Tuesday, February 28, 2012

O Hail the Drama King

Well, we have officially entered the Toddler Tantrum phase. Holy cow.  I mean, we are talking full on kicking and screaming tantrums. There is even some banging of the head against the floor action. I thought it was WAY too early for this, but after consulting with my fellow March Mommy friends, apparently it is completely normal (fun!). It's just amazing to see it because Jameson has been such a great baby and is so much fun when he is happy. But, when he doesn't get his way or we do something he doesn't like, it is game over. Darin and I have a hard time not laughing sometimes - something I know we are going to have to manage, as that will just add fuel to the fire. I have tried the whole distraction thing and it works maybe 50% of the time. But, we usually just let the tantrum run its course and happy Bean eventually comes back to us. I remember a friend telling me that if I wanted to have children close in age to make sure I got pregnant before Jameson hit about 11 months because this phase will quickly change my tune...I totally understand now and will be passing on this advice to others :).

He is doing albuterol nebulizer treatments, so I would like to blame the moodiness solely on that. However, deep down, I know that my child has fallen prey to the terrible toddler phase. I feel slightly duped since it's typically called the Terrible Twos and I will be the first to admit that I am not prepared for this. In my head, I always thought there is no way my sweet little bean would turn into a tantrum throwing toddler. Oops. But, I obviously love the child with all of my heart, so I just have to take a step back and remember that this is just a phase and it too shall pass. As well as remind myself that I cannot be embarassed by his behavior, as this is actually a developmental stage and is not a reflection of my parenting skills (right now anyway!). And, like I told him this morning...he is lucky he is so darn cute!

I am sure taking a picture helped the situation :).

Monday, February 20, 2012

To My Sweet Boy

I do not have much to say other than I love you, Jameson, with all of my heart and soul. Each day, I don't think it is possible to love you more than I already do and each day I get proved wrong. The time is going so fast and I wish I could just freeze it for awhile. However, then I look at how fun it has been watching you grow and change and I cannot wait to see the kind of person you become. You are such a blessing and are so much fun to be around. Everyone adores you and your sweet smile is simply amazing...you honestly brighten the room.

I was sad when you hit 1 month because that first month went so fast...and then you smiled at me for the first time. You hit 6 months and I was in tears thinking you were halfway to being one year old...and then you laughed and started giving hugs and kisses. You hit 9 months and I thought wow, please stop...and then you said Mama with a smile. I got teary creating your 1st birthday party invitation...and then you took your first steps toward me. So, even though my eyes fill with tears as I think about how we are less than 2 weeks away from the big 1, I quickly remember how amazing these last almost 12 months have been. I look at you now and when I smile, you smile. When I hug you, you reach your arms around me and squeeze or pat my back. When I walk into your room in the morning, you smile at me with the biggest smile and make these squeals and it turns my heart to mush. I guess if time has to keep going so fast, at least God makes it so you go through these milestones at the right times. It makes it easier to get excited about what is to come and not dwell on how fast it is all going. It makes me smile picturing you as a toddler running around and then as a kid playing baseball in the summer and then as an adult with your own children! But...for now, I will live in the moment and enjoy every second I have with you. Breathe in every moment and enjoy watching you become you.

I love you sweet boy. More than words.

Stole this from a friend. It is an amazing quote and something I need to remember with each breath.

No words needed.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy day of love to my lil Valentine! I have to admit - he may have stolen the spot of #1 Valentine. But, I guess my Dad, Darin and Jameson can maybe all share it?! Unfortunately, I am going to be out of town for Jameson's 1st Valentine's Day...my first overnight trip for work since he was born. It will be my third night away from him and I am still having some major anxiety! It's funny to think a year ago, Darin and I were planning a vacation for the end of March 2012 and now I can't even go one night without freaking out! Needless to say, that trip has been put on hold for a bit longer. I guess it will come with time, but for now, he is stuck with me! Good thing I got extra snuggles yesterday and last night...those should tide me over until Wednesday evening. And, he is in good hands with Gma Debbie and Ray...I am sure they will spoil him plenty.

Happy Valentine's Day, Bean!!

Valentine's Day craft...not so easy with an almost 1 year old. But, as Darin pointed out, it does look like a heart...a real human heart!

Close up.

Cutie pa-tootie.

And, photo shoot is over!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

11 Months!!

T minus 29 days until the big O-N-E (gulp)!! Another great month in the books. Jameson has grown leaps and bounds in just a short period of time. He is really starting to understand things and communicate better. It's simply amazing watching him learn!

