Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Oh my poor, poor baby. What a weekend/week we have had thus far. Bear with me here because we are going to go on a little journey of Jameson's ailments.

  • Friday around 9:30 AM - Jameson and I were having some bonding time on my day off of work. He had just eaten a whole container of pears with cereal. Drank water from his new sippy cup and then had some milk. He fussed at the end of the feeding, so I put his plug in and started rocking him. He looked up at me, spit the plug out and then proceeded to projectile vomit, exoricist style, all over me. And yes, I took a picture because I was amazed at how much came out of such a little belly. After he was done, he was laughing, smiling and talking up a storm, so I thought he just ate too much.
  • Saturday morning - we went grocery shopping and he wanted to be held the whole time. I noticed he was warm and he fell asleep the second I put him back in his carseat, which was only an hour after his last nap. Went home and took his temperature and it was 101ish. Gave him some Tylenol and we cuddled. I ended up putting him down for another nap later and he slept for almost 3 hours. The on-call doc just said to keep an eye on it and if he wasn't exhibiting any other symptoms to just ride it out, unless it got worse. And, since he was laughing and smiling as I was talking to her, I figured we would wait.
  • Sunday morning around 1:00 AM - his temp spiked to 102.8. We called the 24 hour nurseline and they again said to just keep an eye on it and take it again in an hour or two. Luckily, it dropped to 100 and we thought he was on the mend.
  • Sunday morning around 5:00 AM - temp was below 100 degrees, so Darin and I decided to go to Indy for the Colts game/Scott's birthday celebration as planned. I honestly cried a million times because I really wanted to go, but felt bad leaving him. But, he was in good hands with Grandma and Grandpa Weber.
  • Sunday evening - temp back up to almost 102. Still his happy little self through all of this though, but we put him to bed early, knowing I was taking him to the doc first thing Monday morning.
  • Monday at 8:00AM on the dot - took him to the doctor's office. Temp was still 102, his throat was red and it had started to move into both ears. The doc put him on amoxicillin and told us to keep up the Tylenol and fluids. We napped for a bit the rest of the morning and then Grandma Debbie came over to take care of him in the afternoon. Still happy Jameson when awake!
  • Monday night sometime between 8-11PM - his fever broke, yay! Thought it was a good thing, but he woke up at 2:45 and screamed off and on until about 6:15. I have never felt so helpless in my entire life. Lo and behold, we noticed a top tooth popping through on top of all of this.
  • Tuesday - I took the day off and we cuddled and napped all day. He played and chatted like crazy when awake, but I could tell he was in pain. I tried to keep up the fluids and stay on top of the pain meds. 
  • Tuesday around 6:00PM - I noticed that he was starting to get more and more red bumps around his hairline. I didn't want to jump to the hives conclusion even though I was certainly paranoid since I am allergic to penicillin. Sure enough though, within a 10 minute period, the hives exploded. So, off to Prompt Care the three of us went. 
  • Tuesday around 7:00PM - Barney Stinson or Doogie Howser, whichever you prefer, was the doctor who finally saw us. He took one look and confirmed that Jameson was in fact having an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin. We got a new prescription and some benadryl to help with the allergy symptoms. 
  • Tuesday around 8:30PM - Got him home, fed him and we pumped him full of the various meds. Gave lots of hugs and kisses and the little one slept like a champ. 
  • Wednesday morning - JR woke up and when I went in to feed him, he looked up at me and said Mama over and over with a big old smile on his face. I felt like smiling and crying all at once. Never again will I let him go that long with a fever, even if medically advised to do so. My heart breaks thinking that I let him sit in pain for that long, even though he was showing zero signs of an earache/sore throat.  I know that this is one of those "learning" moments and I am sure I will have many along the way. This will not be the last time I do something where I want to kick myself later, but that is how I will learn to be a better parent. And, Jameson is still happy and finally feeling better, so that is all that matters.  
Now in picture form:
Yikes. The result of Friday's projectile incident.
*Sorry for the graphic nature of the photo.

On the way out to Gma and Gpa Webers on Sunday morning.

Poor sicky baby at the doctor for the first time on Monday morning.

Playing with Mommy on Tuesday. Still so happy...and cute!

Have to keep those fluids coming!

Nap time on Mom. Love these moments.

First sign of hives.

Back to the doctor to get those hives looked at! Jameson, the Destroyer, tore up the paper within seconds.

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