It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...which means Jameson just turned 21 months! I say it every. Single. Month. But, this child learns and picks up on so many new things each day. It's kind of crazy and I know it's not just his proud parents who think that. Not bragging, just amazed with him - but I guess that's pretty typical for a Mom!
- I don't think you gained too much weight in a month or grew too much. However, you look like you shot up some more and have outgrown a few pairs of pants just in the last few weeks!
- We are still stuck on the routine at night where after I put you in your bed, I kneel down and we hug over the side of the crib and sing for a bit. I honestly wouldn't mind if we did this forever. Every single night when I feel that little embrace, my heart melts like it's the first time you have ever hugged me. It reminds me each night that nothing, absolutely nothing, is more important than making sure you feel safe and so very loved every minute of your life!!!!!
- You love to chase Hoyt and play tug of war with him! I love the way you laugh when you play with him. . You also always narrate and tell us, "I chasin Hoyt".
- You love to play hide and seek now. Not exactly hide and seek - it's mostly you and me going and hiding while Daddy tries to find us. However, after a few seconds, you usually yell and tell Daddy where we are hiding. But, you love playing it and it's so fun to hide with you!
- You are going to hate me for writing this, but I am so dang proud. You are honestly a rock star with the potty training. We haven't even officially started trying or anything, but you pretty much tell us anytime you need to go and we take you to the bathroom and you go! You even do this when we are out and about, which is just plain awesome. We still have a ways to go, but I am betting we have this mastered by the summer.
- You have learned to roll your eyes, oh boy! I didn't think I would have to deal with the eye roll until the pre-teen years! But, at least you are just learning new things and not because you are being a stinker! I think you saw Mommy do it once at dinner, oops! You also always say, "roll eyes" when you see us do it or if you do it!
- You love to slide down the stairs on your tummy...and you really like it when Mommy slides down on her bottom, which Mommy just loves doing (insert that eye roll here).
- I don't think I have ever mentioned it before, but you have eagle eyes. You can see the tiniest speck of something from across the way. It's crazy how well you can see stuff!
- You started taking showers with Daddy and you just love it! I am just happy you don't seem to mind the water in your eyes too much anymore.
- You play "kitty tiger" on top of your Fisher Price grill. Just ask us about this one when you get older! Hilarious.
- You like to hoard stuffed animals! I swear you come out of any store with a new animal or toy of some sort (ahem, Ray! Actually, I am horribly guilty of it too...just the other day we walked out of the grocery store with a new Elmo loofah and little reindeer figurine all because you asked for it!).
- On the same note, you sleep with about 400 of those animals. You are partial to your blue and pink owls...those are staples and have to be in bed with you. You also have Ming Ming, a monkey, a froggy, all of the mini Sesame Street stuffed animals, night time Scout and just recently you have wanted your Glow Worm.
- Speaking of your Glow Worm (aka: your baby), you just found that the other day when you were playing with Daddy and you haven't put it down since. It goes with you wherever you go now and you take care of it and call it your baby. It seriously melts my heart watching you. You cover it with blankets, you rock and sing to it and you even offer it your plug! You will make such a good big brother when the time comes!
- You and Ray have really become buddies! You are always asking for Ray! But, the Grandmas shouldn't get too upset - whenever you see your phones or see my phone, you ask to call Grandma!
- You have to have all the doors shut. If you see that a door was left open, even if it doesn't necessarily need to be shut, you will shut it and tell us, "door shut". Hello mini Darin!
- You had a blast watching the Christmas decorations go up. You always look at the lights and say, "oh pwity". You have actually done a fabulous job with leaving the breakable stuff alone and just admiring the ornaments. Poor kid though - you probably think that every Santa is breakable because we have a few breakable Santas and we tell you they'll break if you touch, you walk around saying, "Santa bwake" and then smile! But, we have quite a few decorations that are free reign to play with!