Here we go!
  • As of this morning, you weigh 23lbs. 11oz. and are ~30 inches. You are a squirmy, squirmy little boy, so it's always fun to get these stats.
  • You walked!!! You took your first real step (at least the first one we witnessed) and then not even a week later, you were walking toward things. You get so proud of yourself too (probably because I usually squeal with joy!).
  • You said a bunch of new words: uh oh, up, ball, hot (more like "hah", but you said it after I said the water was hot), ouch (more like "ow", but still good!), quiet Hoyt (OK, Gma Kim said it was more like "Aye Oy", but you said it right after she said it!), you say Boo to Gma Debbie and Ray all of the time, and you say hi when I say hi almost every time. Also, when I said I love you just the other day, I swear you said love you (again, more like "uhh oooh", but I am going with it!). And, you just like to talk in general - you have a lot of stories to tell us all and I love it!
  • You found your shadow in the beginning of January and it is adorable watching you bat at it.
  • You clap all of the time, especially when you are proud of yourself or when you hear music.
  • You got another ear infection, but showed absolutely no signs - no fever, no fussing, sleeping and eating like a champ, and happy as can be. You have had a pretty nasty cough for quite some time, but nothing seems to stop you!
  • Your top left lateral incisor is coming through and it looks like it hurts! I give you so much credit for being such a tough guy through it all. You get a little moody here and there, but I don't blame you in the least bit! I think the rest of those top teeth will follow shortly after.
  • You tried (kind of) lots of new foods: scrambled and boiled egg yoke, steamed peas, kiwi, my homemade chicken and noodles, spaghetti, cheerios and chicken taco stew. My chicken & noodles were about the only thing you devoured...everything else pretty much ended up on the floor or in Hoyt's mouth. I did discover that you LOVE cinnamon sugar pancakes, but that's probably not the smartest thing to give you, so we will eat those sparingly! And, you got your first taste of Dairy Queen ice cream when we were celebrating Lauren. You loved it, just like your Mommy and Daddy! But, we will hold off on that too until your big birthday!!
  • You drink from a sippy cup like a champ, but still like your bottles. We are going to try to wean you off the bottle by 1 year...so we don't have a lot of time! You are also still nursing and neither one of us seems to want to stop anytime soon (who would've thought?!).
  • I think you really understand what we are saying a lot of the time. When I stepped in for Dad to give you a bath the other night, you stood up and I told you to sit and when you didn't, I said "OK, guess it's time to get out" and you sat back down with a big old smile on your face! We proceeded to play this game for like 20 more minutes :). 
  • You definitely know who Elmo and Ernie are now. And, you get SUPER excited when you see Mickey Mouse on the TV.
  • You really like to read your books...I typically can't even get through 2 pages before you want to take the book and "read" it yourself. You also help me pick out which ones you want to read at night.  
  • You learned to shake your head back and forth as if saying no! I don't know if you really know that you are saying no, but it's pretty stinking cute!
  • You are still pretty connected to your Mommy...which I certainly don't mind! This also goes for both of your Gmas! Sometimes you want to go to them instead of me! But, that is wonderful and you are so lucky to have so many people who love you. But, you might want to share the love with your Daddy and Ray more often...I think they get a little sad when you always pick the girls! 
  • You have been doing it for a few months, but when someone picks you up and hugs you, you pat our backs or shoulders. It is so awesome!
  • You are an awesome sleeper still...and for that, we are so thankful!! And, Ray has the magic touch when it comes to naps...he can get you to sleep in seconds!
  • You saw your first snow! We didn't go out and play because it melted before we got a chance, but you admired it from inside!
  • You had your first adventure to IKEA and Buy Buy Baby with me, Gma D and Ray. You loved it...really.
  • You had quite a few play dates with your pals Jonah and Reagan - it's fun watching you all change and grow!
  • You went to Rowan's 4th birthday party at the children's museum and had fun!
  • I LOVE YOU!!!! That is all :).

"You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey."
Scrunch face!

Come play with me Hoyt!

First big snowfall!

Cheerios didn't go over so well....
Neither did spaghetti!!

But, cinnamon sugar pancakes were a hit...

And, so was Dairy Queen ice cream!
Reminiscent of the very first picture we took of him with his bear at just a few days old - screaming in both!
And, he's off
Baby jail!
Taking a break to read a book!
Handsome in his bow tie!

Having fun with Gma D and Ray!
Jameson and Jonah being all cute and stuff :).

Jameson flirting with Reagan.
My boys at Rowan's birthday party!
Aww, cousin love!
Cousin bath time!
And, of course we have to end with a Mom/Bean sleeping picture!