A couple of weekends ago, we had the pleasure of going through Jameson's bazillion outfits and "retiring" (coined by Darin) ones that do not fit anymore. Now, most people would find this task daunting and tedious. I, on the other hand, had to have a box of Kleenex next to me, along with multiple breaks where I left the room to compose myself (didn't want Darin to think I was too crazy). The task ultimately ended with me taking Jameson out of his exesaucer and leaving the room with him in tow, while Darin folded and packed up 4 boxes chock full of stuff.
Some people would say that these outfits are just some cloth and thread sewed together with dorky animals and/or nerdy sayings on them. But to me, they symbolize so much more. I feel like I'm boxing up memories from the first 6 months of your sweet little life. It's like when you hear a song or smell a certain smell...it instantly triggers a certain memory. So, when I look at that blue striped PJ outfit that says I Love Hugs or the one that says Mommy's Rockstar with neon guitars, I get ambushed with memories of our time together before I went back to work. Our morning chats in bed...OK, more like my high pitched responses to your nonsensical babbles and squeals. You falling asleep in my arms for hours, making the sweetest little squeaking noises. The many times where I didn't want to put you down to eat lunch or even go to the bathroom because I knew those precious moments of snuggling would not last forever. The days when your grandma, grandpa or Aunt would come over to check on us because everything was so new and scary. The days when I thought taking you on an errand all by myself was such a big accomplishment. So many memories just from one little outfit.
So, no one can judge or make fun of me for getting a bit emotional when we have to "retire" your clothes. Because to me, I am not just putting a piece of clothing in a box. I am boxing up irreplaceable memories that I will forever cherish.
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