- One of those would be the Snowball Fight in a Bucket. You think it's hilarious to have snowball fights with Mommy and Daddy...except you two pick on me!! The absolute best is hearing you say, "Snowball Fight". I don't know where you picked up your dialect, but it sounds like you are speaking German (like back in the day when you were first learning to talk!). You said it funny once and your Daddy and I made the mistake of laughing and then repeating it how you said it. So, now you really exaggerate it! "Hoh-hall height" with a deep German-sounding accent. I can't even do it justice by trying to write it phonetically because it's hysterical hearing you say it.
- You got to meet Santa, but I will do another post on that!
- You also got your FIRST haircut!! But, I already wrote about that too!
- You like to whisper, so we are silly and do that a lot.
- You love to pretend sleep. We started this thing where you order us to lay down and then you cover us with blankets, say night-night and then you lay down too. It's pretty entertaining. Sometimes you wake up and say "ticko ticko" and then tickle us to wake us up!
- You really like to draw now. Whenever you see a pen, you always ask to draw! Doesn't last very long, but you at least like to do it for a few minutes before moving onto the next thing!!
- Your Aunt Kelly let you borrow the boys' Go Diego Go backpack and you cannot go anywhere without that thing. You even just roll it around the house because you love it so much.
- When you get an ouchie, you sometimes just kiss it yourself instead of having Mommy do it! You also say, "owie owie owie owie owie owie owie...." when you get hurt!
- You have been doing this weird noise thing where you tip your head back and make a funny noise. You (and most of us) find it very funny. Odd. But, funny!
- You have been doing this for a few months, but I forgot to document it. When we ask you to put your clothes in the hamper, you gladly do it and love doing it!
- You are obsessed with pears and blueberries right now. You got off the blueberry kick a few months back, but I think we can thank Dora for your renewed love! You also like granola bars now, but your go-to snack is still pretzels!
- You make your animals/toys figures talk to each other and sometimes kiss (i.e., The Little People Nativity Scene Mary always gives the Baby Jesus kisses). It's pretty cute to hear the conversations your animals have!!
- You love wearing your robe after bath time now. Problem is it's a 0-9 month robe...Santa really needs to bring you a new robe!
- You are pure entertainment. I have said it before, but you are constantly making us all laugh. You just do the silliest things sometimes:
- You are really good with sentences now. And, what's super cool is when you are asking a question or telling someone something, you direct it at them. "Sit here, Grandma". "Ray by me." "Daddy open it."
- Hallelujah, you say "yeah" more than you say "no" now! It's such a nice change of pace to hear that! The best is, "oh yeah". You picked that up while we were on vacation and you sound like a little Canadian. It's adorable!
- You also say "no thank you" now. I love your manners!!
- Icky thing - this is probably my most favorite thing you say/do right now because it just makes me laugh! If you find a piece of garbage or if a piece of food has something weird on it, you will say "icky thing" and make this disgusted face! For example - you had a grape with a bruise on it, which was an icky thing.
- Enamem = M&M! You get M&Ms after you go potty (and sometimes just because you ask!). I LOVE hearing you say this!!
- You can sing heigh-ho and you will sing it at dinner. You even sing the "it's off to work we go" part. Sounds a little more like "a work a go", but it's awesome that you picked up on that from listening to it like one time.
- Speaking of that, you definitely absorb sounds and tunes very quickly. Daddy and I talked about starting you on an instrument early because you seem to hear something and are able to hum/sing it. I made up a song titled "J Man" on the way home from Kindermusik one week and you were singing it by the time we got home. It may be completely normal, but it's impressive!
- Bunny Rabbit - you like to visit your Aunt "Hinsey" at work and look at the picture of Braden and the Easter Bunny. You can say bunny rabbit clear as day though. We just need to work on saying Lindsay :).
- Hoyt 'meer = Hoyt come here! This is probably one of my new favorites. Rowan used to say this and we used to love hearing her say, it's awesome that you are doing it now!
- You have also started calling him Hoytie Toytie, which is so stinking cute.
- Mommy goofy - this is our new thing! One day in the car, I giggled and said, "Jameson is goofy" and you responded with, "no, mommy goofy". This is now a regular thing with us. We go back and forth forever! The funniest part is that it's just Mommy. You won't insert anyone else there! But, you and Daddy have PU Jameson/PU Daddy (Boy thing I guess!).
