bought...we watch that daily too!
- Ask us about how you constantly tell us the story of when Ray was here and Daddy had to give you medicine - it'll make us all laugh when you get older!
- One time when Gma Kim was leaving, you kicked her a kiss instead of blowing it, so now we like to throw and kick kisses, along with blowing them!
- You are still very into Star Wars. The other day, you were quizzing me on what the Star Wars characters were. When I would get it right, you'd say, "that's right, good job, Mommy!". You also do the Darth Vader Death March every time you wear a Star Wars shirt!
- You have now decided you want to become an astronaut. Daddy showed you some YouTube videos after the rocket launch and you thought it was the coolest! You tell us that you are going to go to the moon and we will stay here and watch you go. You will say how Mommy "will be sad to watch me go to the moon alone" but that you will bring me back a moon rock. You are so sweet!!!
- We got to go to the Children's museum a few times together with Gma and Ray and it's so fun to watch you explore and play. You LOVE putting on a play (more so just dressing up!) and it is so adorable!!
- You also love to go to the library with Gma and Ray to play and read. We are going to have a library date soon - just you and me!
- You also love to go out to Gma Kim and PaPa's house to pick apples and watch the boys farm! Daddy and I are going to take you out soon so you can ride with them!
- You say that everything happened "last night". Even if it just happened in the morning or happened two weeks ago, you will say, "remember when we did that last night?". It's pretty funny and adorable!
- You and Ray play "I spy", so we all play that a lot now.
- You love to have your figurines/huge dinosaur or shark sit up on the table with us when we eat meals or on the bathroom counter when you take a bath! Guess you need an audience.
- You love to play zoo train on the iPad and you are getting so good with letters. You love to point out that Ds are for Daddy's name, Ls are for my name, Js are for your name and Gs are for Gwendolyn! You find letters all over the place and point this out!
- I know I said this in the Preschool post, but every time I come to get you at Preschool, you hug me and say, "it's so good to see you!". Cutest thing ever and it melts my heart!
- Speaking of that, you are full of compliments for me and it's so endearing! Sometimes, they are prompted by Daddy (he will tell you to tell me I am pretty!). But, sometimes out of the blue, you will just say something so, "whoa Mommy, your hair is really pretty". Um, you are too cute!!!
- You like to explain to us that girls are to be described as pretty and boys as handsome :). So, with this said, you like to tell me I am pretty often! Brownie points are being stockpiled!
Jameson funnies!
- "That's right" - this is my favorite of the month. This is your new comment/response to a lot of things. I wish I could get it on video because it's so cute.
- "Nah" - we have lost the "no" and now just say "nah" to our questions about 75% of the time!
- "Yep" - since we have "nah", we had to add "yep". You honestly are very well mannered, but apparently, "yep" is more fun to say! It is pretty darn adorable though!
- "Super funny" - I use "super" a lot when I speak and you picked that up, so now everything is always "super funny". It is so cute to hear you say it because you usually giggle while you're saying it!
- "That's fantastic" - this is so adorable! You picked it up from the Hub channel and we say it a lot now because we think it's fun :).
- We started this silly thing where I say, "hi baybah" and you respond with "hi mama" and we repeat 100 times. We both giggle a lot while saying it for some reason!
- "I will beat you!" - you like to win now, so we have to let you beat us to wherever it is we are going or whatever we are doing...whether it be running to the bathroom or shooting a always have to "beat us". You must win :).
- "Stinker" - we say this about everything if something is being a nuisance...including the red stoplights! "Those stinker lights are red and need to change green now!" or "Those stinker guys won't stand up on the table" (referring to your Disney characters). Too funny!
- "Thank you, come again". Haha! No clue how this started, but it's darn funny!
- When we were at the zoo, we stopped to look at the frogs and they were all sleeping. You told us, "I will get my plug and go in there with all my friends". Ray responded with, "are you sure?", to which you quickly responded, "no, not really". Haha!
- Speaking of that, you say "just kidding" more now than will say something silly and then tell us you are just kidding!
- You are a fan of Braden's new house and you tell me quite often that you "love him and his new house". Too cute!
- "Remember that time...". You ask us if we "remember that time..." about 15 times a day. Much like the medicine story I told you to ask us about. "Do you remember that time I was scared of the lion, but liked the dragon?". "Do you remember that time we had the smiley face cookies?". "Do you remember that time..." you get the point! It's so cute because you usually get sooo excited about some of the "remember whens". I just love your excitement about life.
More cute videos!
Snuggling with Hoyt! |
Impromptu play date with Jonah! |
Nothing like playing outside on a hot day in your undies! |
Love the look on his face! |
Playing out at Gma Kim and PaPa's house with Bennett! |
Being silly with Mommy's shirt! |
Flying his Darth Vader kite with Daddy! |
Taking a break from kite flying. |
This makes my heart so happy. |
Playing at the library with Gma Debbie and Ray! |
Bath fun at Gma Debbie and Ray's. Love that the animals are all in a line! |
Sketti night is always a good night! |
This was my first outing with all THREE kids :). Jameson thought Ming Ming
needed clothes...right down to underwear and that he should be part of the family! |
We LOVE Target! |
Silly boy! |
Super silly boy! Showing me his blue tongue after having a cookie! |
Playing hide and seek! He is so cute! |
Dressing up like Daddy! |
Haha...I love that they are both giving me the same look..."really, Mom?!". |
He was teaching her the ILL-INI chant!!! |
I love Jameson snuggles! |
Another haircut! This kid's hair grows faster than mine! His eyes are so pretty, um, I mean handsome!! |
Fun at the museum with me, Gwendolyn, Gma Debbie and Ray! |
Putting on his plays! Sir Jameson the Knight! |
Had to get some Monical's after the museum! Black and Green olives, of course! |
Bennett and Jameson watching the guys farm with Gma Kim! |
Arghhh, Matey. |
Fun at Grady's! |
Ghost stories in Daddy's truck! They had SO much fun!! |
GO COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Helping Daddy with the Fall chores! |
Bath time fun with Mommy! |
Love these two. |
LOL...he is a little OCD just like a certain Daddy. |
The Boppy has multiple uses! |
Kisses!!! |
More Kisses! |
Jameson's turn for the Boppy! |
Lining up his Bubble Guppies! |
Gma getting some snuggles in while Jameson entertains! |
So cute! |
Hanging in the T-Bird with Ray! |
Won't be long before he is really behind the wheel! |
My future Cubbie! |
Fun at the Annual Worldwide Day of Play! |
Of course, we ended up in the Museum. |
He is so cute! |
September 2011, 2012 and 2013 at the Worldwide Day of Play! Wow, he is getting so big!! |
They are too cute! |
Cool hair, dude! |
Taking a walk in our PJs. First stop: playing with the rocks! |
Helping me push Baby G! |
Could he BE wearing anymore Star Wars stuff? LOL...he is too cute! |
Fun at the zoo with Mom, Gwendolyn, Gma Debbie and Ray! He loved the wallabies and got to see Dori and Nemo :). |
Doing some puzzles at the zoo! |
He looks so long!! |
Jameson's tree at Gma and Ray's house! |
May the Force be with you! Young Jedi in training. Or actually, Darth Vader in training according to Mr. Serious! |
Playing with his new umbrella from the zoo!! |
If only someone could pay me to stay home and do this every day!! |
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