How is it possible that I just made your 2.5 year doctor appointment?! Holy cow, time needs to slow down. I guess it is true that time flies when you're having fun because sometimes I feel like the days and weeks just blur right by us! I try so hard to take in every moment, but it's amazing how time slips away from us so quickly. Summer has been pretty crazy though - lots of birthdays, celebrations, outdoor fun, etc. Makes the time go even faster!
Your learning and developing has also not slowed down, holy cow. We often all comment about how sometimes it feels like we are carrying on conversations with an adult. You are amazing!
- I took you to the doctor because you have these little "itchies" on the backs of your knees, wrists and neck...turns out it is eczema. But, when we were there, you weighed in at 34 pounds and measured slightly over 37 inches.
- 2T shirts are starting to be too short for your long torso, but you are slimming up around the waist and torso, so shorts/pants tend to be too big for you! We definitely have to stick to the 2T size for those. It may also be because you are wearing underwear, so you lost your "bubble butt" from the diaper!
- All four 2 year molars are in. I hate to admit this because I feel like an awful mother for not even realizing it, but we have no idea when they all exactly came in. I know they have been working their way through for months, but just am not sure exactly when they all came through. I figured you would tell us when you hurt since you are so good about that, so I am hoping they didn't bother you too much. I think they may still be a little sore though because you have had your fingers in your mouth a lot lately.
- You do this adorable head tilt and pointer finger thing when you ask for something or even sometimes just when you are saying something. There is really no good way to explain it with words because it is so freaking cute. One of my and your Dad's favorite current Jamesonisms!
- You LOVE the water slide at State Farm Park! I am pretty sure you went down that thing 100 times and would have continued, but we needed to get some dinner! You would barely be at the bottom and would say, "one more time" was adorable. I honestly thought you wouldn't like it...boy, was I wrong. We also did the Lazy River as a family...that was fun too!
- You love to go to the splash park too...we go to McGraw park usually at least once a week. You love the alligator and the fountains!
- Forgot to mention last time that you always have to give Hoyt a "bubble bite" (treat) before we leave the house. This is from a Bubble Guppies episode, but it's so cute! When we run out, you will tell us that we all need to go to the store and buy more!
- You and Daddy sing "Yellow Submarine" in the bathtub and each person in our family has a certain color submarine. It is so fun and endearing to hear you two during bath time...makes my heart melt.
- We played "the floor is lava" for the first time and you thought it was great! We play it a lot now!
- I have said it before, but you do not know a stranger. When we are playing outside and someone walks by, you always start talking or will say "hi neighbor". I love that you are so outgoing!
- You love to play ball with Daddy outside and I must say, you are quite the natural when it comes to baseball!
- We finally bought Monsters Inc. and you immediately fell in love with it. So, we took you to your very first movie in the theater - Monsters University. And, you did FABULOUS! You were such a good boy and I think you had a great time! I bought you the Monsters U Little Golden Book after the movie and we read that at least once a day! And, Gma Debbie and Ray and Gma Kim have bought quite a bit of Monsters paraphernalia over the past few weeks!
- I would say the other favorite books for the month were: One Fish, Two Fish..., The Berenstain Bears Spooky Old Tree and Bears in the Night. You loved to read the part about the owl in Bears in the Night over and over! But, I think it may have gotten to you a little because some nights you ask to sleep with a night light! One night you left your lamp on all night!
- You still really like to read the books yourself and will start with "once upon a time".
- We bought Despicable Me and watched it for the first time and you were a big fan! You will ask for the pyramid part and want to watch it a few times before we can watch the rest of the movie. Despicable Me 2 will be our next movie theater movie! We also finally bought Cars!
- You now know the words to a good majority of the Justin least the chorus. It is absolutely adorable and I will try to get it on video sometime!
- You can distinguish between who is a girl and who is a boy...that sounds a little odd, but I just mean that you know that your Grandmas, me, your aunts, Rowan, Madison, and baby sister etc. are girls and that Ray, Gpa, Daddy, Braden, Beckett, Bennett, Drake etc. are boys. You think it's funny when you call me a boy :).
- You and Ray have this silly thing where you call him Little Ray and he calls you Big Jameson. You think it's pretty funny!
- You are definitely getting very good at identifying emotions. When you're being a stinker and after you throw a fit about something and are in a better mood, you will always say, "I am happy now" and then explain that you were crying earlier. You also will ask us if we are happy now.
- You also know what worrying were playing at the park one day and told me that you were worried because you were too high! I was extremely impressed! You also were talking to Cookie Monster one evening and gave him a hug and asked him if he was OK because you were worried about him?! Not sure where that came from, but I was equally as impressed!
- Another example - you choked on your bacon the other day and afterwards you said, "Mommy, I choked and it scared you.". You are right my dear!
- You call Ice Cream Trucks "song trucks" or "music trucks". So cute!