- Papillar = catepillar. This is utterly adorable to hear.
- I know I have said it before, but you love to narrate what you are doing/what you see. Push, pull, up, down, etc. I love that you can associate what you are doing with the correct words.
- You are obsessed with Nemo (not even the movie...just Nemo the fish) and you call him, "Memo". Whenever you see a clown fish, you say "Memo" very excitedly!
- "Beeeeg bite" or "leeeetle bite" = this is how we categorize the bites you take when you eat. It's pretty funny!
- Shhhh = you have learned to put your finger over your mouth and say shhhh. We do this to Hoyt a lot!
- TB = TV
- Mote = remote
- Tutdown = touchdown
- Ray taught you to say, "I'm so cute bay-bay!" I love it - it's too cute!
- Tuba = this is from one of our Kindermusik songs and we love saying it over and over!
- The Christmas words:
- Santa Cause: you LOVE Santa this year!
- Christmas Tee: Christmas tree. Christmas still doesn't sound quite like Christmas, but you are super close and I am not sure how to write it out how you say it! Waiting for you to call it Mismas like Braden did!
- Reindeer: you have this one down pat.
- Baby Jesus: I love that you know this one perfectly. You always point to one of your "Baby's 1st Christmas" ornaments from last year and excitedly say, "Baby Jesus!!".
- You also carry around Mary from our Nativity Scene and call her Mommy :).
- Ohnamen: ornament
- Socks = stockings :)
- Ho-man or Ko-man = snowman!
- Pillow and pillow case are now perfectly said. Your pillow case manages to come off quite a bit, so you always ask us to put it back on in the morning....usually with an "oh no, pillow case off".
21 Month Pictures:
That bear is so "leeeetle" now! |
We were trying to recreate the photo from last year at this time...
not quite the same! |
Bean last year at 9 months!! |
Photos from the past month:
Walking Hoyt before haircut time! |
Apparently, he wants to get in shape with Kim Kardashian. |
Turning the "TB" on with the "mote". |
Celebrating Braden's bday (pre-haircut!).
Playing peek-a-boo with Gma Debbie! |
Eating cereal like a big boy! |
Because pasta tastes so much better dipped in yogurt. |
Lol! One way to diffuse a tantrum - bring out the rain boots! |
Watching the Election results! |
So excited to be celebrating Braden's bday...he loves Chuck-E! |
Getting those gophers! |
Sweet, sweet little face. |
Playing b-ball with Daddy and Uncle J!
Guess he wanted to go on vacation since Mommy and Daddy got to!
Example of him pulling the Diego backpack around the house! |
Oh, just doing some light reading at breakfast! |
Wednesdays are my absolute favorite day of the week - this is
what I get to do! |
Hoyt is waiting for some fishies to fall! |
Shower time!!!!!!!! |
I think Santa needs to bring someone a new robe! |
This is one of my all-time favorite pictures. |
You are so incredibly funny! I would love to know what goes on
in that little head!
Our night time hugging/singing routine. You are my world. |
Love those little arms around my neck! |
Being such a good helper! |
Playing with the Nativity Scene. Making sure Mary gives Baby Jesus kisses. |
Helping put up the "socks". |
Because it's so easy to eat fishies with a spoon. |
Love his little innocence and excitement. Tis the Season. |
Eating Monical's pizza...with French Dressing of course! |
Mommy got all prettied up and Jameson was not so sure about it.
He kept pointing to my eye and saying, "owie". |
While Daddy goes out with the boys, Mommy will bring child into bed
to watch Christmas cartoons together!
Monthly sleeping pictures. You can also kind of see the millions of stuffed animals. |
Hilarious! You have some strange sleeping habits...
and now we can add stripping to the list! |
Going night night on the floor. I was asked
to join him shortly after I took this pic. |
Pretending to sleep at dinner! |
Out to dinner at I-Hop with Grandma, Ray, Daddy
and Mommy after gymnastics! Enjoying eggs and a milkshake...yum. |
I adore his little feet! He lays just like Ray!
Where's Jameson! Stuffed animal hoarder! And, not at all spoiled! |
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