My baby boy is getting so big! In all seriousness, I cannot believe he is already three weeks old. The time is going crazy fast and I am trying to savor every little moment...even the ones when he is sceaming at 3 AM :). Actually, Jameson is a very good baby...we are very blessed.
The first few days/nights home were a bit scary, but we are so lucky because my family and Darin's family have been so amazing and helpful. We have had meals cooked for us, laundry done, house cleaned, etc. by our fabulous families! And they all love to come over and cuddle with him so we can take a nap...or shower! Aunt Lindsay is so great and goes into work early so she can come over after work and stay all afternoon with him so I can have some "me" time! My wonderful parents actually stayed at our house until about 11 PM the first night so we could get some sleep!
The first few days/nights home were a bit scary, but we are so lucky because my family and Darin's family have been so amazing and helpful. We have had meals cooked for us, laundry done, house cleaned, etc. by our fabulous families! And they all love to come over and cuddle with him so we can take a nap...or shower! Aunt Lindsay is so great and goes into work early so she can come over after work and stay all afternoon with him so I can have some "me" time! My wonderful parents actually stayed at our house until about 11 PM the first night so we could get some sleep!
Jameson actually did so well the first night. He slept for over 3 hours for one stretch. Second night was not quite as good, but he still slept pretty well. Third night, I decided to take up residence in the recliner in his nursery. See, he is a good sleeper, but the problem is he doesn't really like to sleep in his bassinet or anywhere but in someone's arms! Don't get me wrong, I could cuddle with my little bean all day and night, but I don't want him to get in this routine for the rest of his life! Darin and I just continue to start him in his bassinet for the night and when he starts to get restless, I usually take him in the nursery and we sleep for a solid 3-4 hours at a time. The last two nights, he slept for over two hours in the bassinet, so we are making progress!!
I am honestly so in love with him that it doesn't matter how overwhelming this can all be at times. The little faces and noises he makes when he sleeps, the precious moments when he holds onto my hands tightly, and when he looks at me with his beautiful eyes. All of these moments completely make any of the difficult moments seem like nothing!
I am honestly so in love with him that it doesn't matter how overwhelming this can all be at times. The little faces and noises he makes when he sleeps, the precious moments when he holds onto my hands tightly, and when he looks at me with his beautiful eyes. All of these moments completely make any of the difficult moments seem like nothing!
Ahh, this is the life! |