I am in TOTAL denial that this is the last monthly post before your third birthday. I think I must be doing my math wrong or something. Holy cow, how is it possible that you are almost 3??? I mean you have been acting older than you are since you were about 2 minutes old, but I am still not prepared to say that I have a 3 year old. Excuse me while I cry.
OK, I am better. Onto the fun stuff.
- You are so extremely active, so you really haven't gained much weight over the past few months! You are hanging out around 36-37 pounds and are right around 40 inches tall. Clothes sizes are the same as last month.
- You are very independent. You are good at getting yourself dressed and undressed and if we are downstairs and you need something upstairs, you'll run and go get it. You bring your stool if you need something up high!
- Aunt Lindsay started watching you and Gwendolyn 2 days a week and you just love it!! You have so much fun with her and are actually quite upset when you wake up from your nap and she isn't there and it's me instead...I try not to take that personally :).
- Our night time routine used to be so fun! We would do the shadow bed thing, look at the letters and the pictures and then we would sing the "sunshine song". Once I tucked you in, you would say, "I don't want anymore kisses" and I would proceed to kiss you like crazy. You just giggled and it was one of the best sounds in the whole world!!!
- However, towards the end of January, your amazing sleeping habits suddenly went south. We don't know exactly what happened, but one night, you seemed very scared of something and ever since then, getting you to sleep has been a bit tough. For a few weeks, one of us had to stay in there with you for quite awhile (Daddy even spent one night on the floor!). And, if we thought you are asleep and tried to leave, you would scream and cry when we left. We explain over and over that there is no reason to be scared and sometimes we even go walk around the house to show you there are no "mean guys". It is getting better, but we have to leave your door open, which means you can burst into our room bright and early in the morning now!! But, as long as you aren't scared, I am OK with that.
- Overall, the last few weeks have also been extremely difficult. Most people told me that 3 is harder than 2 and I didn't want to believe that. But, I am thinking they may be right! I am hoping it's just cabin fever and the change in routine that is making you a bit mopey and angry. But, we have said on numerous occasions how we feel like we have a teenager already! You get this little attitude with us and you also get mad/sad so easily! I feel so awful because I don't know how to stop it from happening or how to make you happy quickly. Sometimes, you just go off by yourself until you feel better and are ready to play. I really hope it's a phase that passes quickly because I feel so bad about it. And, it's a bit stressful for all of us!
- That's not to say that you are unhappy all of the time. You are still such a sweetheart when you want to be! You will just walk up to me and hug and kiss me and tell me you love me so much (and you do this with everyone else too). It is such a wonderful feeling! And, you just adore your sister!! You are so unbelievably sweet with her.
- And, you can just tell how much she loves you. She truly lights up when she sees you and just locks into you.
- You also think it's funny to mimic her noises!
- You still love to have colored eggs for breakfast. Most days though, it's a Gogurt, hang bar, bacon and/or toast for breakfast with some OJ and milk!
- You eat sooooo slowly! I used to eat like a snail when I was little, too. But, some nights it takes an hour from start to finish. You just lose focus quite easily - you like to talk to Gwendolyn or play with your drinks or whatever...there are many things that distract you!!
- Gma Kim got you to eat salad awhile ago and now you love eating it...but only the crunchy pieces or if it's from Monical's and is covered in cheese! She also introduced you to Craisins and you love them!!
- You love to read Goodnight Gorilla...but only with Gma Debbie! You also say the lady in the book looks like Gma.
- You went to the "food movie" (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2) with Daddy in the beginning of November when Gwendolyn and I had a baby shower to go to...I forgot to put that in a previous post. You and Daddy had a great time!
- We also went to Frozen and you were a complete hit with all of the adults at the theater. You were being your adorable self and everyone thought you were too cute for words! And, then we also went to see the "Squirrel" movie (Nut Job) with the Hahns. We always have so much fun at the movies! You love to get toys out of the machines too - Ninjas (or Minjas as you call them!) are your favorites right now. You even wanted to get Gwendolyn a pink Minja!
- You are really into watching the Toy Story movies. You also love Little Mermaid, but you always say, "Mommy, that's your favorite, so we'll watch that one!" You are so sweet :). We also pretend sometimes that you are the Guppy and I am Ariel...you think it's pretty funny when I call you Guppy! The other night Daddy was even Sebastian!
- You also still love Monsters U and will do the Gorilla pose every now and then and it is WAY TOO CUTE! So funny and you are very good at it!
- You are learning to wink and are pretty good at it!
- You like to take care of your stuffed animals like babies sometimes. It's super adorable.
- When you stay at Gma Debbie and Ray's, before nap time, Ray will tell you stories. There are about 3-4 stories that he usually tells and you always seem to pick the rat story where you run at the end!
- And when you wake up, you like to yell, "Ray, Grandma, GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Lol!
- You love playing with knights and castles now.
- You are also obsessed with Superheroes right now...which made picking a birthday party theme very easy!!
- You fell asleep in your car seat for the first time in ages on the way home from Gma and Ray's!!
- You have a grasp of "a" and "an" before letters. It's pretty impressive!
