I am so very behind on my blog posts for you and Gwendolyn. I kept making the excuse that when you look back on these in the years to come, you will never know that I was behind. But, I am taking it upon myself to admit my blog negligence (ahh, that feels better already!). I am so behind because I am so busy with you and your sister. And, a full time job coupled with a newer side job. I just have zero time to spend on these blogs. I hate that. I loved doing the monthly posts, updates on exciting things, etc. I loved spending hours shuffling through pictures and videos and organizing them for each blog post. I loved sharing everything about how wonderful you are. I loved documenting everything so that I will never forget these moments.
But, life got in the way. And, I am OK with that. But, if I never do another post (which I will!), I want to get this in writing today while I am thinking about it. You, Jameson Reed, are one special little boy. You have a heart of gold and it is contagious. We have had a rough few months with the "threenager" phase, but even in the midst of this lovely phase, I just cannot get enough of you. It is not possible to put into words what you mean to me. I tell you that I love you a handful of times each day. I give you numerous hugs and kisses per day. I take a bazillion pictures and videos of you in an effort to memorialize every minute because you are simply amazing. BUT, even with all of that, it does not fully convey my love and gratitude for you. Until you are a parent yourself (in many, many years!), you will never understand the love of which I am speaking. It is an overwhelming, all consuming, incredible love. It is the kind of love that honestly almost hurts because it is just so powerful. It is simply amazing.
It is crazy how one tiny little human can completely change a person. The second I knew you existed, my world changed. My priorities changed. My friendships changed. All of which was necessary to make sure you were brought into a world where you felt like you were number one. Where you felt safe, secure and most importantly, loved. I liked my life before you. I had a great life. But, I love my life, now. And, that is because you are in it. I honestly sometimes question how my world turned before you. I know it did, but I feel like you have been a part of me forever. I often look at you and wonder how in the world I had a part in creating something so perfect.
You are funny, so very funny. You make me laugh constantly. We have a blast together and you keep me young. And, you are so smart. It just amazes me how smart you are. Watching your imagination at work is one of my favorite things in the whole world. The things you remember are incredible - you have a mind like a steel trap! The sentences you say are so impressive, sometimes I forget that you are only 3. We definitely have our moments, but you are such a sweetheart and you make my heart whole. Multiple times a day, you tell me, "I love you Mommy" and give me a kiss and a hug. Those moments are what I live for. Those are the moments that make every day so much better. The moments that I will hang onto forever. I love you so much. So very much.
Love being silly with you! |
Ice cream treat after a haircut! |
Cutie pie. |
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My baby bear! |
It's rare that you fall asleep on me anymore...so, I was enjoying every minute. |