Eeek - 4 months away from the big 0-2! Doesn't seem possible, but we are enjoying the ride! Enough commentary on the cliches of time is flying, my baby is growing too fast, I can't believe he is almost 2, etc. You had another awesome month, so let's not waste any more time.
- You weigh about 30 lbs. and when we tried to measure you standing up, you were about 34 inches.
- You still have some baby chub, but you are starting to really thin out and look more and more like a little man rather than a baby boy! Makes sense since you are no longer a baby boy and are SUPER active. It's just crazy to see how much you have transformed in the last few months.
- You know your name now. It's a bit of a tough name to say, but you are very close! But, when you see pictures of yourself or look in the mirror, you always point and say Jameson so excitedly! You also recognize it when it's written - I was pretty impressed! You see it and say "name" and then Jameson.
- You had a slight cold this past month, but no ear infections! Hoping this means that we are on the road to less infections and may be in the clear for no tubes (fingers crossed).
- Your bottom left canine finally came all the way through. The right one is still about halfway through...almost there and then it's just the two year molars, oh boy!
- Oh my word, you are obsessed with Dora and Diego. It's pretty neat though because you interact with them when they ask questions. So, I guess it's OK because it's educational?!
- You are a complete ham. You love to talk to people and will wave and say hi to everyone when we are out and about. Your Gma Debbie told me how much she likes to take you out because you are so fun - I know we all feel like that!
- Whenever you get a boo-boo or ouchie, we tell you to shake it off and you shake your whole body
- You bear crawl a lot now - must be the gymnastics. It's quite humorous because you will walk across a whole room like that. You also are still a fan of walking on your tip toes.
- This is a tough age. No sugar coating it - we are definitely approaching the terrible twos. You have now discovered that swatting at things (including people!) helps you express yourself. I think a lot of times, you are trying to be funny or just playing, but sometimes it's during a tantrum. Hope we get past this phase quickly!! The good thing is, you get over things quickly and you rarely throw tantrums in public...fingers crossed it stays that way!
- You are a really good eater. There are still some days where you eat like a bird, but overall, we cannot complain with how well you eat. You love eggs now - we will make you your own little omelets, but you usually just want my egg. You also really like yogurt right now.
- We can also bribe, I mean, ask you to eat more of something by telling you that you can have something else if you eat it (i.e., if you eat 2 more bites of peas, you can have a cookie! You then typically eat about 10 more bites and we are golden!).
- You are also getting really good at using your utensils. You still want me to put the food on the fork/spoon sometimes, but overall, you do a really good job steadying your hand enough to get the food directly into your mouth (which is a big deal when it comes to yogurt or a spoonful of peas!).
- You really like ketchup...a lot. You dip everything in it...grapes, carrots, strawberries...yuck.
- You have quite the arm! Your throwing has gotten so good! You can throw one handed and can even palm a ball now! You can shoot a basketball pretty well now too. You seem to be a righty when it comes to throwing.
- You like to yell when you are around your cousins! You are just plain noisy sometimes! But, it's cute!
- You got to go out to the farm with Daddy and PaPa. You got to ride in the semi - maybe next year we can try the combine!
- You got on a kick where you wanted to wear other people's shoes. It was quite funny watching you try to walk with Daddy's big old shoes!
- I know I said this last month, but you tend to hoard things when you sleep. You always have to have your blue and pink owl and then some random, odd stuff always makes its way into your bed - plastic dishes, water bottles, nutcrackers, books, etc.
- Mommy's car wouldn't start one morning and you helped Ray "fix" it. So, for weeks you would say, "mommy's car bwoken, fix it" every single time we got in my car.
- Your favorite books right now seem to be: I Love You Through and Through, The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist (Thanks Jane!), and all of the Little People books. You really like Silly Monkeys too and you recite it with me!
- I have to say it again because you just love to sing and dance. We sing in the car a lot and you just groove to any type of music. I absolutely love it. Chris Brown's Don't Wake Me Up is one of our faves to sing in the car:
- And, here you are busting a move:
- You love your swim lessons and are getting so good at floating and jumping off the side! Daddy and you seem to have a blast!
- I finally got to go to the zoo with you. Gma Debbie, Ray and I all went. Your excitement is just so entertaining and inspiring. I wish that everyone could be that excited about the little things in life!!
And, now for the vocab. Your Uncle Jeremy said it best on Halloween - he said that you expand your vocab by about 10 words per minute. I swear this is true. And, you pretty much put everything into sentences now.
- You can now count to 10 and sometimes even go to 20! But, you almost always skip 6 and 16. Not sure what you have against 6s, but apparently they do not exist in your world right now! It's so fun to watch you point and count things though - it's pretty impressive. We are working on the Spanish numbers for next month!
- You like to sing Twinkle Twinkle a lot now - thanks to swimming and Kindermusik since it is a song we sing in both activities! You will just randomly sing it and it's so freaking cute - especially when you start singing it to random people in Target as we walk by them!