- You are still Star Wars obsessed. To the point that we have to wash your Star Wars shirts the same day just in case you want to wear the same one the next day. And, some days you want to sleep in the shirts and getting you to take it off the next morning is no easy task!
- We participated in Relay for Life for Team Destruction. You were mostly interested in the Star Wars characters that were there, but did walk around the track with us once. Getting you to leave was pretty did not want to leave the characters at all!
- When we were at Jersey Hill for my Maternity pictures, you and Daddy went on a walk for a little bit while I got some pictures done and he showed you how to be a farmer by putting grass in your mouth, lol! So, now you like to do it and call the grass "farmers". Too funny.
- You tend to call us all "sweetheart" now. It is so cute. You will give me a big hug and then say, "hi sweetheart". You kissed my nose one day and said, "I love you sweetheart" and then kissed both eyes. Holy heart melt!!
- You also constantly walk up to us and give us a hug and say, " I love you". And, whenever I tell you that I love you, you will always say, "I love you too". You are so incredibly sweet!!
- You have started folding both your ears and we keep asking you if they hurt. Your response is, "no, they are going to sleep". So funny and I am not exactly sure what's going on, but it's cute!
- You just love to be in your baby sister's room. You love to get in her bed and play around. I hope you love to be in there after she is here's getting so close and I can't wait to see you as a big brother!
- And, I have neglected to stress how sweet you are to baby sister. You are constantly kissing my belly. Telling me that baby sister is "so nice" and that you love her. We are really driving home the point that she is going to be here in a few weeks and you seem to be excited.
- You have these two different types of hilarious laughs now. Don't have great video, but it cracks me up so much!
More Jameson Vocab that must get documented:
- "There now" - this may be my favorite thing right now! After you do something/finish something/etc., you will say this. Sometimes, it's, "there now, that's better!". LOVE it!
- Happy Father's Day! - except you kept saying Happy Mother's Day all day to your was funny! But, it was so cute - Daddy told you happy father's day at breakfast and you set him straight...probably one of my favorite videos of you!
- "No Ray, don't Fee Fi Fo Fum Me!"....hahaha, you didn't want him to get you, so this was your response!
- "whoa Nelly" - this is from Tom and Jerry. You will randomly say it and it's so funny.
- "Okaaaay" - this is your response to a lot of things now. It's hard to put in writing, but it cracks me up how you say it.
- "uhhhh, no" or "uhhhh, yeah" accompanied by the eyes looking up. This is hilarious and a fairly new thing.
- "oh shoot" - yeah, you say this every once in awhile.
- "Don't move your tummy at me!" - this made me laugh hysterically! We were snuggling in the recliner and your baby sister was moving all over the place. You apparently were annoyed by it :).
- "thanks for the ride, guys!" - you will say this when someone drops you off or when we get out of the car. So cute!
- "what's happening" - my little curious boy! You love to know what's going on with everything.
- " I will turn on the light so that you can see better" - yeah, you sound like you are 12 years old sometimes!
- "woo hoo" - I love do this a lot! Probably because I do it after you do something impressive, but it is adorable!
Some adorable videos:
Bouncy house fun! |
Just hanging with Daddy. |
Holding onto that! |
Splash park fun!! |
One of the rare napping on me moments. |
Playing with bugs! And, then taking a rest on the sidewalk. |
Happy Father's Day!!! |
Eating the "sparkles" off of his Father's Day donuts! |
Giving Ray his Father's Day card/gift! |
All of the boys relaxing on Father's Day. |
Superman, dah dah dah dah!! |
Because everyone needs a light saber when at the swimming pool! |
Kisses! |
Playing at the park with Gma Kim! |
Getting ready to head to Relay for Life for Team Destruction!
Jameson was in total heaven when we got there. Getting him to leave proved to be extremely difficult! |
Jameson, the Explorer. |
Giving Gma Debbie her birthday gifts! |
He loves Baby Sister's bed! |
Stole Gma's glasses, lol! |
Watching some toons with Mr. Giraffe. |
Nothing quite like snuggling with your baby boy while he feels his baby sister move! |
Can't even take him to the grocery store without leaving with 40 things! We
actually made it out of there with nothing...I was so proud! |
Opening Baby Sister's afghan from Aunt Deb. He also got a hat which he just loves! |
He found my fedora and it had to go with him everywhere for a few days! |
Feeding the new fishies in the pond at Gma and Ray's! |
4th of July fun - Night #1 at Lakeside! |
4th of July fun - Night #2 at Derek and Kelly's. |
He said he wanted to nap on the floor. Didn't think he would actually
stay down there the whole 3 hours! You can see his little head off to the right. |
Pool fun with Daddy while Mommy was at work! |
Being a Farmer! |
1st Movie Theater Experience!! |
Helping Daddy put together a bookshelf for baby sister's room. He loves his tools! |
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