- You call Gma and Ray's lower basement the M&M basement, haha.
- You are always so entertaining! I wish I could record you 24 hours a day!! You were hilarious on the day of the Superbowl!
- Speaking of football, you loved getting all excited and cheering on the Colts with me!!
- You are starting to talk about your dreams. One morning you told me you dreamed about Pete from Mickey Mouse!
- When you are playing with your toys, you will talk about things that happen in your own life. For example, the other day, you were talking about the horse's boss and how the mommy and daddy horses had to go to work and how that made the baby horse sad for a minute, but then he was fine!
- You also change your voices for different animals/characters - super cute and creative!
- Speaking of creative, we had some more awesome Kindermusik "hellos"
- Crawl like a caterpillar
- Move like an octopus
- Dance party
- Hop like a kangaroo
- We set up your easel in your closet, so we draw and color a lot more now. You are still a bit of a scribbler instead of actually drawing anything, but you are very good with colors! You are also working on cutting.
- You and Daddy started using the rock polisher you got for Christmas from Gma Kim. We didn't realize it was almost a month long process, but you did such a good job with waiting it out. And, you and Daddy talked about how you are going to make me a necklace and earrings and bracelet with your rocks when they are polished!
- You learned the Hokey Pokey at school and watching you sing/do it might be the cutest thing ever.
- When we go to the grocery store, you like to pick out a "head" - the juices that have character heads! I think we own every single one that exists! But, it's fun to let you pick out heads for your meals...and sometimes you like to play with them in the bath tub (don't worry, they get washed thoroughly before using again!).
- You also are just so fun at the grocery store. You get so excited about things! And, people just love watching you! I always get the "oh he's so cute" or "oh, what a fun age" comments from people!
- You got a Valentine from a fellow Marchie (Ali) and you told us you love her and want to marry her. You carried around her picture for the whole morning!
- We went to a cheerleading competition to help cheer on Lea's girls and you just loved every minute! You loved talking to the cheerleaders and you loved dancing while they performed - so cute!
- We didn't read a lot of books this past month because of the whole bed time thing, but you and Daddy read a few some nights while I was feeding Gwendolyn. The Sandra Boynton ones were a hit again!
- You are still a huge Phineas and Ferb fan! We think you have a crush on Isabella! And, apparently my favorite character is Baljeet (according to you) and Daddy's is Buford! You like to watch some of the videos from the show on Daddy's phone...especially Izzy's got the Frizzies (http://youtu.be/MV0imDALBHI)!
Vocab funnies - these are in random order and are not written very clearly, but hey, it's at least in writing!!
- "Amn't it" - you say this sometimes instead of "isn't it." "That's amazing, amn't it?" It's so funny because after you say it, you get this look like you know it doesn't sound right!
- Speaking of "that's amazing," you say this a lot about things! It's so cute. (I may have already written that in a post before, but it's worth mentioning again!)
- "She kissed my boo boo. She's the best." - Gwendolyn may have more so slobbered on your face, but you considered it a sweet gesture of her kissing your boo boo, so who am I to correct you?!
- When Ray came to pick you up for school one day, your Gma Kim was sitting on the steps with Gwendolyn on her lap and you were standing next to them with your hat and coat on. You rushed up and gave Ray a hug then went back up on the steps and said : "this is grandma and this is my sister Gwendolynee and I'm Ray's best buddy." You melted Ray into a puddle :).
- You also told Ray that you scooped Hoyt's poop off the sidewalk just for him, lol!
- You took the Cooties game from Gma and Ray's house and one night when we were playing it, you took off all the legs and told me "he's a caterpillar now, Mommy!" Clever child.
- When you were still going over to Gma and Ray's during the week, you got on a little kick of playing with all the dolls. One day, you held up one of the babies and said, "this is the Ray baby because it doesn't have any hair!" Haha! Ray asked you where his hair went and you told him it went to Jonah's house. Lol.
- One night when you were eating an apple, you broke it and this conversation happened: "oh no, I broke his home. He's lonely out here now...I guess my tummy will be the new home. Whew, that's better."
- You also told Cora when you were sharing apples that they were "lovely apples." So funny!
- Jameson: "I can't use the force to get you out of jail, Mommy!!"
Mommy: "Oh no, what are we going to do?"
Jameson: "Hold on, I have an idea. Super Ming Ming and super frog can save you. Oh, and super dog." (as you grab all of your animals to save me out of jail, which was your recliner!)
- "Hold on a minute!" or "I'll be back in a minute!" are two common phrases that you say a lot right now!
- Sometimes when you know you say something incorrectly or say something when you mean something else, you will shake your head right away and say "I mean" and then say the right thing. It's so cute to watch you figure out stuff!
- "Mommy, I got some fresh water for the storm troopers." That was nice, buddy, lol!
- "Oh mommy, you're just messing with me!" - you told me this one day when I accidentally put the wrong hat on the wrong figurine!
- "Stop teasing me" - Gma Debbie taught you to say this to Ray since we all know Ray loves to tease (lovingly of course!). You will say this to all of us now!
