He's here! He's here! And, man is he perfect! Of course every mother thinks that of her child, and I am certainly no exception. We had to be at the hospital at 5:15 AM on Friday, March 4. They took me to get prepped for surgery at about 7:20. Made the first incision at 7:36 and Baby Jameson came into this world at 7:38. I cannot even begin to describe how I felt when we were waiting to see him for the first time. I was already in tears just thinking about seeing him! He didn't really cry much right when he was pulled out...he let out four little squeals that sounded more like a bird than a baby! Dr. Santiago then brought him around to Darin and me and I instantly fell in love. Tears were flowing and I honestly thought he was so beautiful. The best part was the very first pic we got of him...he came out with his fists up and resembled the mascot for the Fighting Irish!!
I couldn't hold him because I was still on the operating table, so Darin was the first one to give him some love! The nurses then took Darin to go weigh and measure Jameson while they finished my surgery. Jameson was an even 8 pounds and 21 inches long. Sounds a little on the big side, but he is actually really long and skinny! About 45 minutes later, I was wheeled into our room, where I was greeted by a whole cheering section consisting of my parents, sister, and Darin's sister and brother. And, of course my precious new son! The first thing they all said was that he was super hungry because he had been smacking his lips since the minute they brought him in the room. So, once I got hooked up to the bajillion machines and got situated, we attempted to feed. Let's just say our little boy was a champ! No issues whatsoever.
After he was done eating, all I wanted to do was hold him and stare at him. Take in every little feature...his tiny fingers, his long toes, his perfect little nose, his precious lips, chubby cheeks, and that full head of hair! The more I stared, I realized that he was basically Darin's mini-me. He has my lips, but that's about all I can see right now! Oh and he squeaks...quite possibly the cutest noise I have ever heard (along with Hoyt's puppy sighs!) (video of it:
http://youtu.be/234rqfVl4EI). But, the most incredible thing was staring at him knowing that just a few hours before, he was in my tummy! And now he is in my arms squeaking and it is just so surreal. Oh and for those who maybe did not believe me when I talked about how much he moved in my tummy....just hold him and you will see!
Bean, I love you more than I ever thought was possible and that love was instant. I am so glad you are safe and healthy and you are more perfect and precious than I could have ever imagined!!
First family shot! |
All ready to go home and start this awesome adventure! |
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