Happy 4th Birthday, sweet J Man!!!!
Today we celebrate you. Your entrance
into this world. A day that changed my life forever. Since the second I knew you existed, I loved
you with every ounce of my being. That love has continued to grow as the years
have passed. I am having a hard time digesting that it was 4 years ago when I first
met you. When you first looked into my eyes almost immediately after you entered
the world. When you snuggled onto my chest for the first time and made those amazing
baby noises. When I smelled your sweet baby scent. When your ten tiny fingers
and ten tiny toes became the most fascinating thing I had ever seen. When my
heart felt things I never even knew existed. When I was your sole form of nourishment.
When all you knew was the love and comfort of my arms. When my life became so much
You came into this world with your fists up and I now know that
was a good indication of the spirited personality you would develop. You are an
emotional and strong-willed child. These traits mixed with a great deal of stubbornness
have made this past year a tad bit difficult! But, you are also one of the sweetest,
kindest, most loving boys I have ever met. You have a heart of gold. You love
your family and life so much – it is endearing and infectious. You are always giving
hugs and kisses. You tell people you love them at any opportunity. You can make friends with ANYONE!! You
constantly tell me I look beautiful or that you love something about me (my
outfit, my hair, my makeup, etc.!).
You love with your whole heart and I am thankful for that. All of these are characteristics I wish for you as you grow
older. My goal has always been to raise a kind, generous, hard-working, fun-loving
boy. And, then to guide him to being the very same kind of young man and then
adult. I see it happening and pray that it continues as you grow.
This past year was full of amazing (and exhausting!)
memories. You made me laugh until I cried, held my hand and my heart, continued
to let me sing “the sunshine song” and snuggle with you in your bed as you fell
asleep, learned the importance of loving and taking care of your sister and
reminded me that life is for living and loving. To find joy in the small things. I also witnessed some of the
most unbelievable meltdowns and tantrums I have ever seen! You definitely
became quite expressive and vocal about your feelings and opinions. You are a
negotiator and a stubborn little being! But, that is what makes you special. That’s
what makes you my Jameson. And, I know this is what will help make you a
strong, independent and gracious man as you grow.
You are extraordinary. You are inquisitive. You are so
intelligent. You are kind. You are sweet. You are compassionate. You are hilarious. You are handsome.
You are simply amazing. My heart melts when I watch you do the things you love
or do something new, when you hug and kiss your sister, smile and say hello to a
stranger, talk about your school friends, tell me stories before bed or tell me you love me to the moon and back.
It is my honor to be your mom. I am thankful each and every day that
you are my son.
Mommy (or Mother as you were calling me last night since apparently that's what big kids do!)
You may be growing up, but you will always be my baby boy! |
Coolest kid, ever! |
Love you. |
Best big brother, ever! |
Cutie pie! |
Such a good helper! You love to help Kyle sweep after a hair cut! |
You are my favorite Target shopping buddy...and, you love being there! |
I hope you smile this big throughout your whole life!! |
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Handsome boy. |
You love giving kisses! |
My precious, precious babies! |
You and Daddy are two peas in a pod. |
I still see traces of Baby J from this angle. |
Pure joy. |
You two are just the best. |
She loves you so much. |
Definitely a sweet little baby face when you sleep. |
Perfection. |