- "I love spending the day with you mommy. And with Gwendolyn, too!" Awwww....
- "Here mommy, you can have my hat!" - one day when I came to pick you up from school, it was really cold and I said how I was so silly for forgetting my hat and you told me I could have yours...sweetness!!
- "My straw is like a doughnut!" as you giggle! I had no clue what you meant, but when I looked over, you had made your straw into a circle...just like a doughnut!
- "I'm done sister." - telling Gwendolyn you were all done holding her.
- "Hey wait a minute, it smells like hamburger!" - you are getting a very keen sense of smell!
- "Oh that smells good!" - as you take a huge sniff! As I just mentioned, you love to figure out what we are making for meals based on the smell!
- "Not the real daddy at home. Not the people daddy. Just the daddy song." - you said this in response to me asking if you wanted to have a dance party and listen to the song Daddy likes. I can't remember exactly how I phrased it, but you felt like you needed to explain to me that it wasn't really Daddy, it was just his song! So adorable!
- "Minjas" - yeah, I already mentioned that up above, but it's so cute.
- "Just in Time!" - it's so cute when you tell us you "got there just in time" or "did it just in time".
- "You dare not!" - you hear us tell you "you better not" maybe a few times here and there and this is your interpretation! You were talking to yourself about not throwing your toys over over the banister and said, "I dare not throw them." It made me smile even though you were trying to be very serious.
- "I need to run errands!" - as you take the shopping cart around the house. All that grocery store shopping has made you a pro!
- "Mommy you're cute!" - you will throw this out every now and then. Just when you make me go coo coo bananas, you reel me back in :).
- "Daddy joked us!" - as you laugh uncontrollably. Daddy was being silly with us!
- "I'm freezing, Mommy, because of the ice." Yeah, this weather has been NO fun.
- "I don't want to play that game anymore. It's not fun." - OK, good enough explanation.
- "A big plenty of milk." - you needed a big glass of milk, so this is how you requested it.
- "VITamins" - Daddy sometimes pronounces Gwendolyn's vitamins as VITamins (rhymes with BIT) and now you say that...hilarious! Except Daddy will tell us he has only said that like one time!
- "Unpause" - you think when we pause a show/movie that it's "unpausing" it instead of pausing it. We always tell you that unpausing is when we press play, but it's still unpause in your book. "I have to go pee pee, can you unpause the movie?" Too cute.
- "Oopsie Daisy" - you have started saying this sometimes. So funny!
- "A long time ago" - I may have included this in a previous post too, so I apologize. But, it's really cute when you say this to describe something that happened awhile ago (and sometimes something that happened like two nights ago!).
- My little sweetheart - one day you told me that I was your "person." I know you have no idea really what that means, but it sure melted my heart!! I hope in the back of your heart, I will always be your person!
I love you, my dear. Even though you are a little nut sometimes, I love you with every breath I take. To the moon and back. Infinity and beyond.
You just love helping me get Gwendolyn changed or dressed! |
So sweet. |
Watching some Bubble Guppies. |
Holding onto Ali <3. |
Orange breakfast! Orange eggs, orange slices, orange juice and...um orange pepper?? |
My plug babies! |
Playing with your new Monster bath toys! |
Haha, you wanted to be a little baby! |
Just a little too big. |
One of my all time favorite pictures!!! |
Heading into the theater to see Frozen! |
You loved it and clapped at the end! |
Squirrel movie with Braden! |
Being goofy at breakfast! |
All my loves! |
Giving the dinosaurs a bath! |
Grocery store adventures! |
Being silly shopping with Daddy! |
Finally a WARM day - got to play outside with Gma and Ray for a bit! |
Where's Jameson?! |
A boy and his Ming Mng. |
Hugs! |
Kisses! |
I just think he looks so grown up here! |
Snuggling in the morning while I got ready for work - love their bed heads! |
Out to dinner at Beningo's! |
It's a shame these two don't get along! |
Kisses!! |
Chowing down on some pizza! |
Lazy day in the basement! We have had a lot of these with the nasty weather! |
Being silly |
Watching the cheerleaders at a competition! |
Giving the ladies a thumbs up! |
These two don't even know what they do for me <3! |
Pile up on Daddy!!! |
Sending pictures while Mommy is at work! |
Sibling hugs! |
Silly monkeys! |
And, now we are giving the Pez Dispensers a bath. |
Future Heisman Trophy winner?! So awesome! |
Drawing in the closet! |
"Mommy, I want to hold her all by myself!" |
Delirium has set in this winter.... |
Hey brother! |
Hey sister! |
Resting with Daddy! Could they look more like twins here?! |
Daddy and his babies! |
Sending Mommy pics of |
Mommy is such a good sport :). |
So is Aunt Lindsay! |
Just taking a rest, no big deal. |
Got to take a bath in the big bath tub finally! |
Cutting! |
Being silly while watching Little Mermaid. |
Breakfast talk. |
I am going to get you, Brother! |
LOL! |
Timberrrrrrrrrr! |
Too funny! |
My baby love! Always and forever. |