Friday, July 15, 2011

4 Month Sleep Regression? Growth Spurt? Teething? Sooo tired!!

Good thing I documented that whole sleeping well thing a few weeks ago because someone has recently decided that sleeping is for the birds!! This started about 3 weeks ago and it's really starting to wear on me! It heightened the day of his shots...he slept on and off all night until I finally pulled him into bed and let him sleep on me. He finally slept for 3 straight hours like that. The next night, he slept for two hours, up, two hours, up, an hour and a half, up, 45 min, up, an hour, up, etc. until I finally let him sleep with me again and he then slept for 2.5 straight hours. Saturday was much better - he slept for 4.5 hours straight and then another 4 straight. We then decided to put him to bed earlier, which helped because Monday-Wednesday, we did really well - going anywhere from 4 to 5.5 hours. So, I thought we were turning the corner...but then last night, we were lucky to get 3 hours out of him in one stretch. The good thing is once I have fed and changed him, I can lay him back down and he falls right back asleep. The problem is it is like he cannot get into a deep sleep and he fusses in his sleep sometimes throughout the night, so I am getting very little sleep in between the feedings.

 I read this blog the other day, which kind of shed some light on the matter (, but I just want my sleepy little boy back!! I know my sister would probably punch me in the face for being like this since her child still doesn't sleep so well at night, but Jameson really spoiled us with being able to not only put himself to sleep, but then sleep for 6-8 hours at a time!!  I feel bad for even getting a little flustered just because I know the poor thing has no idea that this isn't normal. He is trying to figure out things just like we are! I know this will pass (hopefully), but I just wish I could figure out what the deal is - I am sure he is one tired cookie too!  Is it a growth spurt or is that little brain of his just constantly on the go...wonder what cognitive processes he is working through at the moment...hope he figures it out soon :). In the mean time, I guess I will just cherish those middle of the night cuddles - I always say that I wish I had more time with him...guess my wish has been granted!!  
Sleepy Bean, where'd you go?! 

Um, I think he may be outgrowing his bassinet! Time for the crib I guess :(.

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