Ahhh, we are now on the downward slope to being 1 year old! Yikes!
Here are some fun things about me from the last month:
- I weigh 21 lbs and am about 28 inches long (I was really squirmy when Mom and Dad tried to measure my length!).
- I finally cut my first tooth. And second. It was a long teething process and I had a lot of uncomfortable moments, but now I have some pretty pearly whites and am a happy camper! Hope the next ones are less painful...for all of us!
- I started saying syllables that sound like actual words. Mama was the first (Mom was super happy about that), Gagagaga was second, and then I said Dada! However, Mom and Dad swear I said cookie one night, so I think they are going to claim that as my first word!
- I got to go to the zoo with Grandma Debbie and Braden. I think I liked looking at the scenery and people more than the animals, but I had fun!
- I started Kindermusik! I have so much fun and am so glad Mommy signed us up. Kristy and my buddy Jonah and Christina and Carter also go, so it's fun to see them every week too.
- I finally got to try some other foods. We started with sweet potatoes, then carrots, then squash. I loved them all! I still get most of my nourishment from Mommy, but I am loving being able to eat big kid foods! I also started using a sippy cup. I mostly chew on it, but it's still a step in the right direction!
- We took another road trip up to Chicago to meet Baby Cliff. My Mom and his Mom, Megan, joked about how we are going to be college roommates just like they were!
- I had croup for the first and hopefully only time. It was pretty miserable - it hurt to cough and it made it hard to sleep at night. But, I was still my usually happy self most of the time. The cough has been lingering for a few weeks, but I feel much better.
- I can stand on my own if I am leaning against something. I can also pull myself up with little help. I think I may just skip the whole crawling business and go straight to walking.
- I went to my first Illini tailgate! It was so much fun!
- I had my first and second sleepover at Grandma Debbie and Ray's house! Mommy and Daddy stayed the first time because they just couldn't quite leave me! But, then I got to stay all by myself when Mommy and Daddy caught the stomach flu.
- I got to hog Grandma Kim all to myself a few different days, which was fun! I just love being spoiled by my grandparents!
- Not to toot my own horn, but I am pretty smart. Someone can show me something and most of the time I can do it right after them. And, I definitely know who to look at when Mommy and Daddy say, "there's your puppy!". Duh, I know Hoyt is my puppy!
- Mom forgot to mention a long time ago that I like to play with my ears when I am sleepy. It is my form of self-soothing and it's really adorable. She just wanted to make sure to get that in writing!
- I LOVE to be hugged and held. I wouldn't say I am clingy, but I certainly like to be hugged, kissed and loved. But, I know everyone who loves me has NO problem with obliging :).
Obviously, Jameson had quite a busy month of growing and developing. We love seeing it happen before our eyes and I am just holding my breath until he starts really talking and becoming mobile. Until then, I am going to enjoy my cuddly little boy who still enjoys sitting on my lap and snuggling!
"A baby has a special way of adding joy in every single day." ~ Author Unknown
My 1st tooth!
Look at me standing!
What's up?!
Homecoming Tailgate! |
I love my cousins! |
All tuckered out after the Worldwide Day of Play party. |
Mmm, I love sweet potatoes!
More please!
Too many cute pictures from our photo session this morning, so I made a collage! Can't believe how small that bear is! |
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