- Heh-whoa = hello. This is ah-dor-able.
- Peh-whoa = pillow. You LOVE to sleep with your little pillow and always make sure it's in your bed at night and nap time. Hearing you say hello and pillow is seriously adorable.
- Macawoni = you really enjoy Velveeta Shells and cheese!
- Itchy - you have learned that the tags on shirts itch your neck. Or if your nose itches, you always say, "nose is itchy". You also always say "nose is running" when you have a runny nose or if I blow my nose, you always say, "mommy's nose running"!
- Egg - you can say this perfectly and typically ask for it every morning.
- Cee-weal = cereal. You are also a huge fan of Honey Nut Cheerios. We have started giving you your own little bowls of cereal and you do really well with it!
- Everything is "now"! Not necessarily in a bossy manner, but you hear us ask you if you want dinner now or water now or whatever now, so that's what you say when you ask for something! "A pug (plug) now." "Cookie now." "Dora now."
- This is hilarious, but whenever we drive past Hooters, you always yell "Owl" and get really excited and then proceed to "whooo whooo" for a few minutes.
- Toytle = turtle.
- Toykey = turkey. And, you love to eat turkey now!
- You have been saying thank you forever now, but now you say "tank you" and then immediately say "you're welcome". So cute. You are just well mannered I guess!
- You finally call Mickey Mouse by his real name now and can say it perfectly. You occasionally call him hotdog still, which I personally adore.
- If someone sneezes, you always say "Achoo (whoever)". Then "bess you".
- Ahh-beh = olive. Yes, I have no idea, but you call them "ahh-behs". You just giggle when I try to get you to say olive correctly and you say "ahhhlll" and then stick your tongue out, which I think is the "live" part of it. And, you just love eating Daddy's olives at dinner.
- Ray taught you to talk like a frog and your favorite is to say "milkshake" in a frog voice. You two are hilarious!
- I got you to start saying, "that's what I'm talking about". Sounds more like, "tata talkeeen babout", but still cute nonetheless.
- Eee you lllllater = see you later. And, watching your tongue is hilarious.
- Whenever you call someone, you say "hiiii (whoever) and then "how're you?". So precious! Hearing your little voice on the other end of the phone makes my heart smile!
- Fall down - you like to fall down on purpose a lot and then always narrate by telling us you "fall down".
- You say "too" a lot and it's really quite cute. "Mommy sit here too" as you pat the couch or ground where you want me to sit!
- Hebby = heavy. This might be one of my new favorites. When you see my hand weights or try to pick up something heavy, you always say, "whoa hebby" and then make this funny face. Overall, your "Vs" come out as "Bs" right now!
I know there are a ton more words, but I can't possibly write them all. You honestly are stringing words together all of the time and continue to repeat things and remember things remarkably well.
I will end this month's post by saying that this age is definitely tough, but your sweet little face, your adorable and hilarious mannerisms, and the fact that you are such a sweetheart completely erase those tough moments from my mind. When I feel your little hands around my neck or hear your little voice, all is forgotten!
20 Month Pictures!
Working on our Pike, Straddle, Tuck from the Jump Spot! |
You can't catch me! |
Standard monthly picture of the hair! |
Hmmm, are we done yet?! |
More from the past month:
Cousins playing on Jeremy's bday! Madison looks terrified! |
Cousins being silly on Jeremy's bday! |
Welcome to the Boys' Club!
Dancing with Daddy! Dancing so hard, he's a blur! |
Wearing Daddy's shoes! |
Flirting at the Mall.
Grandma and her boys!
Playing with Baby Madison! |
Riding in a buggy, baby mine, baby mine (Kindermusik fun!). |
Helping my Dad "fix" my "bwoken" car. |
You stole Ray and Gma Debbie's voting stickers! |
And, then you dressed me up in Christmas stickers one night! |
The ever entertaining sleeping pictures. You love your "bue owl", apparently like to sleep with a water bottle,
and you love your peh-whoa and Cookie Monster too! |
I just thought this was cute.
Some fun at the zoo!
Fun with the goats! |
So much to see! |
Looking closely at the Meerkats! Probably one of my favorite pictures of him from the zoo! |
Love. Love. Love. |
Taking a break from watching the Illini to play with Daddy! |
Being silly with Daddy! |
What better way to watch the Illini than in a box?! |
Cute little Illini! |
Oh you know, just lounging in my Superman mittens. And, then trying to fly like Superman. |
This kid has it made in the shade at Gma Debbie and Ray's.
Just relaxing, watching some Dora! |
So cute!
Enjoying one of our last nice Fall days. |
Attending his (and our) first Roller Derby! |
Watching "Go Eggo Go" on the Leap Pad. |
Posing with PaPa. |
Driving the Semi! |
The Cousins Band! |
King of the Pouty Lip!! He has it mastered...and makes it really hard to say no to anything! |
Such a big boy! |
Jameson has a new favorite that we read a lot - Baby Angels. And, it makes my heart smile. |
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